Delicious Spinach and Feta Pastries for a Flavorful Treat
Credit: _cookwithmi Tiktok❤️. Indulge in these mouthwatering spinach and feta pastries that are perfect for any occasion. With a flaky pastry crust and a savory filling, they are sure to satisfy your cravings. Ingredients: Puff pastry sheets Spinach leaves Feta cheese Onion Garlic Olive oil Salt and pepper Egg wash (optional) #spinachandfetapastries #savorybakedgoods #pastrylover #vegetarianrecipes #easyappetizers
FROZEN WHIPPED COFFEE ☕️ freezing your whipped coffee it’s a game changer!😮💨 RECIPE (5-6 servings, 10min prep time): -4 Tbsp instant coffee -4 Tbsp hot water -4 Tbsp sugar or maple syrup Whip until stiff peaks. Freeze overnight. Serve on ice with plant milk. 🎥@fitgreenmind #easyrecipes #easyveganrecipes #icedcoffee #whippedcoffee
COFFEE PANACOTTA - Eggless, ONLY 5 Ingredients, No Gelatin, No Agar-Agar ‼️🎥 by
#christmasfood #christmascookies #dessert #foodies #UK #usa #america #snacks #food #foodie #foodporn #snack #yummy #foodphotography #instafood #snacktime #foodstagram #foodblogger #delicious #homemade #healthyfood #foodlover #americanfood #foodies #orange #breakfast #unitedstates #orange🍊 #breadbaking #usa🇺🇸 #breadmaking #usa #pudding #streetfood #breakfastideas #chocolate #cake #hungryplanet #cooking #hungry #foodreview #foodshow #foodmenu #USAfood #foodUSA #america #foodlover
Homemade Cheese Danish’s
Super quick. Super easy. 1 roll of puff pastry will make 6 danishes. So simply double this recipe for 12. 1/2 block of cream cheese 1/4 cup of sugar About 1tsp of vanilla And a pinch of salt * disclaimer, I NEVER measure so just do what feels right 😉 Mix your ingredients Brush the egg wash on your puff pastry Scoop your cream cheese mixture to the center of the ‘danish’ Bake in the oven at 400° for 15 minutes. Enjoy! #home #cooking #cheesedanish #lasvegas
Быстрый сбалансированный завтрак 🍳 \n\nСостав:\n🍅Лаваш\n
Быстрый сбалансированный завтрак 🍳 \n\nСостав:\n🍅Лаваш\n🍅Яйцо: 3-4 шт.\n🍅Шпинат\n🍅Моцарелла\n🍅Черри\n🍅Сыр брынза\n🍅Соль, перец\nПриготовление:\n🍳В жаропрочную посуду смазанную маслом выложить лаваш в 2 слоя, а в него шпинат, моцареллу, черри, сыр брынзу, яйца и соль с перцем.\n🍳Запекаем 15-20 минут при 180 градусах.\nПриятного аппетита😋\n\nБыстрый Картофельный Пирог 🥧 \n🥧Картофель: 4-5 шт.\n🥧Оливковое масло\n🥧Соль, перец\n🥧Моцарелла: 100 г.\n🥧Томаты черри: 8-9 шт.\n🥧Красный лук \n🥧Шпинат\n🥧Яйцо: 3 шт.\n🥧Сыр сливочный (творожный): 2 ст.л.\n🥧Сливочное масло: 30 г.\n🥧Чеснок сухой: 1\/2 ч.л\n🥧Соль, перец\n🥧Молоко: 50 мл.\n🥧Пармезан (при подаче)\n🔪Приготовление:\n🥔Картофель смазать маслом и запечь в духовке 40 минут при 200 градусах (с конвекцией).
Effortless Food Recipes: Simplify Your Meal Planning
Indulge in a culinary adventure with our diverse selection of food recipe ideas! From easy and delicious dinner options to healthy and wholesome meals, our collection has something for every palate and occasion. Whether you're planning a family dinner or hosting a special gathering, our recipes are designed to delight and inspire. Say goodbye to bland meals and hello to flavor-packed dishes that will leave everyone asking for seconds. Explore our food recipes today and elevate your cooking game