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Model Concept: Depression

Reduction in the amplitude of Excitatory PostSynaptic Potentials following a stimulus train. The amplitude reduction and it's recovery depend on the stimulus and have time constants of a few seconds to a few minutes. Thought to be a presynaptic effect involving the number of quanta.

  1. A Computational Model of Bidirectional Plasticity Regulation by betaCaMKII (Pinto et al. 2019)
  2. A kinetic model unifying presynaptic short-term facilitation and depression (Lee et al. 2009)
  3. Adaptation of Short-Term Plasticity parameters (Esposito et al. 2015)
  4. AMPA receptor trafficking and its role in heterosynaptic plasticity (Antunes et al 2018)
  5. Amyloid-beta effects on release probability and integration at CA3-CA1 synapses (Romani et al. 2013)
  6. Burst induced synaptic plasticity in Apysia sensorimotor neurons (Phares et al 2003)
  7. CA1 pyramidal neuron: as a 2-layer NN and subthreshold synaptic summation (Poirazi et al 2003)
  8. High entrainment constrains synaptic depression in a globular bushy cell (Rudnicki & Hemmert 2017)
  9. Homosynaptic plasticity in the tail withdrawal circuit (TWC) of Aplysia (Baxter and Byrne 2006)
  10. Human layer 2/3 cortical microcircuits in health and depression (Yao et al, 2022)
  11. Minimal model of interictal and ictal discharges “Epileptor-2” (Chizhov et al 2018)
  12. Model of cerebellar parallel fiber-Purkinje cell LTD and LTP (Gallimore et al 2018)
  13. Multistability of clustered states in a globally inhibitory network (Chandrasekaran et al. 2009)
  14. Network bursts in cultured NN result from different adaptive mechanisms (Masquelier & Deco 2013)
  15. Short term plasticity of synapses onto V1 layer 2/3 pyramidal neuron (Varela et al 1997)
  16. Sleep-wake transitions in corticothalamic system (Bazhenov et al 2002)
  17. Spike timing detection in different forms of LTD (Doi et al 2005)
  18. Stochastic LTP/LTD conditioning of a synapse (Migliore and Lansky 1999)
  19. Synaptic damage underlies EEG abnormalities in postanoxic encephalopathy (Ruijter et al 2017)
  20. Synaptic plasticity can produce and enhance direction selectivity (Carver et al, 2008)
  21. Synaptic plasticity: pyramid->pyr and pyr->interneuron (Tsodyks et al 1998)
  22. Synaptic transmission at the calyx of Held (Graham et al 2001)
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