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This could have become my new favorite anime. Watched it two days ago for the first time, yesterday already felt the need the rewatch it, today i can't stop listening to its soundtrack. I feel like i'm a teenager again
Whew, finally finished the show, it was an experience I’ll say, not sure what else to call it but it certainly was a wild experience but a great one regardless. I felt the ending was nicely done with Haruko leaving, Naota getting on with his life and Namimi essentially going on her merry way to become a photographer. For the most part I will say FLCL was really good overall, it did take me a bit to figure the story out and what it’s going for on my own, but I would be lying if I didn’t say the soundtrack is amazing as well as the visuals as I’ve already said before regarding this show. Characters are definably likeable, again wouldn’t really recommend this for newcomers because it’s easy to get confused with this show.
Laughed a lot at FLCL’s weird sense of humour and I kind of wish I had seen this when I was a teenager but oh well better late than never I suppose. I’ll give this an 8/10.
Ok, the meta 4th wall lampshading part about using a manga style animation and explaining why it was abandoned after the pilot was amusing.
i wanted to like more this show, but decided to binge watch it in just a day because at the end, except for some funny moments here and there generated by a costantly chaotic situation, i just couldn't become actually attached to the characters or the plot. Great effort for the animation, good soundtrack, but nothing much more. Unsure if it is a 6.5 or a 7.
I rewatched this series with some friends and I had forgotten how much fun it was. The ending tied it all together really neatly and it reminded me why it stood out so much back when I first watched it. I wish modern anime branched out like this and experimented again.
As a concept it throws a lot of random shit from the get-go and doesn't stop for a second to flesh out anything. None of the characters I found appealing because they are either one-liners, overly exaggerated or perverted. Well, maybe the robot-kun but that's about it. I believe they had the chance to tell something that had a bit more sense or make the somewhat serious scenes have more impact but instead we had a half assed relationship between Naota and everyone else, particularly the abusive Haurko.
Apart from that, it can still be enjoyable once you get past all the craziness. Various animation styles and techniches, the early 2000s rock soundtrack and the battle scenes make for a great presentation. There are a lot of scenes that can be taken out of context and most look better than many anime that have come out in the 20 years since them. It's a bit fo a shame the sound mixing isn't great and some scenes have the voice actors speak lower than the music.
Overall, I was not on board with this one, but maybe some of the other material from the series will change my mind.
The series as a whole is thoroughly enjoyable, but this last episode in particular has a real unstoppable momentum, and from the moment we get to the climax, solidifies this show forever and ever
Art and Songs is a 10/10 for sure, specially in 2000 : the year when they release that.
For a 6 episodes OVA, it has very good ending.
-- Funny how she says at the end "Wanna come ? abvuesly not, you're still a kid" ... When she's the one pursuiving a "ghost" even if it destroys everything around.
At the end, the kid did a mature/adult choice. Nice ending for him.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
what a ludicrous trip baby. power of love yet again confirmed to be the most powerful force in the universe, ends conflicts and keeps conflicts going eternally.
Naked Lunch was mentioned and that really tied the whole series together.
One of the most pretentious anime I've watched recently. Nothing makes sense, just random stuff stuffed into six episodes. The symbolism is surface level, the references are boring, and it's overrated as hell. Even Kill la Kill is better than this.
The last episode definitely wraps everything together well, really does feel like everything came together in the end. Also, that scene on the giant hand with Last Dinosaur blasting rocked. The new series kinda ruin it tho. Best to ignore them I suppose.
This episode was incredible for a 2000s anime. That one sequence specifically was great: the beautiful animation, "I think I can" playing in the background, and the appreciation that there is a meaning behind all of this makes for one of the best things I've ever watched.
That ending was great and tied everything together really well in my opinion. That is, except for Amarao and Kitsurubami. I want to see what happened to these two characters; they were my favorites from the show.