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NEW SARDINES-SEASON 1873. WE have just received our Stock of Phillipe and Canaud's celebrated brand large size tins Is. 4d. each. TAYLOR & COMPACT, Sole Agents for W. & A. GILBEY, 6, Castle Square, Wine and Spirit Importers and Distillers, London. SWUllSGfl MESSRS. PHILLIPS & CO. Are now shewing a most superb Stock of Spring Novelties Combining the three requisites, vizElegance, Durability, and CheaDness. in .&. I SILKS, VELVETS, SHAWLS, JACKETS, DRESSES. MILLINERY, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, STRAW HATS, I LACE & FANCY ftOODS. COSTUMES AND SKIRTS IN GREAT VARIETIES. FUNERALS FU,.RHISHED. FAMILY MOU RNINC. Millinery and Dressmaking Departments—Are under the manage- ment of competent and tasty forewomen. Ladies' Underlinen, Baby Linen, and Trimmings, at fully 20 per cent. less than is usually charged. AGENTS FOR DENT'S UNIVERSAL SHIRTs (6s. 6d. EACH, OR 6 FOR 36s.) AGENTS FOR H O "W" E'S MACHINES, "LONDON HOUSE," CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA, PIANOFORTES, AMERICAN ORGANS, AND IMPROVED MELODY HARMONIUMS, BY THE MOST EMINENT MANUFACTURERS. J • B R A D E R Begs to solicit an inspection of his present NEW STOCK, Selected personally with the greatest care, embracing all the most recent improvements, and which are now offered at greatly REDUCED PRICES, for CASH. SUPERIOR INSTRUMENTS FOR HIRE. ALSO ON THE THREE YEARS SYSTEM OF PURCHASE. The Largest Assortment of Music and Musical Instruments in Wales, suitable for this Season, also for Presents. 9, "WIND STREET, SWANSEA. UVE XT 3VC B Xj IE S THE MERMAID, FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR VISITORS. W. BAMPFYLDE, Proprietor. An Ordinary Daily at 2 o'clock. Good Stabling & Lock-up Coach House. THIRD CO-OPERATIVE BENEFIT BUILDING SOOIET-Y- -01,000 READY TO BE ADVANCED AT THE FIFTH SUBSCRIPTION MEETING TO BE HELD From 7 to 81 o'clock, on Monday Evening, Sept. 1st, 1873, AT THE OFFICE OF THE SOCIETY, CENTRAL CHAMBERS, GOAT STREET, SWANSEA, (Adjoining the British School Room.) SHARES £ 80. Subscription before borrowing, 8s; After Borrowing, 16s. per month. The full Amount Advanced without any Deductions. vn pp-RivrnjM. NO DISCOUNT. NO SOLICITOR'S CHARGES OR SURVEYOR'S FEES. TRUSTEES. Thomas Ford, Esq., Mayor of Swansea. T Livingston, Esq. M. Moxham, Esq. W. N. Johnson, Esq. Leo. D. Williams, Esq. John Jones Jenkins, Esq. T< Yorath, Esq. D. White Johns, Esq. DIRECTORS. ™ • Vr TVmip.l Jones. New Oxford Street. unauuiuu— *1" H W. Crowhurst, Orange-street Brewery Thomas White, builder Hafod, Tn« Andrew ironmonger, Oxford-street "HA. Chapman, photographer, High-street Philip Tucker, builder, Catherine street Henrv Hill, Oxford chambers G. Marquiss, house decorator, Oxford-street D. R. Stephen, timber merchant, Greenfield-street Charles J. Andrews, outfitter, Wind-street E. Davies, Cradock- street Daniel Phillips, Castle-street n. K. Morpan. builder. Walters -terrace Mr. T. Saunders, Temple-street B R. Harvey, merchant, Wind, street L. J. Powell, Grocer, Union-street W. Oldham, builder, J ones'-terrace W\ Govier, tailor and outfitter, Hafod house W. Westlake, Patent fuel works W. Perrott, draper, Oxford-street •• W. Perrott, draper, Oxford-street •• E. Rees, timber merchant, Greenfield-street c- filiildhall. J. Andrew, Oxford-street. SOLICITORS-Messrs. Essery (x SURVEYOR-Mr. T. Davies, 9, Page-street. BANKERs-The Swansea Bank (Limited). I, aA qwe^ naid to any of the Directors, or to Application for Shares may be made, and Enti-anc^Fees^^s., CHAS. V. CRABB, Central Chambers, Goat-street, Swansea. EVERY MODERN APPLIANCE. W ATKINS, STEAM PRINTER, AND ACCOUNT BOOK MAKER, 4, RUTLAND STREET, SWANSEA, (NEXT TO OYSTERMOUTH RAILWAY). lL W. has just purchased a NE W MA CHINE, same as Exhbiited at last Exhibition, specially adapted.for printing long numbers of Truck and other Cards I. M. MOSES AND SONS, CABINET-MAKERS & UPHOLSTERERS, 7, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA, TNVITE the attention of the Public to their EXTENSIVE SHOW-KOOMS, containing a LARGE and VARIED JL ASSORTMENT in the WARDROBES, in Maho- gany, Pitchpine, Birch, Polished Deal, &c.; elegant Duchesse Toilet Dressing Tables, and Marble Top Washstands; Bed-room Furniture en suite, hand- some Oval and Shaped Toilet Glasses, Chest Draw- ers, in various woods, &c. most modern style of BBDSTEADS, in Brass, Iron, Mahogany, Birch, &c. Spring, Hair, Wool, and other Mattresses. Bedding of every description of su- perior make and quality, &c. A large Stock of Iron- mongery for domestic pur- poses, &c. DINING-ROOM SUITES in leather and hair cover- ings, Sideboards with plate glass backs, Dining Tables with patent screws, in all sizes, Book-cases, Easy Chairs, Gilt Pier Glasses, Hall Furniture, &c., &c. DRAWINGROOM SUITES in Rep, Velvet, Damasks, &c. Carved Walnut Chef- fioneers plate-glss backs marble tops, Oval and Shaped Inlaid Tables, Sutherland do., Fancy do., Venetian Blinds made in any colour at 8d. per square foot, &c. r» T 7.7 P. „ Brussels, Tapestry, and Kidderminster Carpets, jfioorcioms, «* IN THE NEWEST DESIGNS. I [A CARD.] B. SANGUINETTI, T A- ILO 3rt, & c.. 57, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. ESTABLISHED 1824. SWANSEA ICE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1869. Importers of Norwegian Kohinoor Lake Ice. LARGE or small quantities sent any distance. ICE HOUSES, ST. HELEN'S, SWANSEA. Provincial Insurance Company. SOUTH WALES BRANCH OFFICE. THE DIRECTOBS of this COMPANY beg to announce that they have ESTABLISHED A BRANCH OFFICE, at No. 65. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, of which Mr. EVAN DAVIES has been appointed Resident Secretary. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Secretary to the Company. The Cambrian Concentrated Essence of Smoke, For giving the true Westphalian or Wood Smoke Flavour to all kinds of Meat, whether Hams, Tongues, Bacon' Beef, or Fish. IN addition to the Salt it essentially contributes to preserve the articles from decay, while it combines all the advantages of Dry Smoking, without the same liability to become rusty, or to lose in weight, as by the ordinary method. Sold wholesale and retail at The Cambrian office, Swansea at One Shilling and Sixpence per Jar. MESSRS. MASON & CO., STOCK AND SHARE DEALERS, 12, GREAT WINCHESTER STREET, LONDON, E.C. HOLDERS of MINING SHARES difficult of Sale in the Open Market may find PURCHASERS for same through Messrs. MASON and CO.'S AGENCY. Every description of Shares Bought and Sold at the best Market Price. Daily Price List on Application. Offices-Oxford Buildings, Swansea, and Bank Chambers, Newport. Mumbles Beneift Building Society. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY THE Directors of the above Society are prenared fr> ADVANCE MONEY upon the shortest notice in sums from £ 100 to £ 10,000. ice m For particulars apply to the Secretary, Mr. JAMES ORRIN, Post-office, Mumbles. October 8th, 1872. TEETH, FROM 5s. EACH. ESTABLISHED 1809. -0 M. & HM. JONES & SON, Surgeon Dentists, M.C.D.E. • 19, NORTHAMPTON PLACE, Swansea, invite public attention to their Patented System of Painless Dentistry, which entirely supersedes all others. Their Artificial Teeth, being indestructible, never change colour nor decay, and, by their wonderfully lifelike appearance, defy detection, and exactly restore the natural and youthful expression of face. Teeth, from 6s. Sets, from £15. Terms strictly moderate. Consultation Gratis. A Vacancy for an Articled Pupil. Periodical attendance at Carmarthen and Pembrokeshire For dates see Local Papers. One of the firm daily in attendance at NO. 19, NORTHAMPTON PLACE, SWANSEA. W. MILLS AND Co., WINE AND SPIRIT IMPORTERS, 9, Castle-street, Swansea. SHERRY. per dozen. 248., 30s., 36s., 428., 488. 188. CLARFT ?os-'30s-. 36s., 42s., 48s. OLiAREl 12s., 14s 18a 94a BRANDY (fine old Cognac) per gallon, 22s 28s GIN (bestLondon) „ io"' WHISKEY (Irish or Scotch) „ ifio fo„ GENEVA per dozen, 34s. EAST INDIA PALE ALE per d GUINESS'S EXTRA STOUT P aozen> «• CHELTENHAM ALE 9-Gallon Cask* in DUBLIN STOUT SKS' ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE 18 „ 6d- „ MILD „ ,,21, SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE CIDEK.p«,r doz. qrts., 6s. Every description of Wine and Spirit always in Stock William Deer, deceased. PURSUANT to the Statute 22nd and w j n. Cap. 35, intituled "An Act to Victoria, Law of Property and to relieve Trnntoo. >> 'r arnend the NOTICE is hereby given, that' all fe 1 Persons having any claims or demand tors and other the Estate of WILLIAM DEER iaf» #U,?on or against the parish of Cadoxton-juxta-Neath i ii? ^kewen, in Glamorgan, Contractor, who '"e County of November, 1872, are hereby required + 18th day of and addresses, and particulars of th • send- their names or demands, to me, the undersigned +1 r|fpective claims Administratrix of the Estate and Pff t So"citor for the on or before the 2nd day 0f Spr>fi v of the deceased, expiration of which time the said Ari •' 1873- at the proceed to distribute the assets of th t^n\lnistratrix will the parties entitled thereto, having deceased among debts, claims, and demands of w)i^i1reAarc* °nly to the tratrix shall then have had notice A j Sa^ Adminis- ministratrix will not be liable for the A Sftid Ad- to any person of whose debt, claim nf-!? 80 distributed not then have had notice. aemand she shall Dated this 29th day of July, 1873. .rr^°«LEs- JAMES' PRIZE recommends itself. DAL STARCH AMES' PRIZE MetTTF—— Pure in colour and STARCH perfectly soluble. JAMES' FRENCH recommends itself. The well L BLUB ^*noTftrn original make. A R E S FRENCH STT; beware of WLL BLUB ^inferior qualities. JAMES' EXTRA QUALlTY^=r recommends itself. FRENCH BLUE — Give it a trial. JAMES' EXTRA QUALITY~ JAMES' PRIZE MEDAL 7^7^ recommends itself. DOME LEAD -— Use HO other. JAMES' PRIZE MEDAL Dr. Anderson's TrueS^^T Have been for move than a century, and itm faithfully prepared at the Original i contmue to bt & Co's Medicines, No. 10, Bow ChZZeh^UseJor THEY are singularly efficacious in Bin '^ondon- and Dropsical Complaints and nil -v Flatulent, Head, Stomach, and Bowels, promote rr°r5er8 of the an Appetite, remove Obstructions in th tr^0n' creata consequently are antidotes to the Stonee?8' and •. • Ask particularly for D.c, 4^o' "f Pills," and to prevent Counterfeits '/iHfierso^' Scots words "DICEY & Co." are engraved SSe £ that the Sold by W. SUTTOH 4 10, Bow Church Yard, London, at Is iIj SUTTOW), by all the principal Booksellers, DrumHoto P<"I £ r0I,> Vendors. usgists, and Medicine Of whom may also be had CARPENTER'S SPECIFIC for th. COUGH. Price Is. lid. the bottle HOOPING CARPENTER'S EMBROCATION V rfu, u u rubbed in over the Pit of the Stom^ j Ke Is. 9d. the bottle. and Chest), MARSHALL'S HEAL-ALL, a Specific for r< *■ i>„ v Wounds Bniisps fro T« 1^^4-41 Cuts. FTOSJI vvounas, cruises, &c. In Bottles at Is. lid., and Nitrate of Soda," IN quantities to suit Buyers' Requirements. Apply to HENKY BATH & Sou, Swansea. WILLIAM QUICK, DEALER IN Gentlemen, Ladies, and Children's LEFT-OFF WEARING APPAREL No. 60, LOWER OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. Tuning and Renovating Pianofortes. JOHN BISHOP'S 30th Visit to Swansea will be on or about the 20th inst. Persons desirous of having their Pianofortes attended to by the Year (Quarterly) will please to send their name and address to the HUDSON- HOTEL, St. Mary-street, when every attention will be paid to their desire. 2, Camden Crescent, Bath. < Best House Coals 21s. per ton. T H. WYATT & Co. beg most respectfully to in- o form the Public that they are now prepared to deliver fiieir BEST (NEWPORT) RED ASH COAL in any part of the Town at the above price. The Coal being from their own Colliery they are thus enabled to sell at the above VERY Low PUICE, while they can with every confidence guarantee that the quality is equal to any House Coal sold in South Wales. Please note the address:— 3, Mount Street, Swansea. RICHARD MUGFORD, Bright, Black, and Lock-smith, 19, GREENFIELD-STREET, SWANSEA. ALL Orders executed on the shortest Notice, and with the best Materials. N.B.-The best price given for Second-hand Grates, Old Wrought and Cast Iron. To Executors, Administrators, &c. H. WATKINS (late Stamp Office), HAVING had some 12 years' experience in the prepa- ration of Accounts for the purposes of Adminis- tration and Probate, and in filling up the necessary Forms for the Payment of Legacy and Succession Duties, is prepared to undertake the same upon reasonable terms. Valuations made of Real and Personal Property. Offices 4, Rutland-street, Swansea, Next door to the Oystermouth Railway Station. The South Wales Continuous Building Society. ANEW SOCIETY on the permanent principles.—No Sale of Shares.—No Premiums.—No Ballot.—No AnnualExpenses. Parties may join at any time and may obtain immediate Advances for any definite period, from five to fifteen years. Pay Nights—Thursday, Sept. 4th, at the Unitarian Chapel Vestry, at Seven o'clock, and on the 1st Thursday in every month at the same hour. Members enrolled daily from 6 to 8 o'clock in the evening. Apply to the Seretary, T. J. BUSE, 29, Page- street, Swansea. Mercantile Bank of the River Plate (Limited), (Late Commercial Bank of the River Plate (Limited). Office Hours, 10 to 4; Saturdays, 10 to 2. BRANCHES: Buenos Ayres. Monte Video. DRAFTS on Buenos Ayres and Monte Video granted. Bills, Coupons, &c., payable in the River Plate Republics Purchased or Collected. Letters of Credit Hiii I Circular X-Totes for use of Travellers issued. The Purchase arid Sale of South American and other Securi- ties, and generally all Banking Ageneies in business connected with the River Plate undertaken. Money received on Deposit for Six Months and upwards. CH. RAPHAEL, Manager. WHY DO BLACK SILKS WEAR SO BADLY Is a question there is often too good reason for asking and in order to remove the occasion for this frequent complaint, JOLLY & SON, SIBK MERCERS, BATH, have entered into arrangements with eminent Lyons and Spitalfields Manufacturers to produce for them several qualities and makes of BLACK SILKS, any of which may be purchased with the certainty that it will wear well; for these goods Jolly & Son hold themselves respon. sible, and each Dress will be stamped with a distinct guarantee. Paterns post free. REGULAR LINE OF PACKETS FROM jjjSj&fa&g Swansea to Valparaiso, Coquimbo, and Caldera. THE undersigned intend despatching first-class Ships at Monthly intervals for the above-named Ports. Next departure— A Vessel at an early date. For full particulars of rates of Freight and Passage apply .to HENRY BATH & SON, Swansea, and Gresham House, London, E.C. WEST OF ENGLAND FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established at Exeter, 1807. CAPITAL, £ 600,000. TRUSTEES: Right Hon. Earl of Devon. I Right Hon. Earl of Morley. Right Hon. Earl Fortescue. | Sir T. D. Acland, Bart., M.P Sir J. T. B. Duckworth, Bart. LOAN DEPARTMENT. Loans of not less than £100 granted for a limited number of years at five per cent. per annum-repayable by instalments—upon approved Personal Security, in conjunction with Life Policies. CHARLES LEWIS, Secretary and Actuary* A Fortune for a. Trifle, JE25,000 for JBl. FULL PARTICULARS of this most advantageous momey speculation, guaranteed by Government, will be sent Free on application, enclosing a stamped directed envelope to JOHN FOSTER, Esq., 8, Craig's'Court, Charing Cross, London, S.W, Second Equitable Permanent Benefit Building Society. Established in Bridgwater in the Year 1852. Shares £ 50 each. Quarterly payment ior an Investing Share 12s. lid. for a Borrowed Share jEl 5s. lOd. THE following summary will best prove the successful character of the Society's operations :— Number of Shares issued from its commencement 8,480 Realised, redeemed, and withdrawn 5,194 Shares in force held by 530 Members 3,286 A,iiranres made to Borrowing Members 329,400 £ 252? Mortgages fully paid off on realised Shares and redeemed before attaining maturity.. 215,645 Amoumt of Existing Mortgages £ 113,755 Profits realised since commencement 38,581 f# «v,ich sums the Borrowing Members have been allowed on realised Shares 19,594 And the Investing Members have been of profit remaining to the credit of existing Members to January, 1873 12,869 Bv the system adopted in this Society, combined with eat economy in management, the shares of Members jmve hitherto attained maturity in periods varying from 12i t# i2f years whilst in most other Societies with a higher scale of payment, 14 years are required to realise ^Theraies'of payment for advances, and the terms of redemption when mortgages are paid off before attaining maturity, are particularly advantageous to Borrowing Members and will be found te bear favourable compa- rison^rith any existing Society.. Prospectuses, and every Information, may be obtained of Mr. E. LILLY, the Secretary, at the Head Office, The Mart Bridgwater; or of the Agents for the Swansea District, Messrs,, BEYNON & HUGHES, Accountants, &c., Castle Chambers, Swansea. Advances to any amount are ready to be made without inconveniencing parties by delay. BRISTOL MUSICAL FESTIVAL IN AID OF THE LOCAL CHARITIES. FOUR MORNING AND THREE EVENING PERFORMANCES, AT COLSTON HALL, Oa TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, October 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, 1873. CREATION ELIJAH HYMN OF PRAISE <?F2 MESSIAH I. STABAT MATER. And iur. JMctarren s New Oratorio, ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. Miscellaneous Concert each Eveuing, with Symphony. Principal Vocalists already engaged :— Madame LEMMENS-SHERRINGTON and Madame OTTO ALVSLEBEN, Madame PATEY and Miss ENRIQUEZ, Mr. SIMS REEVES. Mr. VERNON RIGBY, Mr. EDWARD LLOYD, And Mr. LEWIS THOMAS, Mr. SAXTLEY. o "her Engagements are pending and will be duly announced. Conductor—Mr. CHARLES HALLE. CHORUS OF 300 VOICES. Mr. CHARLES HALLE'S FULL BAND OF EIGHTY-FOUR PERFORMERS, WILLIS'-a GREAT ORGAN -Mr. G. RISELEY. CHARLES PRICE, Hon Sec.. Bristol. Cardiff Proprietary School Company (Limited) Capital 26,000, in 300 Shares of jMO each, Of which upwards of £ 3,000 has already been subscribed. COUNCIL. The Very Rev. T. Williams, Dean of Llandaff. Lieut.-Col. J. F. D. C. Stuart, M.P., London. R. O. Jones, Esq., Fonmon C istle. Major T. Picton 1'urberville, Ewenny Abbey. W. Alexander, Esq., Cardiff. J. Cory, Esq., Cardiff. C. W. David, Ksq., Cardiff. J. P. Ingledew, Esq., Cardiff Rev. D. Howell, Cardiff. W. Taylor, Esq,, M.D., Cardiff. E. J. Wait, Esq., Cardiff. R. W. Griffith, Esq., Solicitor to the Company. John Morgan, Esq., Secretary. THE rapid growth of the town of Cardiff and its JL suburbs during the last 20 years has rendered the establishment of a School for imparting tirst-class educa- tion an urgent necessity. Unlike most towns, it possesses no old foundation available for the puipose, and the want can only be met by private enterprise. To supply the need, a Company has been formed and registered under the provisions of the Limited Liability Acts. The capital will be JE6,000, consisting of 300 shares of X20 each. Upwards of half this amount has already been subscribed. Pupils will be admitted to the School upon the nomi- nation of shareholders, each share conferring the privi- lege of one nomination. The Head Master will be a graduate of Oxford or Camoridge, and he will have such a stipend as will ensure the services of a scholar of acknowledged reputation. The entire management of the undertaking will be vested in the Council, three of whom will retire annually by rotation with the right to offer themselves for re- election. As soon as the necessary arrangements can be made, suitable school premises will be erected, and, from in- quiries made regarding other institutions, it is believed that the capital named wil amply provide all the accom- modation that will be required. An appropriate site, centrally situate within the limits of the borough of Cardiff, will be selected f^rthe erection. For the benefit of parents not resident in Cardiff, it is proposed to give to the Head Master and others the right to take boarders at their own houses. Pending the erection of the building, efforts will be made to obtain temporary premises, so that pupils may be received at the commencement of the Autumn Term. Every effort will be made to found scholarships for the benefit of the pupils. The increased appreciation of the value of education generally, and the great success of kindred establishments in all parts of the country, as well as the very flattering reception already accorded to this project, afford the best guarantee for its success. Shares and all information may be obtained on applica- tion to the Secretary, 45, Parade, Tredegarville, Cardiff. PROVINCIAL INSURANCE OOIPANY WREXHAM AND LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1852. CAPITAL, £200,000. THE LIFE ASSURANCE FUND At 31st December, 1862, was j351,298 Do. do. 1867, ,,£116,:3û4 Do. do 1872, „ £ 177,302 FIRE INSURANCES Effected at moderate rates of premium. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD .— THOMAS BARNES, ESQ., Of the Quinta, Salop, and Farnworth, Lancashire. ROBERT WILLIAMS, SECRETARY. Applications for Agencies are invited to the Setaecrry. ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. PULVERMACHER'S PATENT GALVANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, BAT- \jr TERIES, RECENTLY IMPROVED. Approved by the Academy of Medicine at Paris and other Medical authorities in England and abroad. This Self-Applicable Physical Curative, unlike noxious drugs, is perfectly harmless and of an efficacy vastly superior to all other external remedies. Owing to the physiological, physical, and chemical effects of the Electricity they gently and permanently impart into the system, these Appliances exercise an internal action, promoting the digestion, circulation, and nutrition, thereby assisting Nature in her efforts to restore the normal balance of health and vigour in a de- bilitated constitution; hence the remarkable cures thev dailv effect in cases of Rheumatism Lumbago Sciatica Neuralgia Gout Head and Tooth ache Indigestion Liver Complaint Paralysis Nervous Deafness Epilepsy General and Local Debility Functional Disor- ders. &c.. &c. After all other remedies have failed, and thus populari- sing Electricity in accordance with the authentic enco- miums in the Medical and Scientific Press. Recent improvements in these appliances by the Inventor render their self-application extremely com- fortable and effective, and thus remediate former incon- veniences. ACADBMIE DE MEDICINE, PARIS.—Extract of an official Report at a meeting, April I, 1851. The Voltaic Chains of Mr. Pulvermacher are really a most wonderful apparatus." The Committee beg to propose to the Academy to address their thanks to Mr. Pulvermacher for his most interesting communication. Adopted.—Bulletin de I'Academie, Tome xvi. No. 13." SUCCESSIVE IMPROVEMENTS have led to the following testimonials by the elite of the Medical Profession in the metropolis—Such as Sir C. Locock, M.D., Bart Sir J. R. MartiD, Bart., C.B.F.,R.C.S.,F.S.A., and F.R.S., &c., &c., &c. DB. J. PEREIRA, F.R.S., F.L.S., in his "Materia Medica," page 53. 1851. Fourth edition :— "The application of the Voltaic circuit has been largely prescribed, and has become a popular remedy in the form of Pulvermacher's Galvanic Chains. They should be worn so as to encircle the part affected, in cases of Rheumatism, Paralysis, &c. They are re- garded by practitioners as a valuable and convenient means of applying the continuous Voltaic current." THE LANCET,' No. 1, Vol II, 1856:- "This ingenious apparatus of Mr. Pulvermacher has c now stood the test for some years.It may be used by the medical attendant, or by the patient himself and the operator can now diffuse the galvanic influence over an extensive surface, or concentrate it on a single point. In these days of medico-galvanic quackery it is a relief to observe the very plain and straightforward manner in which Mr. Pulvermacher's apparatus is recommended to profession." OAUTION.-PwoLVERMACHER S VOLTAIC APPLIANCES have, by their unparalleled curative success incited envious speculators—unable, as they are, 1>o' infringe his patent—to an absurd competition with artiolf« falsely represented as Electrical; therefore observe that no Galvanic or Voltai* Bands or Belts can be genuine unless bearing the fac simile of J L Pn-v™ MACHER'S signature en the box. Medical and Scientific extracts and a selection of the daily increasing number of testimonials, together with NTTURE'S^CHTFK' BFFWI64, "GALVANISM, WPAT» RESTORER OF IMPAIRED VITAL ENERGY, sent post free on application to J. L. PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC ESTABLISH- MENT, 194, Regent-street, London, Or to Mr. J. H. WILLIAMS, 4 ,Oxford-street, Swansea, And Mr. A. HAYMAN, New-street, Neath, 'it T Borough of Swansea. Urban Sanitaxy Authority-Port Sanitary Authority. THE Council of the above Borough, as the Urban and JL Port Sanitary Authority of the District of Swansea., will, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th of SEPTEMBER next, proceed to the appointment of a MEDICAL OFFICER of HEALTH for the said District. The Salary will be £ 300 a year for the Urban Duties, and One Guinea a Visit to Ships, under conditions stated in the Order of the Local Government Board, dated the 17tli of July last, arriving or being within the limits of the Port or place as defined by the Order in Council, dated the 29th day of November, 1866, affecting Swansea, with the expenses of transit, and Two Guineas a Visit to Ships under similar conditions, arriving or being within the limits of the Port Sanitary Authority eastward of or not included in the limits defined as aforesaid by the said Order in Council, with the expenses of transit. The duties will be those contained in the several Orders of the Local Government Board, dated respectively the 11th of November, 1872, the 17th of July last, and 11th of November, 1872, the 17th of July last, and the 9tli of August instant, and in such other Orders as the sai 1 Board may from time to time issue. The appointment will be made with the sanction of the Local Government Board, and will in the first instance be for a period terminating on the 25th of March or 29th of November, 1874, as such Board may decide. Candidates must be legally qualified MeJical Practi- tioners, registered under the Medical Act of 18-8. Applications, stating age, with recent original Testi- monials as to qualifications and character, must be sent to me, the undersigned, on or before the Stli day of SEPTEMBER next. Candidates need not attend on the day of election, and no travelling or other exnenses will be paid. RICHARD AUBREY ESSERY, Town Clerk. Guildhall, Swansea, 23th August, 1S73. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, &c. Â. MARTIN, (LATE KERN), RESPECTFULLY informs Irs Friends and the Public of Swansea, and South Wales generally, that since succeeding to the above business he has entirely Refitted the Shop-premises, and laid in a New an I well-selected STOCK of GOODS, consisting of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, &c., and numerous articles suitable for WEDDING PRESENTS. A. M. begs to state that his Son, C. MARTIN, waits upon parties in the town and country for the Repair of Clocks, &c.. and is now the only Representative travelling for the Establishment. Address A. MARTIN, 19,5, High-street. Swansea. ANDREW MARTIN, (LATE KERN) WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, &c.. 195, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA, BEGS to inform his Friends and Customers that CONSTAXTINE KLEISER, of the Muml.les, his late traveller, has been DISCHARGED from his EMPLOY, and has no authority to receive Monies on his behalf. A. M. requests all Customers to pay all sums due to him to his Son, C. MAKTIN, who will also receive all Orders with which his Friends will kindly entrust him, and the same shall receive prompt attention. 21st July, 1873. ATEW SOUTH WALES. —GOVERNMENT JJM EMIGRATION.—The NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT has RESUMED EMIGRATION. The classes for whom passages will be provided are those who can pay one-third of their passage money. MARRIED COUPLES not exceeding 35 years of age, MECHANICS, FARMERS, MIXERS, YrxE-DRESSERS, LABOURERS, and DOMESTIC SERVANTS, not excluding small WORKING CAPITALISTS in any branch of Colonial industry. They must be of sound mental and bodily health, and of good moral character.—Application, either in writing or per- sonally, at No. 3, Westminster-chambers, Victoria-street Westminster, S.W. CHARLES COWPER, Agent General. THE LICENSING ACT, 1872. County of Glamorgan Licensing Committee. nvrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the following JJl Rules have been adopted as to the conduct of Business by the County Licensing Committee That the Committee meet on the first WEDNESDAY in OCTOBER in each year, at NEATH, to receive Applications for New Licenses and Notices of Appeals against such intended New Licenses, and that they then fix the times and places at which they will hear such Applications respectively. That parties applying for or opposing be permitted to appear by Counsel or Attorney if they please. T That persons applying for Confirmation of New Licenses shall send to the Clerk of the Peace seven days before the Meetrng of the Committee full particulars of the size, position, and also a plan of the house and premises for which a license is sought, as well as the number of Public-houses or Beer-houses in the Parish or Hamlet in which the house proposed to be licensed is situate, the population of the parish, and the distance of such house from existing licensed houses, and also any other particulars the Committee may from time to time direct the Clerk to require. THOS. DALTON, Clerk of Peace. 171 AGLE INSURANCE COMPANY jfj Established 1807. (FOR LIVES ONLY.) 79, PALL MALL, LONDON. Income from Premiums £ 346,279 „ from Interest 139,049 Accumulated Funds.3,199,699 ALSO, a Subscribed Capital of more than £1,500,000. The Expenses of Management are under 3 per cent. At the Quinquennial Investigation in August last, the sum of £ 184,654 was set aside for distribution amongst the share and policy-holders, an ample reserve having been previously made to meet all future Claims and provide for Bonuses, Expenses, and other contingencies. GEORGE HUMPHREYS, Actuary and Secretary. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in a Cause RICHARD ROSSER against JENNETT RHYS and JENNETT TONKIN, 1871, R. No. 88. The Creditors of CHARLES THOMAS RHYS, late of Tresilian, in the parish of Saint Donats, in the County of Glamorgan, Gentleman, who died in or about the month of October, 1867,^re on or before the 1st day of October, 1873, to send by post prepaid to Mr. JOHN STOCKWOOD, of Cowbridge, in the County of Glamorgan, the Solicitor of the Defendants, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their Claims, a statement of their Accounts, and the nature of the Securities, (if any) held by them or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Every Creditor holding any security is to produce fchs same before the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Wickens, at his Chambers, situated No. 12, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, on Monday, the 3rd day of November, 1873, at Twelve o'clock at noon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the Claims. Dated this 8th day of August, 1873. ROBT. W. PEAKE, Chief Clerk. E. PEACOPP. Lime-street, Chambers, 21, Lime-street, London, Plaintiff's Agent. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in a Cause RICHARD ROSSER against JENNETT RHYS and JBNNETT TONKIN, 1871, R. No. 88. The Creditors of MARY SHAFTESBURY LLEWELLYN, late of Cowbridge, in the County of Glamorgan, Spinster, who died in or about the month of June, 1866, are on or before the 1st day of October, 1873, to send by post prepaid, to Mr. JOHN STOCKWOOD, of Cowbridge, in the county of Glamorgan, the Solicitor of the Defendants, their Christian and Surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their Claims, a statement of their Accounts and the nature of the Securities (if any) held by them or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Every Creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Vice-Chancellor Sir Toh Wickens, at his Chambers, situated No, 12, Old Squar n Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, on Monday, the 3rd day of November, 1873, at Twelve o'clock at noon being the time appointed for adjudicating on the Clairali. me e Dated this 8th day of August, 1873. BOBT. w. PEAKE, „ Chief Cl^rL E. PEACOPP, Lime-street Chambers, 21, Lime-street, London, Plaintiffs Agent.