
790 Pins
46K views · 1.3K reactions | Hermoso 😍😄❤️ #ericthali #erickthali #hechoconamor #ericktali | erickthali
46K views · 1.3K reactions | Hermoso 😍😄❤️ #ericthali #erickthali #hechoconamor #ericktali | erickthali
89K views · 2.2K reactions | Hermoso diseño 😻😻😁 | By erickthali | Facebook
89K views · 2.2K reactions | Hermoso diseño 😻😻😁 | By erickthali | Facebook
29K views · 694 reactions | El negro combinación perfecta 😍 #ericthali #ericktali #hechoconamor | erickthali
29K views · 694 reactions | El negro combinación perfecta 😍 #ericthali #ericktali #hechoconamor | erickthali
8.5K views · 1.4K reactions | Continuing my Valentine's themed tutorials with these "Lots of Love" earrings. I love how easy it is to make a bunch of hearts simply by using a pen or anything round that you can find at home. 😃 Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! 💕 #rilanycreations #diyearrings #earringstutorial #valentineearrings #jewelrymaking | Wendy | Jewelry Making Tutorials
8.5K views · 1.4K reactions | Continuing my Valentine's themed tutorials with these "Lots of Love" earrings. I love how easy it is to make a bunch of hearts simply by using a pen or anything round that you can find at home. 😃 Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! 💕 #rilanycreations #diyearrings #earringstutorial #valentineearrings #jewelrymaking | Wendy | Jewelry Making Tutorials
35K views · 538 reactions | Este modelo es hermoso ❤️ | By erickthali | Facebook
35K views · 538 reactions | Este modelo es hermoso ❤️ | By erickthali | Facebook
16K views · 3.7K reactions | Happy Friday! I love how this earring is so easy to make and yet so pretty. 🥰 I think the steps are pretty straightforward, but I do have a full tutorial on YouTube if you want slower/detailed instructions. Let me know in the comments if you want the link. Enjoy your weekend! 🤗💖 #rilanycreations #diyearrings #easydiy #jewelrymaking #teardropearrings | Wendy | Jewelry Making Tutorials
16K views · 3.7K reactions | Happy Friday! I love how this earring is so easy to make and yet so pretty. 🥰 I think the steps are pretty straightforward, but I do have a full tutorial on YouTube if you want slower/detailed instructions. Let me know in the comments if you want the link. Enjoy your weekend! 🤗💖 #rilanycreations #diyearrings #easydiy #jewelrymaking #teardropearrings | Wendy | Jewelry Making Tutorials
427K views · 2.7K reactions | Do this with your jump rings to create easy resin designs #resinforbeginners #resinhacks #artofresin #resintechniques #ResinInnovation #craftersoffacebook #resinsecrets #artformentalhealth #epoxyresinart #resinrings #jumprings | Ejoy's Art Space
427K views · 2.7K reactions | Do this with your jump rings to create easy resin designs #resinforbeginners #resinhacks #artofresin #resintechniques #ResinInnovation #craftersoffacebook #resinsecrets #artformentalhealth #epoxyresinart #resinrings #jumprings | Ejoy's Art Space
18K views · 334 reactions | Tutorial... Realiza gancho de Aretes con mariposa. | By C y C creaciones | Facebook
18K views · 334 reactions | Tutorial... Realiza gancho de Aretes con mariposa. | By C y C creaciones | Facebook
3.1K views · 87 reactions | Tutorial .... Pulsera trenzada con alambre acerado. | By C y C creaciones | Facebook
3.1K views · 87 reactions | Tutorial .... Pulsera trenzada con alambre acerado. | By C y C creaciones | Facebook
1.6K views · 673 reactions | DIY Pearl Drop Earrings | Make Earrings at Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #pearlearrings #jewelry #onlineshopping #gold #accessories #supportsmallbusiness #earrings #jewellery #necklace #silver #handmadejewelry #jewelrydesigner #jewelryaddict #fashionjewelry #instajewelry #jewelrygram #pearl #pearls #handmadejewellery #indianjewellery #earings #handmadejewelry #diyjewelry #pearls #pearljewelry #earrings #relaxvideo #pearlearrings | Lara Endless
1.6K views · 673 reactions | DIY Pearl Drop Earrings | Make Earrings at Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #pearlearrings #jewelry #onlineshopping #gold #accessories #supportsmallbusiness #earrings #jewellery #necklace #silver #handmadejewelry #jewelrydesigner #jewelryaddict #fashionjewelry #instajewelry #jewelrygram #pearl #pearls #handmadejewellery #indianjewellery #earings #handmadejewelry #diyjewelry #pearls #pearljewelry #earrings #relaxvideo #pearlearrings | Lara Endless
9.3K views · 1.2K reactions | Zarcillos clásicos que no te pueden faltar en tu colección🤭 Son unos solitarios perocon base tipo anzuelo, súper lindos, súper sencillos✅ Utilizamos: -Alambre TPC #18 (2 hebras de 5cm c/u para anzuelos) -Alambre TPC #20 (2 hebras de 12cm c/u para estructurado de la piedra) -2 piedras naturales 6mm (la de tu preferencia) ¿Y tú los usarías?👀 #joyeriaartesanal#alambrismo#alambretpc#tpc#emprendimiento | TPC®️ BISUTERIA • JOYERIA • ACCESORIOS
9.3K views · 1.2K reactions | Zarcillos clásicos que no te pueden faltar en tu colección🤭 Son unos solitarios perocon base tipo anzuelo, súper lindos, súper sencillos✅ Utilizamos: -Alambre TPC #18 (2 hebras de 5cm c/u para anzuelos) -Alambre TPC #20 (2 hebras de 12cm c/u para estructurado de la piedra) -2 piedras naturales 6mm (la de tu preferencia) ¿Y tú los usarías?👀 #joyeriaartesanal#alambrismo#alambretpc#tpc#emprendimiento | TPC®️ BISUTERIA • JOYERIA • ACCESORIOS
210K views · 18K reactions | COMENTA, DALE LIKE ❤️ Y PODRÁS GANAR $47.000  PESOS🇨🇴 EN INSUMOS.  Esta hermosa pulsera es súper sencilla de realizar ✨😍 Emprender nunca había sido tan fácil 🤩 🛒 Haz que tu bisutería destaque.Consíguelo ahora y empieza a crear sin límites 🤩 ⚠️ AHORA PUEDES PAGAR DESDE ADDI Y SISTECREDITO ⚠️ REALIZA TU PEDIDO AQUÍ ⬇️ WHATSAPP: 📲3114082334  ESCRÍBENOS AL WHATSAPP PARA COTIZAR TUS INSUMOS 🎉🎉 TIENDA FÍSICA -MEDELLÍN📍 Cra 51 #45 - 52 Pasaje Comercial San Antonio, Local 9940. -CALI 📍 Cra 5ta #14 - 37 Centro Comercial Punto 14, Local C-132. -BOGOTÁ 📍 Cra 24 # 53 - 73 Centro comercial Plaza 54 (c.c Galerías) Local 107 - 108. - Realizamos envíos a toda Colombia y también envíos internacionales por DHL🇨🇴 🚚  —- Puedes elegir la transportadora por la cual se te va a despachar ✈️ -NO tenemos Pedido Mínimo. -Domicilios contra entrega en MEDELLÍN, BOGOTÁ Y CALI. 🛒 . . Déjanos un comentario y te enviaremos nuestro catálogo. . . Puedes escribirnos a nuestro WhatsApp entrando al link de nuestra biografía. | Santorini Bisutería
210K views · 18K reactions | COMENTA, DALE LIKE ❤️ Y PODRÁS GANAR $47.000 PESOS🇨🇴 EN INSUMOS. Esta hermosa pulsera es súper sencilla de realizar ✨😍 Emprender nunca había sido tan fácil 🤩 🛒 Haz que tu bisutería destaque.Consíguelo ahora y empieza a crear sin límites 🤩 ⚠️ AHORA PUEDES PAGAR DESDE ADDI Y SISTECREDITO ⚠️ REALIZA TU PEDIDO AQUÍ ⬇️ WHATSAPP: 📲3114082334 ESCRÍBENOS AL WHATSAPP PARA COTIZAR TUS INSUMOS 🎉🎉 TIENDA FÍSICA -MEDELLÍN📍 Cra 51 #45 - 52 Pasaje Comercial San Antonio, Local 9940. -CALI 📍 Cra 5ta #14 - 37 Centro Comercial Punto 14, Local C-132. -BOGOTÁ 📍 Cra 24 # 53 - 73 Centro comercial Plaza 54 (c.c Galerías) Local 107 - 108. - Realizamos envíos a toda Colombia y también envíos internacionales por DHL🇨🇴 🚚 —- Puedes elegir la transportadora por la
16K views · 1.9K reactions | Beautiful pearl bracelet 🥰 #pulseras #kundanjewellery #jewellery #indianjewellery #earrings #bridaljewellery #polkijewellery #necklace #weddingjewellery #kundan #jewelry #kundannecklace #fashion #traditionaljewellery #indianwedding #diycrafts #smallbusiness #diypearlearrings #fabricearrings #easydiy #diyideas | Anabia craft official
16K views · 1.9K reactions | Beautiful pearl bracelet 🥰 #pulseras #kundanjewellery #jewellery #indianjewellery #earrings #bridaljewellery #polkijewellery #necklace #weddingjewellery #kundan #jewelry #kundannecklace #fashion #traditionaljewellery #indianwedding #diycrafts #smallbusiness #diypearlearrings #fabricearrings #easydiy #diyideas | Anabia craft official
908K views · 33K reactions | Pulsera con Perlas y Cristales | Tutorial paso a paso de pulsera con Cristales y Perlas . . . . #Tutorial #pulsera #pulserapasoapaso #bisutería #dinoraaccesorios #bisuteriaartesanal... | By Dinora Accesorios | Bracelet tutorial we will need four millimeter pearls, six millimeter crystals closure hook nylon thread we will cut a piece and we will pass our closure hook and we will take it in half afterwards what we will do is put the two threads together and go to pass a white color pearl look this will be the beginning of our bracelet then we take the two strands or we open the two strands and pass two pearls one for each strand now what we're going to do is intertwine a fourth pearl adjust look here we do eh four little pearls, right? Then we pass two crystals one for each thread we will intertwine with a white color pearl just then we will pass two pearls for each thread look we will do the same previous step intertwining a white color pearl afterwards we will pass two crystals look and intertwine with one white pearl this is going to be a step by step repetitive passing two more pearls and we intertwine with a fourth white pearl. Let's go through again two more crystals, I hope you have been clear this step and this we'll do repetitive until give the long desired of our bracelet then put the two threads together and to close we'll do as at the beginning, pass our hoop and return the threads for our white pearl that we just passed. Look to reinforce more, what I do is eh I'm going to pass these threads through all four pearls. Here with patience we will be passing these threads through each of the pearls white color this to knot and that our bracelet is well reinforced as we are not going to loose later. Well then we've already passed these threads through all these pearls let's start knitting. We do a few knots around here. About two or three knots attached to our bracelet and we cut off excess yarn. We can go through those strands again through the pearls and trim. And look how easy and quick you have this beautiful and simple bracelet. Hope you like it.
908K views · 33K reactions | Pulsera con Perlas y Cristales | Tutorial paso a paso de pulsera con Cristales y Perlas . . . . #Tutorial #pulsera #pulserapasoapaso #bisutería #dinoraaccesorios #bisuteriaartesanal... | By Dinora Accesorios | Bracelet tutorial we will need four millimeter pearls, six millimeter crystals closure hook nylon thread we will cut a piece and we will pass our closure hook and we will take it in half afterwards what we will do is put the two threads together and go to pass a white color pearl look this will be the beginning of our bracelet then we take the two strands or we open the two strands and pass two pearls one for each strand now what we're going to do is intertwine a fourth pearl adjust look here we do eh four little pearls, right? Then we pass two crystals o