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Oct 10, 2007 5:42 PM

May 2007
wow im depressed after watching this ;;
Oct 10, 2007 6:28 PM

Jan 2007
i am so happy now ... after all that build up of rage and anger ... said to say that real life is just the same except without all the killing ... that only happens to a few cases ... lol ... damn all that happened deserved to happen except for Kotonoha ... she didnt deserve any of that pain ... i pray that this kind of show makes a difference in peoples lives ..
Oct 10, 2007 6:45 PM

Jul 2007
3 cheers for the death of Ito Makoto! Hip hip HOORAY! Hip hip.. and so on.

Apparently, Sekai spilled ink from her black gel pen on Makoto while doing her homework. :P

Oct 10, 2007 6:49 PM

Aug 2007
Makoto was just so evil that his blood turned into that color...xD

Either that or he was imitating a scared squid really well...
Oct 22, 2007 1:41 PM
Oct 2007
And I thought that End of Evangelion ending was fu**** up..... I can't sleep now :/

Setsuna... WHAT WITH SETSUNA???... she was the best character in whole anime.
Oct 24, 2007 5:35 PM

Apr 2007
PimpToad said:
Makoto was just so evil that his blood turned into that color...xD

Rofl, that actually makes sense.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 25, 2007 9:16 PM

Apr 2007
PimpToad said:
What's great about this adaptation of School Days is that even though there is a clear victim, you can't really pinpoint who is the character at fault.

If anything, Sekai is the main character to blame for all the problems that happened in the show. If Kotonoha did in fact make the proper 'diagnosis,' then that just adds up even more to her guilt.

Of course Makoto isn't in the clear either. Although it really is hard to find fault in him when that fault is found in all males, but that doesn't excuse him from not having any self-control.

Kotonoha, poor girl...did Taisuke actually rape her???

School Days is just plain awesome, too bad a lot of people don't really see that. Oh and stop comparing this to Higurashi. How the hell is a school life/romance anime the same as something as intricate as Higurashi? Other than the whole killing thing, both shows have nothing else in common and the killing is just one of the possible endings.

That 'nice boat' crap is just getting old...

nice boat.
Oct 28, 2007 11:58 AM

Jun 2007
What's with this "Kotonoha won" stuff? Because she survived? Some life she's going to live...
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Oct 28, 2007 12:02 PM

Mar 2007
OranSolus said:
What's with this "Kotonoha won" stuff? Because she survived? Some life she's going to live...

Half human.. Half boat.. With Makoto's head. Wonderful life!
Oct 28, 2007 3:10 PM

Aug 2007
Yeah Koto got the last laugh (and the last stab) *holds makoto head near chest*
Oct 28, 2007 8:43 PM

Oct 2007
Fitting ending...bloody
Oct 29, 2007 1:27 PM

Sep 2007
WOW!! That's is about the only thing I can think of when describing that ending. It was so f***** up yet so disturbingly fitting. I am glad that Kotonoha "won" (the idea of winning is subject to debate and controversy) in the end. Truly, she was the only innocent character throughout the entire series. I felt so bad for her and to see her get her revenge was great and well worth the suspense build-up of the series.
Nov 8, 2007 5:09 PM

Oct 2007
that was the MOST satisfying ending ever. like.. i gasped when sekai killed him. it was SO fitting. and the looking at katsura from the belly perspective gave me the chills it was so good~

i'm going to have a hard time rating this show. i hated it so much, but at the same time the only reason the last 4 episodes were so amazing was because of the parts i hated so much.

this show was defenitely not a waste of my time. its getting an 8/10 from me.
Nov 10, 2007 6:11 AM

Oct 2007
sry but after this show... im totaly depressed... dont no why, but this series shouldn't watch people with social probs, becuase they become more depressed..i think im kind of emo now...
Nov 10, 2007 11:24 AM

Oct 2007
Good sekai deserved it big time, I hated how she faked it. I didnt like makoto 5-11 then I actually felt bad for him after that, It seemed like he realized how awful he had been. But I hated sakei and loved Kotonoha. I'm glad she at least survived.
Nov 13, 2007 4:40 AM

Feb 2007
jrod said:
Good sekai deserved it big time, I hated how she faked it.

Faked her pregnancy? I don't think she did. Kotonoha wasn't exactly in a normal state of mind. She could have either been in denial, or totally missed seeing the baby (and may have cut through it too).

I didnt like makoto 5-11 then I actually felt bad for him after that, It seemed like he realized how awful he had been. But I hated sakei and loved Kotonoha. I'm glad she at least survived.

I also felt sorry for Makoto. But my sympathy for him went out the window the moment he and Kotonoha disgustingly made out in front of Sekai, and probably continued to do so after she screamed.
Nov 21, 2007 2:33 PM

Jul 2007
PimpToad said that people compare Higurashi with School days... OMG whos doing that ? Is like comparing Gold(higurashi) with Shit(School Days).To the people that actually liked school days im sorry but thats my opinion over this total meaningless anime that has more phantasy than most of anime(A guy screwed like HALF SCHOOL FFS!!!!).The ending was lame and Makoto is the most missunderstanud character ever... Who wouldnt do what he did if he had the chance? All the guys will act like him in most cases since all the girls in that anime were Sluts (Kotonoha wasnt at start but she becaome 1 for Makoto).The end
Nov 21, 2007 3:03 PM

Aug 2007
I think that School Days breathe a fresh breath of air in the Romance/Drama genre of anime =P

Long gone are the days where moronic male harem leads just get pummeled to the floor by typical tsundere characters! Long gone are the days where the closest base a male harem lead gets to is 2nd. Long gone are the days where you typically get a happy ending!

The whole banging the whole school would have been fleshed out more if School Days had 2 cours, but that would have placed way too many fillers so 1 cour is fine.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but calling School Days "shit" is pretty much a baseless statement. When you watched episode 1-2, you wouldn't have imagined beyond your wildest imaginations that this kind of ending would happen. That itself should warrant School Days to be a 'good' anime.
Nov 24, 2007 7:56 AM

Oct 2007
Actually, i love it... I like the way Kotonoha slashed Sekai. As well as the part when Makoto is dying (the background sound is really scary)... Episode 12 left an intense impact and a moral lesson...
Dec 16, 2007 2:24 AM

Nov 2007
I definitely liked this series because it was so different. It was actually what got me into watching more slice of life/romance anime. Going in, I knew it wasn't going to have a happy ending (although I didn't know what actually happened), so I thought it was fine.

Plus, throughout it, I never felt as if Makoto should end up with any of them, since he was such a jackass. So, you never really felt bad for anyone except Kotohona. At the end, it was nice to see that Makoto might have finally tried to control himself and stay with Kotohona (but this could also be due to the fact that he thinks Sekai is pregnant). But the best part was definitely when Sekai killed Makoto and he touch her stomach. Good stuff.
Dec 16, 2007 4:58 PM
Nov 2007
This was an interesting end to a series, definitely not my favorite. This whole death scene at the end really is what made this a bad anime for me. I would rather had it go that Kotonoha finally cracked and committed suicide and the Makoto lived the rest of his days out with Saionji. Not my ideal scene either, but I think it would fit better than what really happened.

I'm not really one to go for the sad ending, so that is probably why I didn't like it. Having at least one main character happy end the end would have sufficed, but I can't have everything. :p
Dec 16, 2007 7:04 PM

Jul 2007
Kotonoha was happy in the end... sort of...
Dec 16, 2007 7:46 PM

Aug 2007
You can say she got a head in life...xD

*presses canned laughter box*

Corny puns 1, Reality 0!
Eat it! xD
Dec 17, 2007 3:28 PM

Nov 2007
sad sad ending i felt really bad for kotonaha. makoto got what he deserved kinda and Saionji definitely got what she deserved

I signed my screen and now its all smeary "When you meet your God tell him to leave me alone."

check out my blog

fix MAL already
Dec 27, 2007 4:07 PM

Aug 2007
Wow! Just wow!! No that's.. wow *still in trance* GREAT END!! Go, Kotonoha, go!! Although black blood looks lame >_>

Dec 29, 2007 3:39 PM

Mar 2007
I don't see why people make such a huge fuss over the black blood, well I guess it takes a bit of the feeling out.

Well it started as bullshit, in the middle it started getting intresting and then for some reason everyone suddenly wanted to screw Makoto for no apparent reason. The ending was a bit good but I kinda wished that it would've covered more bases than just the main trio, but I guess it's normal for endings to leave lots of stuff unsaid. All in all a decent serie with a twist but in the end the story seemed quite shallow.

This serie reminded me heavily of some older (not anime) movie about a geisha who gets a tad jealous when her master has other women and in the end kills him and ends up carrying his penis in her vagina for quite a while before captured. It's quite a while since I saw it, I wonder what the name of that movie was.
Dec 29, 2007 4:18 PM

Aug 2007
All visual novel turned anime adaptations usually fall into one of two categories...

The first is to help promote the sales of the Visual Novel, Myself;Yourself is an example of this category. The problem with this type of adaptation is that the bulk of the plot is usually left unsolved. This is usually to help gain interest in the Visual Novel, where the whole plot is available to you if you purchase it.

The second is due to an overwhelming popularity of the Visual Novel, a good example of this is Kanon; which warranted 2 anime adaptations. This is the better type of adaptation due to the whole story of the visual novel being used to make the anime. A good indication of this type of adaptation is when the anime is subdivided into different arcs, usually an arc per each girl.

School Days falls into the first type of visual novel adaptation, or at least it looks that way to me anyway. The crummy part is that the animation in the School Days VN is leagues better than the anime counterpart...

I think blood that comes from an inflicted wound will be black from now on due to the girl killing his father or something back then, which if I recall correctly caused delays in the airing of the final episode of School Days and episode something of Higurashi.
Jan 7, 2008 7:56 AM

Dec 2007
holy...fuck... sorry for words, this time I can't help myself...

That was... original...
Actually I have mixed feelings about the ending... First of all, yes he deserved it. The way he treated Sekai was... I lack words. On the other hand... I wonder how would it turn out if Sekai actually gave up... Would he change? I wonder. Kotonoha... Man I feel bad for her. All in all, it was her who in fact did nothing wrong, she just wanted to be loved and accepted by society. And, IMO it was her who paid the biggest price. I would rather die, then end up the way she did >.>

Sekai... Yes, it was mostly Makotos fault, but she partially brought it on herself. First, she was so blinded by her "love" that she never really did pay attention that he is actually dumping Koto-chan. And the moment She saw that he is NOT stable emotionally she should've given up. Then, he says that "he was unprepared", but girls... take no offence, but you should also watch for such things -_- men tend to be careless sometimes, not only those makoto-type.

About screwing half a school... I agree, that was pretty dumb. I understand Sekai, I understand Koto-chan, I understand the chibi girl... Even that old friend. But those free gals from Koto-chan's class, or the girl that was in love with Ito's friend, I understand NOT. and least of them I understand that girl with short hair from Ito/Sekai class.

As a final word... Yes, it was original. I knew what was coming simply because I read a sentence too far trying to find definition for "Yandere" :P But guess what... I'm still trembling even now...

Poor Koto-chan... in the middle i thought "even though he will die, those two will continue to carry on, probably they'll be better off without him"... And such a...

And yeah, Nice boat.

P.S. As for the final I have two Words to say.


-=Real, 100% Lelouch Lamperouge Zealot=-
Jan 7, 2008 8:16 AM

Jun 2007
for me the show started badly, dropped the series in ep. 3
started watching again... boring, but then the whole psycho with kotonoha made the show better
the last ep... was wow O_O didnt see it coming.
everytime I see a nice boat, this episode will pop on my head, it has change my view of boats forever.
Jan 12, 2008 7:38 AM

Nov 2007
i just finished it SO GOT WHAT WAS COMING!!!!!!...and sekai but i kinda liked her.....and kotonoha i guess got a happy ending...she got a it was great...and the boat was nice..X3

NICE BOAT!!!!! :3
Amaya-KiroFeb 19, 2008 4:04 PM
Jan 21, 2008 1:00 AM

Nov 2007
I wasn't disappointed.. after the crazyness of the last episode, I knew that the finale would be out there, but I didn't expect it to be so far out there.. crazy Kotonoha was a whole level higher on the crazy meter than I anticipated.
Jan 23, 2008 2:54 AM

Nov 2007
Wow. lol

This just goes to show you, DONT TRY TO SCREW ALL THE GIRLS IN AN HGAME!!!!

>_>; it only leads to a bad ending.
Essentially that's what the whole show is. Like, someone went and played an HGame, tried to screw all the girls, ended up with one of the worse endings, and then it got animated.

It was pretty interesting though, and I love how hated Matoko is haha.

I'll probably give it a... hmm... a 7/10.

Edit- Trying to compare this to an anime based off manga or novel will only get you angry I've realized. Especially the whole "half the school sleeps with him" bit, and the way Matoko acts like a sex fiend in the first place. He is the quintessential hgame male lead. This is one of those hgame adaptions though, where (unlike Clannad and Kanon) it's presented more like an hgame rather then a good ole romance/drama. Meaning, the male lead will actually have sex with the female characters.
On that note, I think I'm going to look for the school days game... heh.
VoltlighterJan 23, 2008 2:58 AM
Feb 14, 2008 11:15 AM

Oct 2007
Great anime, really suprising ending, even though I could see Seaki doing that.

Any similar animes to School Days?
Feb 14, 2008 11:23 AM

Oct 2007
School Days is different and in some ways more realistic than other harem animes and thats what made it great to me.

Feb 14, 2008 11:32 AM

Oct 2007
Yeah...that is what I've heard XD
Feb 14, 2008 1:58 PM

Nov 2007
Yes! the bastard finaly dies =D
Feb 14, 2008 6:07 PM

Jun 2007
Maurox said:
First of all, yes he deserved it. The way he treated Sekai was... I lack words.

I felt Sekai deserved to be treated like that for being a backstabbing bi**. I guess I'm part of the few who felt Mokoto didn't deserve what he got.
Feb 18, 2008 10:19 PM

Oct 2007

loli_slayer said:
“Just as I thought, it was a lie. There’s no one inside.” <— Best. Line. Ever.

Can not possibly agree more.

Honestly, I feel like writing an essay about this one episode, one of the best endings I have ever seen in an anime. Yes it's true and although it may be sad such is life! I will now include the main points of this episode:

Makoto deserved it (How many people/times can he cheat on someone?),
Sekai deserved it,
Katsura, although I found her to be too easy going(so annoying), I must say good for her. She got what she wanted!

I sooooo did not see it coming except when Katsura started going a little AWOL but that was just awesome and kind of saddening. Just when I was thinking "Jeez this thing is so predictable, I don't want to keep watching...nothing new, it's like a kimi ga nozumo eien/some other thing I just watched." And then this last episode...such a twist from just people having hurt feelings. I read it had a sad ending somewhere, but I have to disagree. I think it was actually kind of moderate, I wanted them to die from episode one. Katsura I feel bad for, although she is happy in her own way. Treated like shit the entire show, but finally steps up to the plate.

Sekai was almost good in the first few episodes, but she did indeed become a backstabbing bitch. She got a taste of her own medicine, and damn would I be lying if I said I didn't laugh every time she found out she was being cheated on, I think I laughed more in this anime than most others, even comedies! (I mean actually "HAHAH omg!" laughing.)

Give it a week and I'll probably re-date this to like a 6 or 7 after this final epic episode wears off, and I remember the sad painstaking first eleven of them.

I feel retarded for writing this much, but when I watch episodes in bulk I just can't help it, so many episodes so little time. OK I'm done!
Feb 19, 2008 3:58 AM

Nov 2007
CRAZY. Not a whole lot else to say that hasn't been said.

I thought I liked it too much, but a lot of people hate it without even understanding it (i refer of course to the 'MAKOTO IS SUCH AN ASS AM I SUPPOSED TO LIKE THIS GUY 0/10' people). It's kind of shame that I went into it knowing the gist of the ending (well, I knew somebody was killed with a sharp object), but if I hadn't seen it coming I don't know how I would've reacted. Honestly, I don't think I would've managed well. I'm not the most stable person.

Also, she was definitely pregnant. It hadn't been long, and Katsura was KRAZY by then.

Also known as Monster in a box, but I hate that handle...and it doesn't fit here.
Feb 19, 2008 2:05 PM

Oct 2007
There is really no way to know, but it could have been a few months between the first few and last episodes, enough to see..something. So either she wasn't or yes Katsura was just crazy. But you could see Sekai's reaction after Katsura called her on it, I kind of had the feeling she was lieing after that, at least that's what I came away with from it.
Feb 19, 2008 2:41 PM

Nov 2007
I can see the other side of the argument, but I don't think she would've been doing all that vomiting otherwise. Some people do get nauseous when depressed, but that combined with the dreamy stomach rubbing makes me think she was pregnant.

Plus, they say women get the strangest cravings when pregnant. In this case, it just happened to be an appetite for MURDER.


Also known as Monster in a box, but I hate that handle...and it doesn't fit here.
Feb 19, 2008 3:08 PM

Oct 2007

True the vomiting does make it hard to figure out, I can't really explain that with anything but as you said, depression or maybe even she was just as obsessed as Katsura so she faked it (Doubt it though). xD

The reason I bring up the obsessed thing on that one is because I feel the same way about the stomach rubbing. She could either actually want to have a baby and be thinking of the whole lie that it is while doing that, or just want to keep him so bad she is really putting in a lot of acting. It is a long shot and no way of knowing (Even if it was real who could understand what is going on in a woman's mind?)
Feb 26, 2008 7:00 PM

Dec 2007
I have the link from episode 12 uncensored...
can i post here?
Feb 27, 2008 3:35 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
davisonbr said:
I have the link from episode 12 uncensored...
can i post here?





[H+] ³  
Feb 27, 2008 6:44 AM

Mar 2007
Kotonoha, you're so moe!

Feb 27, 2008 7:24 AM

Jan 2007
oh man, thats hot.
Feb 27, 2008 12:52 PM

Nov 2007
Doesn't blood look black in the dark anyway?..

Also known as Monster in a box, but I hate that handle...and it doesn't fit here.
Feb 28, 2008 11:07 AM

Feb 2008
LOL! Just watched the ending. I want that unedited version.

Then, I'll tell my friends to watch this. So that they will not do something like Makoto will do.

But, I think the (nice) boat really gives us the comic expression.


I really thought this will be a commercial for AXE! Oh Yeah!

I know that there will be a sad ending and Sekai will die. Although, I don't want to accept the fact that it is. I've barely opened my eyes in watching the last 2 scenes.

It's 3:05AM here on the Philippines, my classes will start in 7:30AM, I can't sleep now. Oh, well!

I never thought this series will be like this in the end. I was smashing and punching my desk when I'm watching the part where Sekai was left alone. And Katsura and Makoto is making out in front of her. I really punched the desk so hard that I've made a crack on it. Then I suddenly became still and TOKI-DOKI! (LOL) when I saw the last part of txt msg of Sekai "Good bye"! That was really so much fun! ^__^

Now, really I can't sleep because of the depression that gets into my emotions now. I'm going to spam the whole spam section now.
Feb 28, 2008 12:30 PM

Mar 2007
It's kind of lame how they zoomed in the bag in the uncensored version when you can't see Makoto's head.

Anyways, here's some more fanservice.

Mako-chin ;_;

Mar 1, 2008 3:34 PM

Feb 2008
The ending made the whole anime worth it. =D

I was happy to see Makoto get it, and even more thrilled to see Sekai die. I hated her for backstabbing Kotonoha and then for acting like she hadn't done anything wrong later on... As for why I was happy to see Makoto murdered, everyone should know that. >_>;

Yay retribution. I do feel quite sorry for Kotonoha... She just completely snapped. D=

Anyway, yes, I loved the ending. Looking forward to the craziness was one of the main things that kept me watching the whole time... I tend to like watching mentally ill or unstable characters and the situations they cause.
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