Hi! We are Shana from Bergenfield, NJ and Rosie from Atlanta, GA. Today we started out with our regular morning and afternoon chaburot and shiurim. Then two amazing tiyulim took place. A trip to Pat Banelech bread factory was described as “really really fun”. Our friends got to shape dough into cool shapes and learned how to make new ones. We heard the water laser tag was “hectic in the best way possible”. The vibes were great as everyone shivered back into the dorms bisimcha. Then, we had an inspiring night speaker by Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky who spoke about what the time of בין המצרים really means to us. Afterwards we enjoyed a really fun and relaxing spa night with facials, manicures and yogurt parfaits amongst other stations!
We can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings:)