I'm in the process now of studying to renew my holistic nutrition certification, which got me thinking I should share with you how I recently healed myself with food (and how you can too!), plus some other BIG news that came from it! One of the main reasons I started this blog and studied holistic nutrition was to show people that you can heal your body with real food. I wanted to spread the word of the healing benefits from fruits, veggies and other plants, plus show how they can be made to taste delicious so everyone will want to eat more of them. Not just for your taste buds' sake, but for your body's as well.

At the beginning of 2016 I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was told by three different doctors that I would not be able to have a child naturally. My husband and I (fiancé at the time) even had a talk about the fact that I may never be able to have children. I have to brag on my hubs for a minute – he is so caring and understanding, his response was that he was marrying me for me not just to have children and we'd figure it out. The doctors wanted to start me on three different medications. I'm not a fan of taking pills because there's usually far more risks and side effects than good that come from them. Needless to say I did not follow their plan.

Instead, I decided to take matters into my own hands and change what I could. I did a lot of research, especially on foods that could help heal the reproductive system and PCOS. Foods like avocado, berries (especially wild blueberries) and lots of leafy greens became part of my daily diet. I also decided to give up foods like gluten as well. I do not have a gluten sensitivity, but I read enough research to show that it can affect the reproductive system. I really started to notice my face clear up when I gave that up, too. Breakouts are another symptom of PCOS. Thankfully, after changing my diet I was able to rid my body of PCOS within six months!

You might be wondering how I know that I've healed myself. Well, six months after my diagnosis (and literally two months after I had an ultrasound on my ovaries – where the doctor told me that my right ovary was covered with cysts and he couldn't even find my left one, making the assumption that I didn't have one and confirming again that I wouldn't be able to naturally get pregnant) we found out that I was pregnant!! You can imagine what a shock it was to us, but we are so thankful! We will be welcoming a little boy into the world in just a couple of months.

I wanted to provide you all with some great resources that I use for information when I'm needing to know more about something outside of what I learned from my schooling. Just so you know, I don't have affiliations with any of these sites and was not paid to promote them. I'm hoping if you or someone you know is suffering from an ailment you might be able to find new information and research on other ways to heal.

My favorite site to find out the most current and up to date information on diseases and foods is Nutritionfacts.org. This is the best non-commercial, science-based public service website because Dr. Michael Greger looks at every study and research article done on these topics. He doesn't just go with one study like most media outlets report and he provides the information in bite-sized videos. Dr. Joel Fuhrman is another doctor who provides valuable info on how food can heal so many diseases. My last resource for you today is the Medical Medium who has a different background than the others, but I read his first book and found so much useful information to healing many ailments in it!

I will be posting more about how I healed myself from PCOS. There's a few more things I did to change my lifestyle that I'd like to share with you all. In my opinion, I think anyone who is struggling with fertility issues should definitely try out natural remedies. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me. But since it's the new year and people are detoxing and getting healthy, I just wanted to remind you all about the power of food. It can help so many health issues, even simple things like difficulty sleeping, a lack of energy and acne.

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  • Liz says:

    Congratulations on proving the doctors wrong! Great validation of the power of healthy food!!!

  • Kristen Chidsey says:

    Congratulations!! This is so exciting! And I totally agree with you about the power of a healthy diet!

  • Rachel Gurk says:

    Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!

  • What an inspiring story! I too just started giving up gluten and hoping to join your club (mommyhood) soon. Congratulations!

    • Megan Lawson says:

      Thank you! I hope giving up gluten helps you too. It's amazing what changing up your diet can do. Wild Blueberries are also great!

  • Congratulations on your baby boy! Good for you for taking your health into your own hands and proving that pills aren't the only answer. Continued good health to you. Great story!

  • michele says:

    Congratulations! That is wonderful news….. <3 <3 <3.

  • Heather says:

    Congratulations Megan!! I am so happy for you and your husband! PCOS Diva is also another great resource because she interviews several Functional Medicine DR's who are specialists in healing PCOS naturally. I love the work you are doing! Keep it up!!

  • bird says:

    yeah, we are what we eat for sure!! thanks for the reminder!! need to pick up healthy habit again after the Holidays ;)

  • <3 <3 Congratulations! I battle PCOS too! Love the information!

  • Congrats and I am so happy for you and your hubby! I am sure this post would be a lot of help to those who may be in a similar situation. Thank you for sharing!

  • Michele says:

    I'm so happy you proved the doctors wrong and are expecting a baby! That is so exciting! Thanks for sharing your healthy food tips!

  • Felesha Bell says:

    What a beautiful testimony!! Glory to God!!

  • Jenni says:

    Amazing! Glad you've overcome all those. Congrats on your little angel!

  • ukuze says:

    sounds delicious love it

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