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nLab isomorphism classes of Banach spaces (changes)

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This page is inspired by the following question, which appeared on MathOverflow.

Let p,q(1,)p,q \in (1,\infty) with pqp\neq q. Are the Banach spaces L p()L^p(\mathbb{R}), L q()L^q(\mathbb{R}) isomorphic?

More generally, one can ask:

Given two Banach spaces, XX and YY, when are they isomorphic?

The following started out as an adapted version of Bill Johnson’s answer to the MathOverflow question.

One way to prove that a Banach space XX is not isomorphic to a Banach space YY is to exhibit a property which is preserved under isomorphisms that XX has but YY does not. For example, among the spacesTypeL p()L_p(\mathbb{R}) and forcotypep[1,]p \in [1,\infty] , are examples of such properties. The(best) typeL L_\infty is the only nonseparable space, andcotypeL 1L_1 of is the only separable space with a nonseparable dual. ThusL p1 L_p L_1 are and standard calculations, for example in Theorem 6.2.14 ofAK06L L_\infty . From are that, not one isomorphic can to see each that other if or to anypL pq p L_p \ne q , then withL pp(1,) L_p p \in (1,\infty) . andL qL_q either have different (best) type or different (best) cotype.

Type To and distinguish cotype among depend only on the collection of finite dimensional subspaces of a space (we call such a property alocal property?L pL_p ). So with neither can be used to prove, e.g., that forp2(1,) p \ne \in 2 (1,\infty) , finer properties are needed.L pL_pType is and not isomorphic to p\ell_pcotype . One are way examples of proving such this properties. is The to show that forp2p \ne 2(best) type , and 2\ell_2cotype embeds of isomorphically intoL pL_p but are not standard into calculations: if pp[1,2] \ell_p p \in [1,2] (see then alsoAKL pL_p ). has typepp and cotype 22 (and no better), and if p[2,)p \in [2,\infty) then L pL_p has type 22 and cotype pp (and no better). See for example in Theorem 6.2.14 of AK06. From that, one can see that if pqp \ne q, then L pL_p and L qL_q either have different (best) type or different (best) cotype.

Type and cotype depend only on the collection of finite dimensional subspaces of a space (we call such a property a local property?). So neither can be used to prove, e.g., that for p2p \ne 2, L pL_p is not isomorphic to p\ell_p. One way of proving this is to show that for p2p \ne 2, 2\ell_2 embeds isomorphically into L pL_p but not into p\ell_p (see also AK).


  • AK06 Albiac, Fernando and Kalton, Nigel. Topics in Banach space theory. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 233. Springer, New York, 2006. xii+373 pp. ISBN: 978-0387-28141-4; MR2192298

Last revised on November 8, 2011 at 17:49:19. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.