16 Pins
Custodian - CR 18 Construct Custodians are massive, semi-conscious constructs designed to safeguard arcane libraries, laboratories, and vaults of magical knowledge. Equally serving the roles of protecting, guiding, and keeping everything in perfect order. Art by Midjourney #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #creature #monster #construct #golem #guardian
Slime Dragon
ROOOOAA- blub… -AAARRR!!! Art by Purple Duck Games. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #creature #monster #ooze #dragon
The Gonk King
Check out our whole Homebrew Archive with over 400 brews in the Link! #rudokstavern #dndhomebrew #dnd5ehomebrew #dndhomebrewideas #dungeonmaster #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #dndcreature #dndmonster #dndencounter #kobold
Nightmare Engine
This Monster is part of our upcoming Kickstarter the Scions of the Fabled Kingdom | 5E Zine, more in the Link! #rudokstavern #dndhomebrew #dnd5ehomebrew #dndhomebrewideas #dungeonmaster #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #dndcreature #dndmonster #dndencounter #dndconstruct
Manatide Hydra
Manatide Hydra - CR 20 Monstrosity The manatide hydra is a terrifying evolution of the traditional hydra, its many heads crowned with glowing mana crystals. The infused raw arcane energy amplifies its regenerative abilities, making it a force only the most skilled and daring adventurers stand a chance against. Art by Midjourney Find any remaining slides on the insta post! #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #creature #monster #hydra #mana
Luminar - CR 14 Celestial Luminars are faceless angels dedicated to combating evil, wielding both a holy silver sword and a formless spiritual blade. Ever-vigilant, they exude a protective aura that shields allies from harm. Their unique ability allows them to share any damage they receive with willing creatures nearby, embodying their creed of standing together as one. Art by Midjourney #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #creature #monster #celestial #angel
The oculothrasher roams the realms of madness in search for something to fight. It is consumed in an endless fury and its attacks leave survivors in a similar state of mind. Art by Midjourney. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #creature #monster #worm #aberration
Chronos - CR 11 Celestial The chronos are celestial guardians keeping watch over the eternal concept of time. They are fiercely lawful and don't abide any disorder... especially not any delays and late arrivals! Art by Midjourney. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #creature #monster #time #hourglass
Harbinger - CR 10 Aberration The harbinger is at the forefront of the aberrant armies trying to gain a foothold in this reality. With its trickery it easily hides among the inhabitants of this plane, scheming how to drown this plane in madness and instigating them against each other. Stats designed for World of Game Design's Grymwyrd Omnibus. Art by Midjourney. (The Grymwyrd Omnibus will have its own art.) #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #creature #monster #void #cloud
Silvertongue Doppelganger
Silvertongue Doppelganger - CR 10 Monstrosity (Shapechanger) Silvertongue doppelgangers are a rare breed, typically avoiding nefarious deeds. However, they are driven to use their innate abilities to secure positions of influence, carefully choosing roles that keep them out of the spotlight and avoid drawing too much attention. Art by Midjourney Find any remaining slides on the insta post! #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #creature #monster #doppelganger #shapeshifter
Void Lich
Void Lich - CR 22 Aberration Some powerful mages abandon their complete consciousness to the void and the madness behind the stars. As a sacrifice for their humanity and sane mind their bodies deform and fragment to accommodate their new reality-defying powers. Stats designed for World of Game Design's Grymwyrd Omnibus. Art by Midjourney. Find any remaining slides on the linked insta post. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #5e #homebrew #art #creature #monster #lich