Archivo: Radar speed gun internal works
Descripción: Inside a disassembled radar speed gun, used by police to measure the speed of cars. The copper-colored cone is the horn antenna which emits the beam of microwaves. The small grey unit mounted at its apex is a 24GHz Gunn diode oscillator which generates the microwaves. The GaAs Gunn diode is mounted inside a resonant waveguide cavity diecast from Mazak zinc aluminium alloy.
Título: Radar speed gun internal works
Créditos: Derivative of: Radar Gun Electronics.jpg Original image: Radar Gun Electronics: Detail Shot on Flickr.
Autor(a): Original work: Dennis van Zuijlekom from Ermelo, The Netherlands Derivative work: User:Chetvorno
Términos de Uso: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
Licencia: CC BY-SA 2.0
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