"Dining for all Seasons"

"A Table for All Seasons" 1. Start with a basic glass cake plate with a base. 2. Decide on your colors that could blend from one season to the next with minimal changes: white, reds & pinks, browns, floral greens. 3. Purchase Potpourri sets for your seasons and store in plastic bags to reuse later. 4. Look through your china cabinet for unique bowls that are just collecting dust, or check out antique or thrift stores for that rare find. Be sure your container can sit on top of the upside down cake plate (usually it looks best when it reveals part of plate). 5. Begin to fill your bowl with items that reflect your theme: colored, white,silver or gold ornaments; or possibly shells or smooth stones or crystals. 6. Fill the bowl above the realm and possibly use glass or artificial grapes to cascade out of bowl. 7. Arrange on the cake plate that is still exposed the potpourri in your themes color. 8. Finally, set the whole arrangement on a mirror or a larger plate of crystal or china. 9. Then decorate your table with your favorite dishes and keep it ready for instant entertaining with just a quick washing of dinnerware. 10. Change up the contents with the seasons or the occasion.
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A spot of tea and tulips warm a cold winter's day.