Elves of Middle Earth

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an image of a woman hugging a boy with long blonde hair and wearing a blue dress
a drawing of a woman hugging a man with flowers on his head and the words, i love you
an image of a cartoon character with a crown on his head talking to another character
#sorry i'm not sorry about my elf problem: Photo
Tolkien Hobbit
a drawing of two girls looking into each other's eyes
Momma Hen Thranduil by Miyucchi on DeviantArt
a drawing of two people standing next to a horse in front of a large tree
Aragorn - his life before the LotR
an image of two people in the woods with one person holding a bow and arrow
Alice's art blog
a drawing of a woman holding a baby in her arms and the child's arm around her neck
Thranduil & Legolas
an image of a man with long white hair hugging another man's head and the words please don't go written on it
a drawing of a man with long blonde hair and a woman's head wrapped around him
LOTR - Tears by the-evil-legacy on DeviantArt
a comic strip with an image of a blonde haired woman talking to a man in a green shirt
LOTR - Where is mom? by the-evil-legacy on DeviantArt