God day fellow Hurt & Heal member. Snowical here, with some quick updates and messages from the club. However, I didn't manage to bring a flashy club picture with me. So it'll just be plain text *sadface*
- Quick Updates regarding the club -
• Kaixi takes a time-out
The creator and the one who has managed all of the earlier Hurt and Heal tournaments has taken a time-out for the upcoming tournament. Which means that I'll be in charge of managing all of the H&H tasks when Kaixi isn't present.
However, managing H&H won't work well unless we all can cooperate. So I hope that we all can get along. Feedback about anything concerning H&H are highly appreciated.
• Hurt & Heal: Season IV is now active! (H&H Tournament 2011)
As the title says. The Anime Selection for the 4th Season is now open; and has been for the past 3 days. I'm the one to blame for not sending out any messages to the club.
So for those who still haven't voted, feel free to do so here. However, the first section "First Come, First Served" has been completed already.
The remaining and active section is the second section. Section II: Most Popular. Be sure to vote before the current set deadline, which is the 5th of January 2012.
Please leave me a PM/comment if you think that the time for voting in the Anime Selection is too short. Rules and information about how to vote can be found in the topic.
And that's about it. If you have any questions regarding H&H or the 4th season, feel free to drop a comment or send a PM.
Feedback and ideas about future messages and/or H&H are highly appreciated as well. If you like H&H and want it to expand, be sure to invite your friends!
Have a nice continued day, and Happy Holidays! Regards, Snow.
I didn't die.... Although I'm sure it appeared as though I have
I just ended up being so busy with writing a story and job hunting (because I graduated in April). Still looking for a job (Michigan's economy is poor, the governor screwed over public education this year, and I majored in music education which is near the bottom of the totem pole for schools) x.x
Anyway, I'm sorry my absence hasn't been aiding H&H well. I do plan on updating the layout so that it's actually current for you at some point. I hope that everything has been well for you!
I remember you mentioning something about the H&H layout and I had some time so I thought I'd try an idea that matched the club's profile picture. If you like it, I'll put it up in the club. I plan on making the winners of the previous tournament into the layout later, but I must get to some homework now.
Whew... I am glad to hear that you were able to get back into your account and get the club back. As for the members, I remember a few of the active members' names so when I get back home for school, I will drop them a comment letting know the club is back and to spread the word.
Were you able to find out what exactly happened with your account?
All Comments (12) Comments
However, I didn't manage to bring a flashy club picture with me. So it'll just be plain text *sadface*
- Quick Updates regarding the club -
• Kaixi takes a time-out
The creator and the one who has managed all of the earlier Hurt and Heal tournaments has taken a time-out for the upcoming tournament. Which means that I'll be in charge of managing all of the H&H tasks when Kaixi isn't present.
However, managing H&H won't work well unless we all can cooperate. So I hope that we all can get along. Feedback about anything concerning H&H are highly appreciated.
• Hurt & Heal: Season IV is now active! (H&H Tournament 2011)
As the title says. The Anime Selection for the 4th Season is now open; and has been for the past 3 days. I'm the one to blame for not sending out any messages to the club.
So for those who still haven't voted, feel free to do so here. However, the first section "First Come, First Served" has been completed already.
The remaining and active section is the second section. Section II: Most Popular. Be sure to vote before the current set deadline, which is the 5th of January 2012.
Please leave me a PM/comment if you think that the time for voting in the Anime Selection is too short. Rules and information about how to vote can be found in the topic.
And that's about it. If you have any questions regarding H&H or the 4th season, feel free to drop a comment or send a PM.
Feedback and ideas about future messages and/or H&H are highly appreciated as well.
If you like H&H and want it to expand, be sure to invite your friends!
Have a nice continued day, and Happy Holidays!
Regards, Snow.
I didn't die.... Although I'm sure it appeared as though I have
I just ended up being so busy with writing a story and job hunting (because I graduated in April). Still looking for a job (Michigan's economy is poor, the governor screwed over public education this year, and I majored in music education which is near the bottom of the totem pole for schools) x.x
Anyway, I'm sorry my absence hasn't been aiding H&H well. I do plan on updating the layout so that it's actually current for you at some point. I hope that everything has been well for you!
2010 Tournament
Let me know what you think :)
Sorry I wasn't able to update for a few days... I had meetings, auditions, class, and the Band Banquet so all of my nights were taken for the week.
Anyway, I hope that you are doing well and everything. Have a good day!
And of course, I would love to be an admin of the club :)
Were you able to find out what exactly happened with your account?