Great Patriotic War
Polokhin Ivan Egorovich fought in the ranks of the Red Army as a tank driver. He was mobilized along with the rest in 1941. In the Battle of the White Church in 1943, during the bombing, he was trapped in a tank. After he was brought to the hospital in Derzhinsk and after recovery he worked at the Krasna Etna factory. Then he was sent to the collective farm to work as a foreman of a tractor brigade, he worked until his death (July 5, 1956). He was buried in the village of Bolshoe Maresevo, Lukyanovsky district. Sviridova (Polukhina) Tatiana Emelyanovna was a home front worker. She worked at the Krasnaya Etna factory. In 1942, she went to the Bolsheboldinsky district and worked on a collective farm. She has medals of “Home Front Worker” and “Veteran of Labor”. Great-grandmother died in 2007.