We back! Very soon we will have member cards and card edition!
So if you want receive newsletters from now on sing up in Newletter sing-up! new topic!
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment, I need lots of help :)
Banyeeek!! :D miért csak most olvasom ezt??!!! :O Köszi szépen ezt a meleg fogadtatást...erről jut eszembe, hogy el kellene kezdenem begépelni a yaoi mangák címét, de túl lusta vagyok hozzá!! :D <3 Ti amo Cara Mia! :*
Hello~! And once again, another friggin' newsletter.
What's up with the image? I don't have an idea either. It's awesome, right?
Anyways, as some of you may already know, I, preferably WE, are reviving the club. Thanks to xochandaox for helping me send newsletters to everyone who are part of the long-dead RTCC or Random Project.
There's an Edition named 'RTCC Restart' that is currently open at the moment. There are 2 closed Editions which are ready to be opened later. Maybe:). I guess that concludes the news for now. See ya~
Hey guys!
It's been so damn a while since the newsletter came from our club... I'm sorry...
It's all because the RL, work and life in general >.< It's all a mess, so I don't come to MAL to play so ofter anymore.
But, let's not talk about that. Here are the good news!
A Hunarian Fans klub Szeretné fellendíteni az életet a klubban ezért szavazást tart a legjobb Retro Anime lányokról.
128 Karakter küzd meg hogy elnyerje a szerintünk legjobb címet. Itt találod a versenyző hölgyek névsorát.
Amennyiben érdekel dolog tartsd szemmel a klubot és szavaz kedvenceidre és oszd meg véleményedet a versenyről vagy éppen szavazásról.
All Comments (75) Comments
We back! Very soon we will have member cards and card edition!
So if you want receive newsletters from now on sing up in Newletter sing-up! new topic!
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment, I need lots of help :)
One Piece Official Member Cards
Your card is HERE
- report to me if there are any problems -
Hey guys!
It's been so damn a while since the newsletter came from our club... I'm sorry...
It's all because the RL, work and life in general >.< It's all a mess, so I don't come to MAL to play so ofter anymore.
But, let's not talk about that. Here are the good news!
So, that is it. Pretty nice news, eh? ^^ Once again, I am sorry for being inactive in the club and MAL in general. *bows*
Also, don't forget our old threads that are also open:
-Official Member Cards-
-Sign in for newsletters!-
-Request a kyodai-
-Help me! Admins and officers needed!-
[GAME] Lottery game!
[GAME] Alphabet anime!
[GAME] First letter - last letter (PICTURE VER.!)
This newsletter is sent to every member, so if you're not signed in for ityet, do it please. Thank you!
A Hunarian Fans klub Szeretné fellendíteni az életet a klubban ezért szavazást tart a legjobb Retro Anime lányokról.
128 Karakter küzd meg hogy elnyerje a szerintünk legjobb címet.
Itt találod a versenyző hölgyek névsorát.
Amennyiben érdekel dolog tartsd szemmel a klubot és szavaz kedvenceidre és oszd meg véleményedet a versenyről vagy éppen szavazásról.
Szeretettel várunk.