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nLab pointed abelian group

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A pointed abelian group is an abelian group (A,+,0,)(A, +, 0, -) equipped with the choice of an element 1A1 \in A. A homomorphism of pointed abelian groups is a homomorphism of underlying groups which preserves the choice of the extra points.


Pointed abelian groups are “pointed” in the sense of pointed objects in a monoidal category, in that the choice of an element 1A1 \in A is equivalently the choice of a homomorphism A\mathbb{Z} \longrightarrow A out of the additive group of integers (which is fixed by its image of 11 \in \mathbb{Z}).

Therefore the category of pointed abelian groups is equivalently the coslice category Ab /Ab^{\mathbb{Z}/} of Ab under \mathbb{Z}.


The additive neutral element 0A0 \in A is not actually needed in the definition of apointed abelian groups (Def. ): Pointed abelian groups could equally be defined as pointed commutative invertible semigroups, hence as commutative semigroups (A,+)(A, +) equipped with an element 1A1 \in A and a function :AA- \colon A \to A such that for all elements aAa \in A and bAb \in A, a+b+(b)=aa + b + (-b) = a.

From commutativity and associativity one may derive the other three invertibility properties for an invertible semigroup: a+(b)+b=aa + (-b) + b = a, b+(b)+a=ab + (-b) + a = a, and (b)+b+a=a(-b) + b + a = a. The element 1+(1)1 + (-1) is both left unital and right unital with respect to the binary operation ++, so by defining 01+(1)0 \coloneqq 1 + (-1), AA becomes an abelian group (A,+,0,)(A, +, 0, -) with an additional point 1A1 \in A; hence a pointed abelian group.



Every abelian group becomes a pointed abelian group (Def. ) by taking the point to be the neutral element 00. Since the neutral element 00 is necessarily preserved by an group homomorphism, this constitutes a full subcategory-inclusion

AbAb /. Ab \hookrightarrow Ab^{\mathbb{Z}/} \,.

On the other hand:


The notation 1A1 \in A is motivated from the case of rings (R,0,+,1,)(R,0,+,1,\cdot), underlying which is the pointed abelian group (R,0,+,1)(R,0,+,1) with the “point” being the ring’s unit element 1R1 \in R.



Despite the inclusion Exp. , the category of pointed abelian groups (Def. ) is not equivalent to the category of abelian groups (Ab\mathrm{Ab}):

In Ab, the initial object and terminal objects are the same, both are given by the trivial group. However, in the category of pointed abelian groups, while the terminal object is still the trivial group, the initial object is the additive group integers \mathbb{Z} (manifestly so from Rem. ). In this, the category of pointed abelian groups has more in common with the categories Ring and CRing of rings and of commutative rings, respectively.


  • W. Edwin Clark, Xiang-dong Hou, Galkin Quandles, Pointed Abelian Groups, and Sequence A000712 [arXiv:1108.2215]

  • A. M. Nurakunov, Quasivariety Lattices of Pointed Abelian Groups, Algebra and Logic 53 (2014) 238–257 [doi:10.1007/s10469-014-9286-5]

Last revised on June 6, 2023 at 06:49:32. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.