I am Gridiron Otaku, and I picked out that name to reflect my love for gridiron football. And of course, the Otaku part is self-explanatory. I have been on MAL since 2011, but only to use the list feature until recently. I am a huge anime fan and an even bigger sports fan. I have been hooked on anime since 1996 when I started out watching Ranma 1/2. My collection of anime DVDs and BDs has been growing so much that my shelf is overfilling.
Here is how my grading scale is factored in. My scores are mostly objective, and being a favorite of mine does not necessarily mean it gets a 10. Favorite and best are two very different things, although the two often have common ground with each other. Nonetheless, they are not one and the same. So with that, here is how I give grades.
First of all, I give a composite score of 0-105 to shows, and the rating given is the number left when removing the last digit. My scoring criterion takes into consideration the average score of shows that earn the typical grades.
10 = A+ (Best of the Best): This score is reserved only for the titles that blow me away in every way imaginable. The story is flawless, the characters are well-developed, and everything is clicking on all cylinders from animation, characters, visuals, plot, and execution. Seeing how I want this to be a highly exclusive group that not many shows will get this grade. My general rule of thumb is that no more than one out of 20 new shows that I watch gets this grade (restriction does not apply to direct prequels or sequels or shows lasting six or more cours).
9 = A/A- (Awesome, and Almost the Best): This score means the show is awesome, but is lacking in a killer trait that keeps it from being a part of the exclusive group. Pretty much, it is for shows that are awesome, but not quite worthy of being the best of the best as something is missing.
8 = B+/B: This score means I really like the show, and the setup is pretty nice. But there are still major flaws in it. While these flaws prevent the show from reaching its full potential, I still enjoy the show very much.
7 = B-/C+ (Better Than Average, but Nowhere Near Elite): This score is for shows I enjoyed, but have several major flaws. For what the show is, I was able to watch it and enjoy it, but it's hardly something that will be considered elite material.
6 = C/C- (Average All-Around): This score is reserved for shows that I didn't think were completely terrible, but is nothing that will convince me to watch it again or buy the DVD/BD of it under normal circumstances. The shows with this grade are pretty much are all about mediocrity.
5 = D+/D (Just Worse Than Average): It's bad, but at least it still has some production value to make it worth watching.
4 = D/D- (Really Bad): Another degree of bad here. At the very least there is a saving grace for this show, but other than that there is nothing good about the show.
3 = D-/F+ (Terrible, but at least has something going for it): An even lower degree of bad here, but at least it is something I would want to watch just to see how messed up it could get.
2 = F (Awful, but not Quite the Worst): There is nothing good about this show, and is just one step away from being the worst of all-time. Unlike with shows that get a 1, it's something that's forgettably bad.
1 = F- (Worst in a Memorable Way): This is exclusively for the worst of the worst, ones that are just pure @*#@*$#$#. But in order to get this grade, not only does it have to be awful, but it has to be memorable for being awful. Not many shows get this grade because I bailed out on almost all of them before it got to the point where I assign the grade.
Tag Keys:
EN - Watched in English
JP - Watched in Japanese with English subtitles
RAW - Watched in Japanese without any subtitles
DVD - Watched on DVD
BD - Watched on Blu-ray
VHS - Watched on VHS
MT - Watched in a movie theater
CR - Watched through streams on Crunchyroll
FN - Watched through streams on Funimation
NX - Watched through streams on Netflix
HI - Watched through streams on HIDIVE
AZ - Watched through streams on Amazon Prime Video
HU - Watched through streams on Hulu
D+ - Watched through streams on Disney+
AN - Watched through streams on The Anime Network
DS - Watched through streams on Daisuki
CK - Watched through streams on Crackle
AK - Watched through streams on Anime News Network
YT - Watched through streams on YouTube
TV - Anime was watched on TV such as Adult Swim
FS - Anime was watched through fansubs or any illegitimate streaming services
SH - Anime that is a short AND is a TV series (and not an on-disc extra)
X2 - Watched the show twice (must through a minimum of one time and at least least 40% of the episodes for other watchthroughs to count)
Xn - (n is some number) Watched the show n times
All Comments (11) Comments
Initially started 1/7/23, 4 eps
So you're watching Gintama that's great.
Well let me give you an advice.
Just for your information.
The first Episodes and following few Episodes can be quite average.
I know that it can be for many people, so maybe for you as well.
But it will improve a lot afterwards.
So I hope you will keep on watching Gintama
So I've been sorting my collection out and I sort by Genre. Well one show I've not seen yet and I've been really struggling to place it into a single genre and that is Karneval, which you have seen. So if you were to put it in a single genre what would you pick? Fantasy, Magic, Sci-Fi or even something else?