30 Pins
Olive Lightroom Mobile Preset, Warm Natural Effect, Shade Photo Filter, Iphone Preset, Rich Filter
Lightroom Mobile and Desktop presets, DNG Presets, Iphone Presets, latte preset, brown preset, caramel preset, cream preset, soft, warm, preset, Traveler PresetsLightroom, vsco, free lightroom, free lightroom mobile, instagram, branding, adobe lightroom, photo editing, bright, vintage, aesthetic, portrait, best presets, summer, mint preset, white preset, autumn preset, cream preset, coffee preset, instagram preset, iphone preset, fashion, woman, women, outfits, street style, vibe, flatlay, life
Leta Creates the Atlas Collection to Celebrate Special Places on Earth
The Leta Atlas jewelry collection is inspired by the contours of specific locations on earth, celebrating architecture shaped by nature.
Verso Visual - turn vision into visual
Verso Visual - turn vision into visual
Nature morte bijoux en plaqué or
Association de bijoux en plaqué or composée d'un collier avec un pendentif en anneau au motif de style vintage, un jonc torsadé, et un jonc en fil.
Summer vibes | #opulentmemory