exercise and diet

70 Pins
How To Maintain Healthy & Luminous Lips
Beauty Industry Experts Agree This is a Great Solution for Younger, Plumper Looking Lips!
Stomach fat is made from visceral and hypodermic fat. Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat which covers the internal organs and increases the hazard of several critical diseases inclusive of diabetes....
30 Stability Ball Exercises to Sculpt Your Core
30 Stability Ball Exercises. Swiss balls are a great addition to standard workouts because they are highly effective at targeting core muscles. Core muscles are very important and are necessary for proper posture, but are often overlooked and underutilized while working out on standard gym equipment. Performing exercises with a stability ball forces you to engage your core muscles. - If you like this pin, repin it, like it, comment and follow our boards :-) #FastSimpleFitness