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Days: 80.9
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Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
Jul 23, 2015 9:56 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 7
Grisaia no Kajitsu
Grisaia no Kajitsu
Jul 23, 2015 9:55 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 7
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara
Jul 23, 2015 9:54 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 5
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Ichiro Heian!
Ichiro Heian!
Sep 22, 2014 8:26 PM
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Doubutsu no Kuni
Doubutsu no Kuni
Sep 22, 2014 8:25 PM
Completed 56/56 · Scored 8
Sep 22, 2014 8:25 PM
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MxS7HGS Aug 12, 2023 5:08 AM
You logged in for one last time to update your list. Then you are gone forever(?). I wonder what happened to you.
Lunatic-kr Sep 10, 2013 3:54 AM
NOOOO NOT THE MAN!! haha sike that's the ideal position to be in. but man having no time sucks haha. Throughout the summer I had to help my dad with work which is basically ALL physical labor. I was really only there to carry things haha. My dad works for a comp. that builds homes and he specifically does the cabinets and bathrooms and ect. I barely had any time for anything else besides sleep. But now that I'm back in school I have too much time for me to even comprehend. I need to find a job... For now I'm seeing different options like doing a tech school but that's further down the road for me.

I watched Shinkai's new work too. Great work as always. It kind of reminded me of a different rendition of the old elves and the shoemaker story. at least it did in my mind when I watched it. I just wish it was longer and I wish I could show my friends but they just don't understand the beauty of it T_T

I watched the world premier of the OreImo OVA's at otakon. the author was actually there with a couple other people. I think ti was the editor or something. But it's strange how something like that would be premiered in the US where I feel incest is too taboo to be accepted but the crowd seemed to love it just fine. I know I did because my friend almost died because i was squeezing him between my arms haha. fun times.

Now that I finally have time to do what I want, the only problem now is to find a series that I actually like. Nothing really appealed to me at all this season or last season which is why i've been mainly playing visual novels. My current one is Grisaia no Kajitsu. Been a blast so far. Makes me remember why I love VN's so much haha.

Well don't blend into society too much. Then you'll start to lose your individuality ;] Hope work goes well and may you become a billionare so I can have a million mwuahah
Lunatic-kr Apr 9, 2013 10:25 PM
Update: it was 92 degrees today.
Lunatic-kr Apr 1, 2013 11:07 AM
Haha well the storm has finally passed but the temperature changes are still occurring. it's around 60ish F but it was like 20-30 a couple days ago. crazy how much maryland weather sucks T_T

the next season seems to be a decent one with the upcoming 2nd season of oreimo, railgun, and nyarko-0san(which im surprised is getting a second season). but thats all that really appeals to me so far. i've actually been following a oreimo psp translation and i'm wondering if the second season will be like the game or the manga since i actually haven't read it yet. but at least the psp ending gives a suitable ending, although not being able to fulfill my imouto craze, which i thoroughly enjoyed.

i haven't had time to actually complete the last ep of NEXT but i saw like half of it and it seems that the ending isn't actually an ending which i despise. IF YOUR GOING TO ANIMATE SOMETHING AT LEAST GIVE IT CLOSURE! LB has been decent so far, although i skipped through the Kud arc of the series. The whole layout of arcs to episodes seems to be exactly what I predicted haha.

the ending of sakura-sou was mehhh at best. It gave a "hint" of whats going to happen but it's only a hint. More like a glitter of hope for the people who wanted it to end like it wanted to end. I don't want to spoil anything if you haven't watched it but it was still a decent series at best. Looks like i'll have to read the light novel in order to get some closure but the last time I did that with Usagi Drop it mind eff'd me haha. Oh how the tides change lol.

If only I knew how to speak fluent korean haha. I mean, I could get by with the elementary korean that i've learned over my life but I would have to continually learn the language if i were to embark on that kind of decision. For now, it seems out of the picture although working with GOM TV's dota2 department would be a dream come true for me. They're actually airing a show to appeal to the korean audience about dota2. I can't wait to see the development that results in this investment by GOM.

Man if you were to have a taste of the bi polar weather here you would be in agony like i'm feeling right now haha. Allergies started to pop up and now I'm coughing constantly, i have nasal congestion, and I've been in a bad mood all because of the sudden warmth that popped up out of nowhere. I guess I'll have to deal with it T_T.

What's even worse is that this is the year when all the cicada's start to come and breed or something of that sort. They come out every 10 years and start to overrun everything. it's kind of weird how it's happening again since I recall the last outbreak occurring when i was in Middle school. I guess I'm just getting older haha.

Hope all is well. happy belated easter~ :P
Lunatic-kr Mar 22, 2013 2:32 PM
haha for now i'm just basking in the spring break feel. i've been lazing around all day because it's been too cold to go outside. most of the time i didn't even know what day it was but schools starting up soon and i haven't really touched my homework over the break so that's gonna suck haha.

idk i lost interest in sakurasou because they had small advances in the progression of soratax____. but it's been watchable overall but the last part of the episode shows sorata and shiina so i'm excited in anticipation that the series wont end like what i said when the show first started airing haha. NEXT and OreShura has been interesting but they're more like something to watch rather than "Oh, I have to watch this NOW!." Haven't really had a series like that to watch in a while. I really miss them haha.

The anime adaptation of that scene was definitely one of the better ones, if not the best portrayal of the arc. The other arcs didn't really have that much impact just simply because there isn't enough to follow through with a hard hitting ending arc like LB! has. But Haruka will always be my favorite<3! hahaha

Oh man, don't even get me started on the midnight release of the game. Me and 5 friends were all waiting and took us about 3 hours after the launch time, which was 3am for us, to finally log into the game. Then the whole game turned into a farmfest which I don't particularly enjoy. Still having a lot of fun on Dota2 though! haha they're adding korean servers into the mix so there's more outreach in that area.

Hopefully this semester ends soon. I can't wait for summer to come T_T
Lunatic-kr Feb 11, 2013 8:11 AM
Haha i've never felt more happier for a man than that day. It was a nail biting game by the start of the 2nd half but ravens still made it on top. Flacco made clutch plays. I'm glad that he finally gets the recognition that he deserves. But it's gonna be sad not being able to see Ray Lewis play anymore. I'm wondering how his absence will impact the team since he was their team leader.

I'm not gonna lie, during the whole episode I was in ecstasy haha. Especially at the end. She's definitely my favorite character this whole season. Oreshura's been a meh for me. I still watch it when it's available but it isn't on my priority list in things that I need to complete. Still something to watch though. I'm not going to lie, I'm actually enjoying Miname-ke a lot more than i thought i would be too so i guess maybe everyone has that type of anime haha.

Clannad's adaption was well done compared to LB's adaption. I've kind of given up on trying to compare the two simply because they're not really comparable at all. The series just lacks impact. If they manage to ruin the refrain ending as well, I would say that it would have been better if they had not animated it at all. I think, like Clannad, that you need attachment to the characters in order for the ending to really hit home but it seems like that isn't the case. Oh well, only time will tell.

You mean people at Blizzard have to get fat. I doubt anyone working for blizzard has any financial issues whatsoever. They're just like activision recently. They just want to milk what's available. Or at least thats what I feel. I'm shocked to see how long it's still taking for pvp to come out and they've changed it to dueling. Not sure what Blizzard is up to but they need to fix their priorities. But I'll never come back to the game again so I guess I don't really care haha.
Lunatic-kr Feb 3, 2013 5:52 PM
Omg power outage effd but whut up RAVeNs
Lunatic-kr Jan 26, 2013 7:35 PM
hahaha well i guess we cant guess everythign right although I feel like BAL is gona come out on top from what I saw during the SF vs ATL game. They just seem to be stronger as a team period. And i have the biggest mancrush on Ray Lewis. But it's going to be a really good game nonetheless. I'll probably be drunk and eff though since I'm actually going to be in Baltimore to watch the game haha. Have to route for my hometown team with a bang haha. Don't really know if anyone over in JP watches it either but hopefully it'll be as fun watching it for you as it's going to be for me.

Oh man when they started the Sakura ep I was in ecstasy haha. She was my fav char but I can't wait for the twin tail neko char's ep. She's definitely my favorite for that show. All the DC animes have had some kind of closure so I'm not too worried about it ending badly but the question is can they make everything in between good. That's really what the DC TV series lacked in in my opinion. Also the animation was poop.

I hope they don't end Sakura sou like that. It's a 24 ep series so they at least need to make some kind of good ending right? I'm not sure how the masses react to the "continue searching for the right girl" ending but it bugs me a lot. I've teared up in every single Rewrite arc except for one because the protagonist was clueless when the answer was so simple to the problem that was in front of him. I couldn't really enjoy the arc knowing that haha.

OH man LB Haru-chin reporting for duty~ The VA for Haruka has definetly made huge improvements since the beginning of the show. I don't know if it's just me but she didn't sound natural at all in the beginning but maybe I'm just too picky haha. I would advise you to halt the LB TV series until you finish the VN just because the arcs will have 1000x more impact but that's also JUST MY OPINION

I'm only taking 2 classes this semester just so I can start working more and focus on my Dota2 team. I have high hopes for us and hopefully the sacrifices that my team makes wont be in vain. I'll let you know by April whether I'll be able to make it over there. I'm going to have to ration my funding since summer is when everything happens haha. My hopes is to be able to go to Anime Expo, Otakon, and JP but I don't think I'll be able to fulfill my wishes. WHY IS LIFE SOO SHORT!

Idk BAL has been clutch in the last half. If they can do it to NE they can def do it against SF. I believe. BMORENATION WOOO
Lunatic-kr Jan 19, 2013 5:09 PM
oh yeah and i suggest not watching the LB anime. the key points in some of the stories just didn't have enough impact like they did when playing the VN. to be honest i didn't even feel sadness or anythign because there wasn't enough progression. not saying that JC staff did a bad job or anything but there just wasn't enough time to give the events that impact that they should have had.

Lunatic-kr Jan 16, 2013 10:33 AM
yeah i'm really liking the twin tail char, but they're not going to go through that arc so i'm pretty sad about that but i'm glad that sakura is coming back. i wonder how she'll play into the story since she was actually my fav char for all the DC games. I played through one and two and the extra kotori games but sadly DC3 isn't translated haha. I'm loving the new minami ke but i'm not sure about what i feel about orekano quite yet. little busters hasn't really impacted as much as i would like to but maybe thast just because i've played through the VN. the latest ep of sakurasou gave me hope for something shiina related but man if they don't end with her i'm gonna cry haha.hopefully they dont have that bOH NOTHING IS RESOLVED AFTER 24 EP BUT THE MAIN CHAR HAS TO DECIDE FOR HIMSELF DOWN THE ROAD BUT WE"RE NOT GOING TO SHOW IT kind of ending.

for now only the char routes have been tl'd but the whole game is almost finished. the story is actually pretty interesting and the char routes have been extremely good so far. i dont really tear up in all the routes but for some reason this game has made that happen to me haha. yeah, the 5cm/sec is kind of what i'm thinking about but the arc i played was more like... sigh i had the perfect word for it too. bittersweet? yeah i think that works well. man bittersweet endings just kill me, especially since the arc i was going thrugh was my fav heroine haha.

haha well i havent cleared through air but yeah i've almost cleared them all! i've played

yeah i've always played competitive in any game i play but d3 just doesn't give that so thats why i mainly quit.

good luck trying to save up but at least you have enough miles to at least cut some costs for the trip. i think i spent around 2.5k throughout the summer also with all the visits, traveling, ect but i would still like to travel abroad, mainly JP. my friend was actually going to JP during June so I might go with her but with me and her alone i dont wan't anything to happen in terms of "that stuff" because she's been persistant on those kind of things but I DONT KNOW.

Oh man you do not know how pumped I am for the AFC championship. This game was like a repeat of 3 years ago but our new kicker has been putting in some clutch plays like the 47 field goal in double OT. man that game was intense. I don't feel like BAL has a good chance but they're definitely more motivated i feel because it's ray lewis's last season so i'm rooting for baltimore all the way. i predict it will be a close game.

Lunatic-kr Jan 9, 2013 1:22 AM
wow the amount of time its taking for d3pvp to come out is def a letdown. i enjoyed the game to an extent but i cant really do dungeon crawlers for some reason. i can farm for hours on an mmo but for some reason i lose interest in games like diablo. and i figured it was gonna happen because the game was so broken when it came it. honestly i feel like they released it just to counter the launch of tera in the us but thats only an opinion.

man i've been on a spree for rewrite. i've finished up a route a day so far and i've teared up in each haha. which comes to my question, do you like those "main char dies or has to leave the heroine" kind of arcs? i know theres a word for it but i'm having a brain fart for it. man i felt like crap after finishing one arc like that in rewrite. it actually has a really interesting storyline if you want to try it out.

yea thats kind of what i did with little busters too. i dont want to get ur expectations too high but man i was addicted to that game haha. i think thats the only game that i got 100% cg's for.

man sorata is makign me soooooooooooooo frustrated T_T i hate char's like that. not sure why he does the things taht he does. gahhhh eff this if he doesnt get with mashiro in the end i'm going to punch my monitor. i've lost intrest in in shinsekai. i'm not sure whats even happening anymore and the storyline wasn't really that interesting for me. dcIII seems to be okay but its too early to say if it'll be decent or not. i played through dcII so that made the anime even worse for me haha

haha i've always wanted to make a blog. i actually wrote down a bunch of entries but i never really put them up anywhere. it's mostly about the influences of anime in my life. all my friends said that it was really interesting so maybe i'll try booting it up again. maybe i'll send an entry to you and see other peoples opinions. too bad it was all on my other computer which fried T_T

man new years was rough. too much drinking. i think i'm done drinking for at least a half a year haha
Lunatic-kr Dec 27, 2012 9:23 PM
WOW they discontinued gvg in gw2? wow that sucks. i would highhhhhhhly suggest dota 2 since it is the biggest game in my life right now. i went from starcraft 1 > counter strike 1.6 > dota 1 > wow > heroes of newerth > dota 2 and i've played competitevly in all games and i ahve to say that dota 2 is definetly the easiest to get into the competitive scene aside from counter strike. and i decided to drop all hopes of good pvp for d3. and lets hope that life doesnt turn out like that for the both of us xD.

i've been finishing up yosuga no sora, rewrite, and fortune arterial recently. rewrite is def my fav in terms of game but sora is just wayyyyy too kawaii. i'm in love haha. and for SNS, its either you luck out or you dont in terms of what you want or so it seems with the people around me.

lb is indeed progressing too quickly to be considered a really amazing anime which is sad because i feel like the game was 10x better than clannad in my own opinion. i remember reading an interview about the director and he said that theres enough content in lb to fit into around 100+ episodes and they're only doing it in 2 seasons. at least it seems that way. but my predictions for routes for the anime are

komari > mio > haruka > kud(?) > rin

i dont see them doing kud's or kurugayas route just because of a bunch of reasons but i dont want to spoil anything. its not big, but the flow of the show would be thrown off if they put in kud's route and i dont know how they would be able to do kurugaya's route without revealing spoilers

season was good. sakura sou and tonari were definetly my top anime this season followed by oniichan dakedo and lb. i tried watching shinsekai but i never really got into the story after the 2nd ep so i dropped it. chuunibyou was decent but i feel like kyoani can do so much better in terms of story.

balance is the way of life. although my sense of balance is tragically skewed T_T

yeah weather is really bi polar. one day it would be really nice then the next day you can freeze to death. my bodys been reacting really badly to the quick changes in temperature so i've been feeling like crap for the past month but i guess it wasnt so bad since i was always out with friends. but hopefully settle down and work once school picks back up haha

hope everythings all and well wherever your at. merry belated Christmas and happy new year! may we both be happy.
Lunatic-kr Nov 13, 2012 11:32 AM
yeah my friend started playing d3 again but i was never really into the dungeon crawler kind of games. i also quit wow too cause there was just too much pressure haha. i was 78 rank on the pvp 3v3 ladder before i decided to quit. i played a healer so all my friends are like whyy cause they're like the hardest to find in the game in terms of pvp. but i really have no regrets because i'm starting up a team in dota 2 so i'm happy about that. nexon and valve are joining forces to get dota 2 into jp and kr so if you see it you should definetly try it out although it's not very user friendly haha. well, if you need a coach i could teach you :P

sadly there isnt a big array of choices for me in terms of vn's but i guess i've been happy so far. I finished tomoyo after story which was a really good game. it was simply just a story and nothign else but it was defenitly a good story. i've been playing fortune arterial and rewrite and it's been good so far but practicing in dota 2 has been cutting a lot of time out my freetime which is usualy spent watching anime haha.

season is definitely better than previous. im watching kaibutsu, sakurasou, lb, sword art, and suuki de. im definitely enjoying sakurasou but i dont really see it progressing as it did in the past 4 episodes so hopefully it'll keep up its pace. sword art is alright but theres too many "miricales" instead of pure effort. still a decent pick up if you enjoy it. lb's moving a little too fast i feel but i still cant go further into discussion cause i feel like i would spoil a lot of things if i started going into this haha.

i wish i could spend my money on manga but there isnt really a series worth buying here that i would spend my money on. and the amount of happiness a figure gives me i s definitely well worth the price. i think i value them almost as much as my computer haha

yeah i'm definitely close to that "O crap" point in my life but i guess i still need more time for it to really affect what i do. for now its been really nice. dota2 is definetly helping with that. i've always played any game i was into competitively and i really miss that competitive atmosphere.

yeah its basically the same around here too, although i live in a democratic state. my vote wouldnt really matter if i were a republican cause it wouldnt really count towards the end because of how liberal this state is. i'm suprised you heard the same things about romney in jp though. never really thought about what other people thought about the presidential election here.

it's been around 30ish degrees over here and ive been freezing but the weather should heat up soon... hopefully...
Lunatic-kr Sep 5, 2012 5:18 AM
this summer has been financially draining for me as well. it's even worse because i decided to quit my job to look for another one closer to my house so i'm trying to save what i can now. i also went to the dota 2 international. if you haven't heard of it than you should :P dota 2 is gonna be, i would say, the biggest game for years to come. not sure if you play moba's but i've played LoL, HoN, and Dota1 and i have to say if you are able to play dota 2, definitely pick it up.

otakon this year wasn't too bad but the previous one's were better. i think its mainly because i did more drinking than going to panels/ect i still had fun but i wish i was able to do more "con" activities. not to mention all the drama that happened my hotel room but still a good experience. i bought 2 figures also.
really happy with my purchases. now i just need a glass display case to put them in but sadly i can't yet haha

ive been meaning to start up kana but i never really had the chance. or better yet i never really started. my old roommate also told me that it was good so i might start it after my current one hoshizora no memoria. it's been decent so far nothing new. i also started key's latest work rewrite and it seems to be a really good game but it was only a partial patch so i have to wait even longer. sighhh so much waiting.

this season is sooo much better than last season. i'm glad i dont watch everything that i want to watch in an hour then have to wait for another week. this season i've been really enjoying sword art. i guess i love it so much just because i've been playing games, specifically mmorpg's for a good chunk of my life. tari tari and kisstosentochoco has been really interesting. i would love to play the VN for it since you say that the original looks better.

besides that life's been so so. guess everythings becoming a cycle now. get money, spend it during the summer/winter, repeat. i don't particularly mind but sometimes i'm just kind of wondering how long this will last. well, that's going in a little deep so i'll leave it at that for now haha.
Lunatic-kr Jun 24, 2012 1:13 AM
hah well does that mean that you're going to buy a desktop? i spent 760 on mine but everythign was bought separately over a month or so. i got some really good deals and my comp is worth about 1200ish so i saved a good chunk of money haha.i can see how angel beats was a marketing stunt but it was still good nonetheless. if the band was the main reason why it was good i would agree with you but it still had a really good story which i wish they had further went in depth with but sadly it only lasted 12 episodes. and hopefully it'll be produced well

yeah, i hope that it turns out that way with aya. thats suprisingly intresting when thinking of the fact that they're all located in japan hhaha. well i guess thats good for me then

well LB ecstasy has another character route which i heard it was really good but it's very cliche but decent. i'm not sure of it myself but i mean if you can get it i'd probably get it. also, the h scenes for LB are really akward. i looked at a couple after i finished the game and it was, to say the least, wierd hahaha. i mean they did a really good job with the h scenes in tomoyo after VN but this one is just strange. the original is fine too but i guess if you want the extra char route then i'd say go with ecstasy. depends on how much each is

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