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nLab Robert Raphael (changes)

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Selected writings

In On Isbell product duality spaces for with modules Lindelöf topological spaces:

In Isbell duality:

and specifically for modules:

  • Michael Barr, John Kennison, Robert Raphael, Isbell duality for for modules, Theory and Applications of Categories 22 17 (2009) 401-419 [[tac:22-17](, pdf]

On discrete dynamical systems (here called “flows”) on compact Hausdorff spaces:

  • Michael Barr, John Kennison, Robert Raphael, Flows: cocyclic and almost cocyclic, Theory Appl. Categories 25 18 (2010) 490–507 [[tac:25-18](]

On coherent spaces:

  • Michael Barr, John Kennison, Robert Raphael, Countable meets in coherent spaces with applications to the cyclic spectrum, Theory Appl. Categories 25 19 (2011), 508–232 [[tac:25-19](]

On injective hulls of partially ordered monoids:

On star-autonomous categories of sup-semilattices:

  • Michael Barr, John Kennison, Robert Raphael, The *\ast-autonomous category of uniform sup semi-lattices, Theory & Applications of Categories 27 11 (2012) 222–241 [[tac:27-11](]

On limits of integral domains among commutative rings:

  • Michael Barr, John Kennison, Robert Raphael, Limit closures of classes of commutative rings, Theory Appl. Categories 30 (2015) 229–304 [[tac:30-08](, pdf]

On reflective and coreflective subcategories:

On contractibility of simplicial objects:

On coequalizers and free monads:

category: people

Last revised on October 31, 2023 at 07:24:34. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.