GenesisAria said:For an anime that randomly jumped outa nowhere when it was first announced, it's done pretty well at sticking with the MMO's actual themes.
Once again people complaining about generic . . . how is this even generic? I don't understand what people see as generic everywhere.
(ps: claiming it to be generic because it's not "new" enough for you, doesn't mean it is. )
Main character is silent and focused and has boundless resolve, i like it. The boobs? surprisingly not all that emphasized, aside from that one person with the bikini top outfit, but that's actually in the game. And lots of mook killing? Well duh, your character is a beast who only really faces challenge against sizable foes and mows down lots of mooks.
I don't see amazing yet, but it's not bad.
Aeonenleben said: Also: Fighting animations were pretty generic Swinging a sword irl looks generic. This was quite a bit more interesting, plus people don't randomly have skin armour.
This probably would have presented better if they used the intro/prologue from the game.
Regardless, the game is very enjoyable, and the show does do it some justice, not an instant-flop like you'd expect. It actually looks like an anime on it's own as opposed to something harshly reliant on the game itself.
Don't tell people something's bad just because you don't like it personally.
jiraiya_sensei said: I read the comments here first before watching the subbed version and all I can say is:
Why so much hate?
I mean yeah it's not groundbreaking or anything but for a video game adaption it's actually not bad (in fact this looked like a masterpiece compared to the horror that was BlazBlue). So yeah there were some cleavage and a bathing scene, so what? has the male population become so emasculated that some of us are offended by the slightest fan service? or maybe watching too much anime has actually made some of us become like wimpy harem lead who scream at the sight of boobies? so what if most of the characters are female? this is nowhere near as outrageous as Queen's Blade or Manyuu Hikenchou.
Ranting aside, I like the design of the characters and their battle clothes. Reminds me of a certain concept artist whose name I can't remember. IIRC it was for the game Magna Carta. The scenery is also unexpectedly beautiful. I also like Alka's fighting style, no wasted movement. Just swift one-hit kill attack. I'll see where this goes, the story most likely will be generic but I'll give it a chance instead of hating from the 1st episode for petty reasons.
thepath said: Where are the fanservices ? THere was almost no fanservice in this show. It is not like highschool DxD or freezing which are full of fanservice. Where is the panty shot, where is the boob bouncing part ? where is the the guy who fall into female by accident and then female hit him ?
It is complete opposite of fanservice anime and it it has serious and dark theme. When I saw the picture of this anime, I didn't expect this anime to be very serious and dark.
I find the story interesting because it has blood, people dying, village destroyed. It has serious and dark theme unlike most animes these days. Thats alone make the story above average.
Action was good. You have badass MC that hit the bullets with her sword, and people die when they are attacked. Is not like Noragami where the action feels more like comedy than real action.
Main character is female ! So what ? She is badass and hot at same time, and she is different from these stupid school females who talk too much and get embarrassed.
I'm tired of these countless unfunny comedy, slice of life crap and school kids animes. Soul and Blade is already miles better than 90% of other animes.
Those three posts combined make exactly clear what the point is. Indeed, people don't realise anymore what 'generic' means, nor what a sub-par anime actually entails. Maybe they have been spoiled by series like Shingeki no Kyojin, but let me tell you: if you only compare to masterpieces, nothing will be found good anymore.
If you compare this anime, certainly since it's the first episode, with most other (first episodes of) anime out there, one can't come to any other conclusion that it's actually ABOVE average, not below. It's getting so annoying to see this kind of elitist attitude here, where everyone nowadays uses the buzzword 'generic' just because they hear it from everyone else, and think it's cool to 'talk the talk'. Yes, too much use of tropes CAN be annoying. But as GenesisAria says, people mistakenly think because something has been done already, and it's in the 'seen that, done that' camp, having generic elements in a story is inherently pejorative. It is not.
There ARE NO true original stories left anymore. Why is that so difficult to comprehend? It's ALL been done and said before. The only difference remaining is how you do and say it. But with a reductio ad absurdum, you can always point to it as being 'generic'.
There was a bathscene in there where some nudity was shown. Generic! (Really? It didn't went all ecchi, and it didn't use the trope of high screaming, blushing and throwing objects at the one peeking yelling 'pervert'. Instead, she took her sword hidden in the water, jumped out, and threatened to cut his throat - all buttnaked and without shame, remaining cool and calculated. How is this not an original take on the classical 'peeking tom' trope? It's as original as you can make that often used situation in anime, in fact.)
There is a leading female character with a stoic attitude! Generic!
There were swords used: generic!
There was magic used: generic!
There were parties portrayed which were protagonists and others that were antagonists: generic!
Well, let me go further in the same way, then:
The characters spoke to eachother: generic! The characters looked at eachother: generic! They walked: generic! They had fights: generic!
Guys/galls: it's not because something is used, even often, that it's generic in the pejorative meaning of the word.
Just think about it. Was the fanservice really so bad and overbearing? Ever saw Freezing, another anime where the main character is a female? Now, THAT is fanservice, to the point of it becoming annoying. Thepath is right pointing this out. Most anime have a buckload more of fanservice, as well as in quantity as in ecchiness. Objectively speaking, this was a very, very moderate amount of fanservice, which actually made sense, at least from *within* the portrayed scene in the anime (and not like clothes just happened to be cut so the boobs pop out (unharmed) every five minutes).
It's like jiraiya_sensei says: what the f- happened to the male populace watching anime these days, that they can't handle and muster even this amount of fanservice, without going into complaining mode? The fanservice was pretty tempered and decent, made sense in-story, and wasn't bad to look at, even if it was more suggestion than anything else. So, what is there to complain about? This is about as good as fanservice goes. If you don't like this and can't handle it, you don't like fanservice, period. However, as the first poster said: don't say a scene is bad just because you personally don't like the usage of those kind of scenes. |