All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 333.0
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed1,179
- On-Hold46
- Dropped735
- Plan to Watch293
- Total Entries2,265
- Rewatched286
- Episodes20,619
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 77.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries213
- Reread10
- Chapters10,730
- Volumes1,198
All Comments (66) Comments
Nice to meet you...
Have a great day 😁
As someone who is also a fan of Nisekoi, I never thought that the title 'Nisekoi' would also refer to Onodera, and this deepens my understanding to the series even further. Whichever side you choose (Team Chitoge or Team Onodera most likely), you still have my respect, brother.
I still think that Chitoge as a character is a really fascinating character and not just a 'waifu.' She may be not the "most well-written" or "most realistic" female character, but the way she portrays her role makes her seemingly more relatable than I expected. I see her as a girl with mood swings (somewhat alike), a mama's girl (I like to think of her that way haha), and sweet girl who wants to befriend and help others. It may seem cliché, but for me, that's what make her special. Maybe one day, I would be really proud of putting her in the top spot, but that's another story for another time.
About the rambling, it's fine. Totally okay.
Anyway, brother. I think this would help you. I read it after watching this splendid video you sent me.
Feel free to reply once you see this. Thanks. :)