My India Agate Comes Back
I took it upon myself to do my own research and to be honest, it kind of turned out to be this inner work that I was doing. so I really took some time to self-reflect and think about why my crystal needed a break from me because it came back into my life.
Why My India Agate Disappeared And Back Again
So I was trying to figure out the meaning behind this to me. what I discovered is that I needed to take a break from my india agate bracelet. because I was being too dependent on india agate’s magic. Indian agate always brings so much magic into my day. it brings me synchronicities signs from the universe, and I think india agate knew that I was putting too much of an emphasis on wearing it all the time, and being so dependent on it, and it wanted to show me, hey like you can do this on your own, you don’t have to always connect with me like you make your own magic, you can go out and you know feel and sense science from the universe all by yourself.
I thought this was a really beautiful kind of like self-reflection, kind of thing that I discovered figuring out my why with my bracelet missing being gone for so long then coming back into my life. And I got it from crystal shops near me. if you’re in this position and you’re trying to figure out your why kind of understanding of the spiritual meaning, I would definitely take some time to self-reflect and think about it. really think about it, is it possible to turn the situation around for you to grow from this situation? I was really lucky in the sense that my crystal came back to me, but there may be situations where your crystal does not come back to you.
Raw Green Aventurine
So I definitely advise you can to think about your why so just to summarize. some reasons why your raw green aventurine disappeared on you, it could mean that your raw green aventurine wanted to pause its work with you. it could also mean that your raw green aventurine was feeling called to work with someone else. maybe your green aventurine needed to help someone else and it was just a hard kind of breakup for you, to kind of process and realize this it could also mean that your crystal is time traveling and going to a different dimension.
We Need Self-reflection
It’s very unexplainable where did this crystal go. maybe it went to another dimension or there may be hope that your crystal may come back into your life, and hopefully, if you do some self-reflection work, kind of understand how you can shift that energy from loss to understanding the bigger picture here, you can really take that energy back and realize the why to realize your why I hope this post brings you some insights maybe helps you connect more with kind of discovering inside yourself. why your crystal disappeared, I know it can be so frustrating, so irritating when this happens.
I’ve been there, I know it so just hang in there, maybe your crystal will reappear, but if not know that there is some kind of special meaning behind this, and I really do hope that you figure it out and I hope that this post can provide any guidance to you.