- grid bias
- noun Electronics a fixed voltage applied between the cathode and the control grid of a thermionic valve which determines its operating conditions.
English new terms dictionary. 2014.
English new terms dictionary. 2014.
Grid bias — is a DC voltage applied to electron tubes (or valves in British English) with three electrodes or more, such as triodes. The control grid (usually the first grid) of these devices is used to control the electron flow from the heated cathode to… … Wikipedia
grid bias — n. a steady, direct current voltage applied to the control grid of an electron tube to make it negative with respect to the cathode … English World dictionary
grid bias — tinklelio priešįtampis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. grid bias; grid bias voltage vok. Gittervorspannung, f rus. напряжение сеточного смещения, f pranc. polarisation de grille, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
grid bias voltage — tinklelio priešįtampis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. grid bias; grid bias voltage vok. Gittervorspannung, f rus. напряжение сеточного смещения, f pranc. polarisation de grille, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
grid-bias battery — tinklelio baterija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. grid bias battery vok. Gitterbatterie, f rus. батарея сетки, f; сеточная батарея, f pranc. batterie de grille, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
grid bias — Electronics. the potential difference applied between a grid and the cathode of a vacuum tube. Also called C bias. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
grid bias — /ˈgrɪd baɪəs/ (say grid buyuhs) noun a fixed voltage applied between the cathode and the grid of a radio valve …
grid bias — noun : a small constant component of the grid potential in a vacuum tube that is usually negative for ordinary triode control grids … Useful english dictionary
Bias (disambiguation) — Bias is an inclination towards something, or a predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, or predilection. Bias may also refer to:In science and statistics: * Bias (statistics), the systematic distortion of a statistic ** A biased sample… … Wikipedia
grid leak — noun : a resistor used in parallel with a capacitor in the grid circuit of a vacuum tube to limit grid bias by drawing off excess electrons that accumulate on the tube grid * * * Electronics. a high resistance device that permits excessive… … Useful english dictionary