
13 Pins
Paper Organization {Series}: Take Control Of Your Paper Piles
One of a series of articles on decluttering paper: 4 questions to ask when decluttering paper
2019 Decluttering Challenge. Clear the clutter from your home with this free challenge. #declutteringchallenge #declutter #happysimplemom
Minimalism for Normal People - Happy Simple Mom
Minimalism for normal people is a version of minimalism for people that need less rules, color on the walls, and just can't do crazy clean with kids living with them! #minimalismwithkids #minimalism #happysimplemom
Minimalism for Beginners
Minimalism for Beginners | renatasegal
10 things to try for the Christian minimalist. Tips to minimize. Save time. Create systems. Minimaliam challenge. 30 day challenge / stuff / purge / simple / clean eating / mom life / motherhood / christian motherhood / simple living / parenting / homemaking / spring cleaning / toddler / minimalist living / the minimalists / how to be a minimalist / what is minimalism
How to Live a Minimalist Lifestyle: Your Guide to Minimalism
How to Live Minimally – Simple Tips for the Uncommitted Minimalist
The College Student’s Guide to Decluttering and Storing Stuff Over Summer
The College Student’s Guide to Decluttering and Storing Stuff Over Summer When you’re a college student, moving home for the summer can be a major relief from the pressures of school. But a temporary move can also present logistical challenges when it comes to organizing and storing your belongings, especially if you attend school across the country.
8 Questions to Ask Yourself to Help You Declutter
Ask yourself these questions and get rid of your items based on your answers. And when we say dispose of your clutter, we mean either sell it, donate it, recycle it, give it away to friends and family, or throw it away.