Project Professionals
84 Lumber Windows How-To video features host and project professional, George, giving information on how homeowners can learn to install their own windows. If you like this window How-To, take a look our video production piece featuring 84 Lumber’s Doors How-To video.
Transcript of video:
Hi, I’m George Messer with 84 Lumber.
Whether it’s the age or just the look of your house, replacement windows can both save you money on your energy bills and give your home a whole new look.
At 84 Lumber, we offer a range of replacement windows from vinyl to wood that can meet any budget and need.
Before you come in to 84 Lumber, here are a few things you can do to help your project move along more quickly.
Here’s a great example of what a window looks like that needs to be replaced.
You have signs of water damage, deteriorating finish and a single pane glass, which is not energy efficient.
Before you come into 84 Lumber to talk to the project professionals, there are a few quick steps that you can do.
Walk around your house and count the amount of openings.
In this application, you have what appear to be three individual windows.
When in actuality it’s one opening. And that is the measurement that we’re looking for.
So the first thing you want to do, is you want to measure your width.
And you’re going to go wall-to-wall. And then you’re going to take that measurement and you’re going to go sill to the top of the window.
Once you have completed your measurements, come into 84 Lumber where our project professionals are ready to help you build on what we know.