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And that's why you should have just killed Rachel the moment you started suspecting her, Khun. Not keep your vendetta on stand-by for more than a year for no good reason smh...
But gotta be honest here, I absolutely love this psychotic bitch Rachel. She definitely makes this mediocre show far more enjoyable to watch.
I thought they gonna cooking with the Animation but it was still the same like previous episodes.
Kevin Penkin OST is the only thing that carrying this Season.
Oh boy what a Reunion for Khun and Bam.
And of course that bitch Rachel is back again with her bullshit mantra.
I very rarely comment on the animation quality of a show...BUT...what ambien-addled five year old children did they find to animate this???? For the first time, I'm actually angry. Because of an anime episode. I don't like this feeling.
Episode was full of tragedy. All of it seems kind of...stupid? All to get rid of obstacles they could have just avoided or dealt with at the right time. I know khun is totally going to be fine, that's just who he is. Kind of seems like he figured out who "Viole" is. Btw Rachel can go ahead with her legs and take a long walk off a short pier. REALLY do not like her.
While the animation quality is still inconsistent, I still am very much enjoying this story. The soundtrack in this episode really set the mood very well. There are still some things that are a bit confusing, but it was overall enjoyable. (7.5/10)
The semi-reunion with Khun gave me the same chills reading it all those years ago and the music helped as well. Khun as smart as he is, is beginning to put the pieces together. I knew that Rachel scene was coming and I still didn’t feel prepared for it… I think the animation in this episode wasn’t all too bad actually
how can u get the reunion of bam and khun wrong like how is it even possible that khun didn't recognise bam...... but atleast my hatred for Racheal is still on top after what she did... just want to see her die a miserable death ngl.... after watching 11 ep I feel this whole season is a filler, I heard that the manhwa is goated but the second season of this anime is getting worse ep after ep ...
Bruh who threatens their "god" with killing their friends. FUG literally could've done so many other things to manipulate and control Bam but let's just threaten him with his friends lives. That's definitely going to motivate him to be our god.
We also got comedically evil bunny girl.
Also trash Rachel makes her appearance again. Disgusting.
how can u get the reunion of bam and khun wrong like how is it even possible that khun didn't recognise bam...... but atleast my hatred for Racheal is still on top after what she did... just want to see her die a miserable death ngl.... after watching 11 ep I feel this whole season is a filler, I heard that the manhwa is goated but the second season of this anime is getting worse ep after ep ...
@levibigass Dude it's been YEARS since they met. Bam even grew his hair and his bangs are covering his eyes. Especially with Bam's voice, his new dark vibe and him being cold, there's no way anyone from his old team can recognise him. Not even Khun. Rather, people would find it even more strange if they actually can recognise Bam easily
- NOT your usual shounen anime - Pure comedy? DEAD WRONG - Treat Gintama as SoL/weekly sitcom especially earlier seasons - Ep 1 & 2 are for manga readers - BIG patience for its 'slow' start
Oh right, that's why we hate Rachel. Yep, stuff hit the fan. This was watchable. I remember Dan being at mercy of Rachel and he told her to F off but holy sh*t i forgott Rachel did that!
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This was the best episode of the season BY FAR! Finally, things have come full circle and Bam and Khun have FINALLY MET UP LETS GOO! And Khun is putting the pieces together! Also, WE HATE RACHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So all of this was set up so that FUG could kill Khun? And Viole is forced to play along with this charade.
But why was Kang killed by Cassano? Was that also apart of FUG’s plans. It must have hurt Viole not to be able to express the truth to Khun, and I hope that he survived the explosion. His teammates Novick and Ran might be cooked though.
And then what happened to Dan was brutal. Rachel ordered the hit on Khun?Is she the leader or a major officer of FUG? Is this all set up so that Viole can’t actually achieve his desires?
Fuck. So we have infiltrators among us and this bitch Rachel asked FUG to kill Khun. We also didn't get the reunion between them. And, she also killed Dan. He was a sweet guy as well. RIP. Man... I hate her. FUCK!!!!!
Is it gonna get explained how Rachel has the power or conections to hire FUG? For the 2 season straight she shown as a powerless bitch who only was able to be here because of other poeple
I can't blame khun, I mean FUG played the long game instead of a fast deception. And Khun just wanted revenge.. Tho I guess he took to much of his sweet time.
Behold of my awesomeness~
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But my feels.
I'm beyond shocked, the start of the season was rather slow, underwhelming even, but it's getting really good, I cannot believe how many emotions this episode got me through.
The second season really has taken a fall from the first season. The story has become convoluted and the characters are boring. The animation quality has also dropped tremendously. I can tell finish the rest of this series will become a slog. I tried to pick up the manwa, but I can't get behind the bad art and it doesn't look like the art gets better with time.
Are FUG that stupid? How come they threaten Bam to kill his friends if he doesn't comply, but still kill his friends anyway? Or is it Bam who is stupid?
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Rachel should've known her place, she belong to the streets. a powerless blonde, trying to achieve big where she has no talent. what a joke.
what's more irritating is watching her thinking her lies are working to those when it's actually the other way around.