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What Is An Argumentative Text? How to Teach It in 3rd Grade
What Is An Argumentative Text? How to Teach It in 3rd Grade
How to Teach Argument Writing Step-By-Step - ELA Buffet
In need of a step-by-step process for teaching argument writing to middle school students? From setting a purpose to writing the counterclaim, this is exactly how I teach argumentative writing to my 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
Free Argumentative Text Passage for 3rd Grade - Cultivating Critical Readers
Free Argumentative Text Passage for 3rd Grade - Cultivating Critical Readers
Why teach character analysis?
Character analysis, or identifying character traits, is an approachable way to get students used to the rigorous expectations for deep thinking about literature. Students must use text clues to make inferences, and they must also be able to support their answers with details from the plot.
5 Steps To Mastery: Retelling & Recounting Stories
Retelling & Recounting Stories. The focus of this teaching resource blog only found in the Literature domain. You will find resources about prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details. Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.
Teaching Major Events and Creature Reports… | Online lesson planner, Reading anchor charts, Lesson p
Summary, Paraphrase and Quotes
Using informational (non-fiction) text is a great way to teach students how to correctly summarize, paraphrase, and quote materials. This important skill is seen throughout the CCSS and is an important ability to have during state testing time! Check out how I teach my students to do these using anchor charts, interactive notebooks, task cards and hands-on lessons in upper elementary.
How to Teach Characters in Fiction Responding to a Challenge
Teaching students about characters in fiction stories can be really fun. There are so many creative ways to do this whether it be through readers theater, a deep character study or art. When looking at a character it is important to study how they respond to a challenge. This will help students with fiction comprehension AND just maybe help them respond to challenges they may face in their own life. Read this blog post for some teaching ideas and book recommendations for this skill!