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nep-cna New Economics Papers
on China
Issue of 2008‒06‒13
three papers chosen by
Zheng Fang
Ohio State University

  1. Much Ado About Nothing: American Jobs and the Rise of Service Outsourcing to China and India By Runjuan Liu; Daniel Trefler
  2. Financing Capture Ready Coal-Fired Power Plants In China By Issuing Capture Options By Liang, X.; Reiner, D.; Gibbins, J.; Li, J.

  1. By: Runjuan Liu; Daniel Trefler
    Abstract: We examine the impact on U.S. labor markets of offshore outsourcing in services to China and India. We also consider the reverse flow or 'inshoring' which is the sale of services produced in the United States to unaffiliated buyers in China and India. Using March-to-March matched CPS data for 1996-2006 we examine the impacts on (1) occupation and industry switching, (2) weeks spent unemployed as a share of weeks in the labor force, and (3) earnings. We precisely estimate small positive effects of inshoring and smaller negative effects of offshore outsourcing. The net effect is positive. To illustrate how small the effects are, suppose that over the next nine years all of inshoring and offshore outsourcing grew at rates experienced during 1996-2005 in business, professional and technical services i.e., in segments where China and India have been particularly strong. Then workers in occupations that are exposed to inshoring and offshore outsourcing (1) would switch 4-digit occupations 2 percent less often, (2) would spend 0.1 percent less time unemployed, and (3) would earn 1.5 percent more. These are not annual changes – they are changes over nine years – and are thus best described as small positive effects.
    JEL: F16
    Date: 2008–06
  2. By: Liang, X.; Reiner, D.; Gibbins, J.; Li, J.
    Abstract: ‘Capture Ready’ is a design concept enabling fossil fuel plants to be retrofitted more economically with carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technologies, however financing the cost of capture ready can be problematic, especially in the developing world. We propose that fossil fuel plants issue tradable Capture Options to acquire financing. The Capture Option concept could move CCS forward politically in countries such as China, speed up CCS technology development, help Capture Ready investors diversify risk, and offer global warming investors an alternative investment opportunity. As a detailed case study, we assess the value of a Capture Option and Capture Ready plant for a 600 MW supercritical pulverized coal power plant in China, using a cash flow model with Monte-Carlo simulations. The gross value of Capture Ready varies from CNY3m ($0.4m) to CNY633m ($84.4m) at an 8% discount rate and the Capture Option is valued at CNY113m ($15.1m) to CNY1255m ($167.3m) for two of the four scenarios analyzed.
    Keywords: Capture Option, Capture Ready, Carbon Capture and Storage, Climate Change, Coal-fired Electricity, China.
    JEL: O1 O3 Q5
    Date: 2007–12
  3. By: Krishna Chaitanya,; Emilia Vazquez Rozas
    Abstract: Emerging economies viz., Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa have seen a tremendous increase in the FDI inflows in the last one decade. Amongst all, the FDI inflows of China witnessed sharp rise from 1992. As on 2006, China stood as the world’s second largest recipient of FDI inflows (AT Kearney Report, 2006), leaving behind many emerging economies in the race of attracting FDI inflows.
    Keywords: FDI inflows, Emerging economies, China & Cointegration.
    JEL: F21 O57 E44 C22
    Date: 2008–12–01

This nep-cna issue is ©2008 by Zheng Fang. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.