Seated Good Mornings
Starting position:
Choose the appropriate weight matching your fitness level.Sit on the edge of the bench with your legs spread wider than your shoulders. Move the barbell behind your head and rest it on your shoulders. Hold the barbell with a wide overhand grip. Keep your body core firm and maintain a natural bend in your spine.
From the starting position, bend your torso forward. Then, contracting your back, abdominal and glute muscles, lift your torso back towards the starting position. Keep your body core fixed throughout the entire movement and maintain a natural spine bend without excessive swayback and with your pelvis in a neutral position. Inhale in the starting position and then hold your breath to fix your body core and exhale while returning to the starting position. Do the required number of repetitions.
Focus on breathing and keep your pelvis in a neutral position to avoid lordotic swayback at the waist (overbending your lower back). Concentrate on abdominal breathing. Perform the motion by pulling upwards (focus on correct involvement of your abdominal muscles) and not by swinging up.
To eliminate excessive lower back bending, bring your pelvis in a neutral position and activate the muscles of your inner stabilization system.
Seated good mornings are best done in the rack cage with elevated bench or a box inside. If rack cage is not available you can do them very carefully on the bench.
Lower your torso with the back straight during the whole movement while sitting on the edge of a bench or a box. The movement must be slow and fully controlled. Then slowly return to the initial position.
The head should be facing forward; you can get dizzy when lowering your head.