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ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား မှ

ကိုဩဒိနိတ်: Sky map 05h 32m 00.4s, −00° 17′ 57″


မီတကနှင့်အတူ အိုရိုင်ယွန် ခါးပတ်
Epoch J2000      Equinox J2000
ကြယ်စုတန်း အိုရိုင်ယွန်
δ Ori A (Aa1 + Aa2 + Ab)
ညာဘက်တိမ်းစောင်းမှု 05° 32′ 00.40009″[]
နိမ့်ဆင်းမှု −00° 17′ 56.7424″[]
မြင်သာသောအရွယ်အစား (V) ၂.၂၃[] (2.50 + 3.90[])
δ Ori B
ညာဘက်တိမ်းစောင့်မှု 05° 31′ 58.745″[]
နိမ့်ဆင်းမှု −00° 18′ 18.65″[]
မြင်သာသောအရွယ်အစား (V) ၁၄.၀[]
HD 36485
ညာဘက်တိမ်းစောင်းမှု 05° 32′ 00.406″[]
နိမ့်ဆင်းမှု −00° 17′ 04.38″[]
မြင်သာသောအရွယ်အစား (V) ၆.၈၅[]
စတီလာ အမျိုးအစား (O9.5II + B1V +B0IV[]) + B3V[]
U−B အရောင်ညွန်းကိန်း −၁.၀၅[]
B−V အရောင်ညွန်းကိန်း −၀.၂၂[]
မတည်မြဲသောကြယ် Eclipsing binary[]
ဗဟိုခွာအား အလျင် (Rv)၁၈.၅၀ ± ၀.၅[၁၀] km/s
သင့်လျော် ရွေ့လျားမှု (μ) RA: ၀.၆၄ ± ၀.၅၆[] mas/yr
Dec.: -၀.၆၉ ± ၀.၂၇[] mas/yr
ပြောင်းလဲ တည်နေရာ (π)၄.၇၁ ± ၀.၅၈[] mas
အကွာအဝေး၁,၂၀၀[] ly
(၃၈၀[] pc)
ပကတိ အရွယ်အစား (MV)−၅.၈[]
δ Ori Aa1
ပကတိ အရွယ်အစား (MV)−၅.၄[]
δ Ori Aa2
ပကတိ အရွယ်အစား (MV)−၂.၉[]
δ Ori Ab
ပကတိ အရွယ်အစား (MV)−၄.၂[]
δ Ori Aa1
ဒြပ်ထု၂၄[] M
အချင်းဝက်၁၆.၅[] R
တောက်ပမှု၁၉၀,၀၀၀[] L
မျက်နှာပြင် ဒြပ်ဆွဲအား(log g)၃.၃၇ ± ၀.၁၅[] cgs
သက်ရောက်သည့် အပူချိန်၂၉,၅၀၀ ± ၅၀၀[] K
လှည့်ပတ်အလျင် (v sin i)၁၃၀ ± ၁၀[] km/s
δ Ori Aa2
ဒြပ်ထု၈.၄[] M
အချင်းဝက်၆.၅[] R
တောက်ပမှု၁၆,၀၀၀[] L
မျက်နှာပြင် ဒြပ်ဆွဲအား(log g)၃.၉[] cgs
သက်ရောက်သည့် အပူချိန်၂၅,၆၀၀ ± ၃,၀၀၀[] K
လှည့်ပတ်အလျင် (v sin i)၁၅၀ ± ၅၀[] km/s
δ Ori Ab
ဒြပ်ထု၂၂.၅[] M
အချင်းဝက်၁၀.၄[] R
တောက်ပမှု၆၃,၀၀၀[] L
မျက်နှာပြင် ဒြပ်ဆွဲအား(log g)၃.၅ ± ၀.၃[] cgs
သက်ရောက်သည့် အပူချိန်၂၈,၄၀၀ ± ၁,၅၀၀[] K
လှည့်ပတ်အလျင် (v sin i)၂၂၀ ± ၂၀[] km/s
HD 36485
ဒြပ်ထု~၉[] M
အချင်းဝက်၅.၇[၁၁] R
တောက်ပမှု၃,၃၀၀[၁၁] L
မျက်နှာပြင် ဒြပ်ဆွဲအား(log g)၄.၄၁[၁၁] cgs
သက်ရောက်သည့် အပူချိန်၁၈,၄၀၀[၁၁] K
ပင်မδ Ori Aa1
အဖော်δ Ori Aa2
ပတ်လမ်းကြာချိန် (P)၅.၇၃၂၄၃၆ ရက္
ဆီမီး-မေဂျာ ဝင်ရိုး (a)43.1 ± 1.7 R
စက်ဝိုင်းပုံပတ်လမ်း (e)0.1133 ± 0.0003
နိမ့်ဆင်းမှု (i)၇၆.၅ ± ၀.၂°
အနီးဆုံးပတ်လမ်း (T)၂၄၅၆၂၉၅.၆၇၄ ± ၀.၀၆၂
အနီးဆုံးပတ်လမ်း၏ထောင့်ဖြတ် (ω)
၁၄၁.၃ ± ၀.၂°
ကြယ် စာရင်း
Mintaka, δ Orionis, 34 Orionis, 88 G. Orionis, FK5 206, HIP 25930, ADS 4134, CCDM J05320-0018, WDS J05320-0018
Mintaka Aa: HD 36486, HR 1851, SAO 132220/132221, BD−00°983, GC 6847
Mintaka Ab: δ Orionis B, CCDM J05320-0018D, WDS J05320-0018Ab
δ Ori B: UCAC3 180-24383, CCDM J05320-0018B, WDS J05320-0018B
HD 36485: δ Orionis C, HR 1851, SAO 132221, BD−00°982, GC 6848, PLX 1261, CCDM J05320-0018C
ရည်ညွန်း ဒေတာ
SIMBADδ Ori A data
SIMBADδ Ori B data
SIMBADHD 36485 data

မီတက သည် ကြယ်တစ်စင်းဖြစ်ပြီး အလင်းနှစ် ၁၂၀၀ ကွာဝေးကာ အိုရိုင်ယွန် ကြယ်စုတန်းတွင် တည်ရှိသည်။ မီတက ဟူသောနာမည်သည် အာရပ်ဘာသာစကား منطقة manṭaqa မှ ဖြစ်ပြီး ခါးပတ်ဟု အဓိပ္ပာယ်ရသည်။ ယင်းသည် အိုရိုင်ယွန် ခါးပတ်မှ ကြယ်သုံးစင်းထဲတွင် တစ်ခုအပါဝင်ဖြစ်ကာ ကမ္ဘာမြောက်ဘက်ခြမ်းမှဆိုလျင် လေ့လာသူတစ်ဦးအနေဖြင့် ညာဘက်အစွန်းဆုံး ကြယ်တစ်စင်းဖြစ်သည်။

လေ့လာမှု သမိုင်းကြောင်း

Location of δ Orionis (circled)
Location of δ Orionis (circled)

Mintaka is the westernmost of the three stars of Orion's belt. It is easily visible to the naked eye, one of the brightest stars in the sky, and has been known since antiquity.

Radial velocity measurements taken by Henri-Alexandre Deslandres at Paris Observatory showed that Mintaka had a variable radial velocity and therefore was a spectroscopic binary.[၁၂] His preliminary orbital period estimate of 1.92 days was shown to be incorrect in 1904 when Johannes Franz Hartmann using photographic plates taken at Potsdam Observatory showed that the orbital period was 5.7 days.[၁၃] Hartmann also noticed that the calcium K line at 393.4 nanometres in the stellar spectrum did not share in the periodic displacements of the lines due to orbital motion of the star and theorized that there was a cloud in the line of sight to Mintaka that contained calcium. This was the first detection of the interstellar medium.[၁၃]

Mintaka is a multiple star system with a magnitude 7 star about 52 arcseconds away from the main component and an even fainter star in between. The main component itself is triple: a class O9.5 bright giant and a class B main sequence star orbit every 5.73 days and exhibit shallow eclipses when the star dims about 0.2 magnitudes;[] and a B-class sub-giant is resolved 0.26" away.[] At the primary eclipse, the apparent magnitude (of the whole system) drops from 2.23 to 2.35, while it only drops to 2.19 at the secondary eclipse.[၁၄]

The seventh magnitude companion, HD 36485, is an unusual B-type main sequence star and itself a spectroscopic binary with a faint A-type companion in a 30-day orbit.[]

The 14th magnitude star is thought to be at the same distance, but it isn't clear whether it is physically bound to the primary star and little is known about it.

Mintaka is surrounded by a cluster of faint stars, possibly part of the cluster surrounding σ Ori.[၁၅]

The bright central star of the system is δ Ori A. Its components are generally referred to by researchers as Aa1, Aa2, and Ab, with HD 36485 referred to as Mintaka (or δ Ori) C, and the closer fourteenth magnitude companion as δ Ori B. Confusingly, some catalogues list δ Ori Ab as component B or component D, and Simbad names δ Ori Ab as Delta Orionis B.[]



The distance derived from the Hipparcos satellite parallax is 212 ± 30 pc,[] while spectroscopic distances, comparisons to similar stars, and cluster membership all suggest a value more than double that.[၁၆] This type of unreconcilable discrepancy is not unique to Mintaka and the reasons for it have yet to be clarified.[]

အိုရိုင်ယွန် ခါးပတ်

အကျယ်တဝင့် ဖော်ပြထားသောဆောင်းပါး - အိုရိုင်ယွန် ခါးပတ်
Dunhuang Star Atlas - Orion

The three belt stars were collectively known by many names in many cultures. Arabic terms include Al Nijād 'the Belt', Al Nasak 'the Line', Al Alkāt 'the Golden Grains or Nuts' and, in modern Arabic, Al Mīzān al H•akk 'the Accurate Scale Beam'. In Chinese mythology they were also known as The Weighing Beam. The name Mintaka itself is derived from an Arabic term for "belt": منطقة or manṭaqa.[၁၇]

The belt was also the Three Stars mansion (ရိုးရှင်းတရုတ်: 参宿; ရိုးရာတရုတ်: 參宿; ပင်ယင်: Shēn Xiù), one of the Twenty-eight mansions of the Chinese constellations. It is one of the western mansions of the White Tiger.

In pre-Christian Scandinavia, the belt was known as Frigg's Distaff (Friggerock) or Freyja's distaff.[၁၈] Similarly Jacob's Staff and Peter's Staff were European biblical derived terms, as were the Three Magi, or the Three Kings. Väinämöinen's Scythe (Kalevala) and Kalevan Sword are terms from Finnish mythology.[၁၇]

The Seri people of northwestern Mexico call the three belt stars Hapj (a name denoting a hunter), which consists of three stars: Hap (mule deer), Haamoja (pronghorn), and Mojet (bighorn sheep). Hap is in the middle and has been shot by the hunter; its blood has dripped onto Tiburón Island.[၁၉]

In Spain and Portugal, this asterism is known as Las Tres Marías or As Três Marias, which stand for The Three Marys in Spanish and Portuguese respectively.

In Christian astromythology, Mintaka is also regarded as the third of the three Magi on their way to Bethlehem (Sirius): Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar.


  1. ၁.၀ ၁.၁ ၁.၂ ၁.၃ ၁.၄ ၁.၅ "Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction" (2007). Astronomy and Astrophysics 474 (2): 653–664. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20078357. Bibcode2007A&A...474..653V.  Vizier catalog entry
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  6. ၆.၀ ၆.၁ "The Tycho-2 catalogue of the 2.5 million brightest stars" (2000). Astronomy and Astrophysics 355: L27. Bibcode2000A&A...355L..27H. 
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  8. ၈.၀ ၈.၁ ၈.၂ "The magnetic field and circumstellar environment of the helium-strong star HD36485 = δ Ori C" (2010). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 401 (4): 2739. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15858.x. Bibcode2010MNRAS.401.2739L. 
  9. ၉.၀ ၉.၁ "VizieR Online Data Catalog: General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus+ 2007–2013)" (2009). VizieR On-line Data Catalog: B/gcvs. Bibcode2009yCat....102025S. 
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  11. ၁၁.၀ ၁၁.၁ ၁၁.၂ ၁၁.၃ "Properties of He-rich stars. I. Their evolutionary state and helium abundance" (1997). Astronomy and Astrophysics 324: 949. Bibcode1997A&A...324..949Z. 
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  13. ၁၃.၀ ၁၃.၁ "Investigations on the spectrum and orbit of delta Orionis" (1904). Astrophysical Journal 19: 268–286. doi:10.1086/141112. Bibcode1904ApJ....19..268H. 
  14. "A Catalog of Visual Double and Multiple Stars with Eclipsing Components" (2009). Astronomical Journal 138 (2): 664. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/138/2/664. Bibcode2009AJ....138..664Z. 
  15. "Young stars and brown dwarfs surrounding Alnilam (ɛ Orionis) and Mintaka (δ Orionis)" (2008). Astronomy and Astrophysics 485 (3): 931. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:200809595. Bibcode2008A&A...485..931C. 
  16. "A Coordinated X-Ray and Optical Campaign of the Nearest Massive Eclipsing Binary, δ Orionis Aa. I. Overview of the X-Ray Spectrum" (2015). Astrophysical Journal 809 (2): 132. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/809/2/132. Bibcode2015ApJ...809..132C. 
  17. ၁၇.၀ ၁၇.၁ Allen, Richard Hinckley (1963) [1899]။ Star-names and their meanings။ New York, NY: Dover Publications။ p. 314။ ISBN 1-931559-44-9
  18. Schön, Ebbe. (2004). Asa-Tors hammare, Gudar och jättar i tro och tradition. Fält & Hässler, Värnamo. p. 228.
  19. Moser၊ Mary B.; Stephen A. Marlett (2005)။ Comcáac quih yaza quih hant ihíip hac: Diccionario seri-español-inglés (Spanish နှင့် Englishဘာသာစကားဖြင့်)။ Hermosillo, Sonora and Mexico City: Universidad de Sonora and Plaza y Valdés Editores။CS1 maint: အသိအမှတ်မပြုသော ဘာသာစကား (link)

