the rock cycle with starbursts is an easy science activity for kids and adults

The Rock Cycle Lab Activity (with Starbursts)

Product Details
The Rock Cycle: Modeling the Rock Cycle with StarburstsThis activity is a perfect follow up for a class who has just been introduced to the rock cycle. You will need starbursts (or other fruit chews of multiple colors) and plastic sandwich bags. Students begin with 'sediments' which they turn into a sedimentary rock, apply heat and pressure to turn it into a metamorphic rock, and then you (the teacher) will need to take them home to turn them into igneous rocks. All teacher directions, with photos, included. Answer key also included. This lab takes 1.5 class periods and comes with follow up questions with key. Enjoy!Related Products Crystal Structure of Minerals: PPT, Notes, Activity Earth Science Lab and Activity BUNDLE Introduction to Minerals - PPT and Worksheets Metamorphic Rocks Mineral BUNDLE - with Student Workbook! Mineral Characteristics Mineral Identification Lab Mohs Hardness Scale Plate Tectonics Activity: Reading Tectonic Maps Handouts Plate Tectonics Bundle: Worksheets - Activities - Pangea Puzzle Plate Tectonics: Pangea Puzzle: Continental Drift Plate Tectonics: Types of Plate Boundaries Plate Tectonics: Types of Plate Boundaries Sorting Cards and Graphic Organizer Properties of Minerals: PPT and Student Notes Rock Bundle - Activities - Identification Labs - Reading Passages - Workbook Teaching Rock Identification Types of Faults - Hands-On Activity Sedimentary Rocks Igneous Rocks