Random Facts

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50 Random Facts List #24
01. In 2004, farmers in India used Pepsi and Coca Cola instead of pesticides because they were cheaper and got the job done just as well.
50 Random Facts List #23
01. More than 30% of the calories and 60% of the fat in the BK Original Chicken Sandwich come from the Mayo alone.
50 Random Facts List #17
01. Brazil has replaced almost 42% of its gasoline needs with sugarcane ethanol making gasoline the alternative fuel in the country.
50 Random Facts List #21
01. When Andre the Giant would go drinking in Manhatten, the NYPD would have an officer follow him around town to make sure he didn’t drunkenly fall on anyone again.
50 Random Facts List #20
01. The allies used a ghost inflatable army to trick Hitler’s forces.
50 Random Facts List #19
01. Volvo invented 3-point seatbelt and gave it away to save lives.
50 Random Facts List #32
01. The classic peace symbol is based on the semaphore signal for N and D, which stands for Nuclear Disarmament.
50 Random Facts List #31
01. The first leaf blowers were insecticide misters that workers were misusing to blow leaves instead.
50 Random Facts List #30
01. There is a British and American version of the movie “Death at a Funeral” and Peter Dinklage played the same role in both.
50 Random Facts List #29
01. According to a study on Academy Award speeches, Steven Spielberg has been thanked more than God.
50 Random Facts List #28
01. In 2014, a family in Missouri had to leave their $450,000 home after it was infested with 4,500 – 6,000 brown recluse spiders and exterminators were unable to get rid of them.
50 Random Facts List #26
01. Victor Hugo slept with so many prostitutes that on the day he died, all the brothels in Paris closed to mourn.
50 Random Facts List #25
01. Jack Black used to put wires up his sleeves when he was a kid in the hopes that other kids would notice them poking out and think he was bionic.
50 Random Facts List #22
01. Penguins have been known to push a fellow penguin into the water to check if the area is safe and free of predators.
50 Random Facts List #18
01. Selfie sticks are banned from all Disney theme parks.