Stay informed about Mass Cultural Council's offerings using Agency Dates, a complete list of key dates and deadlines for grant opportunities, convenings, and events. This page is updated frequently, so check back often.
As ranked in 2024 by SMU DataArts, the National Center for Arts Research
Stay up-to-date with the Mass Cultural Council and learn how culture works in communities across Massachusetts.
A monthly round-up of grants, technical assistance resources, and opportunities for creative and cultural organizations
Grants awarded to 740 organizations delivering programs that are inclusive and deeply meaningful to their communities
In FY25, the Agency is funding 300 school-based projects in the arts, humanities, and/or sciences
Culture lifts the human spirit and makes Massachusetts a better place to live, work, and prosper.
When we invest in our cultural life, we invest in our shared future.
That's the economic impact of culture in our state.
That’s how many jobs are linked to the arts and culture sector in Massachusetts.
That’s the percent of the state economy the cultural sector represents.
We partner with artists, communities, educators, and organizations to unleash the power of culture across Massachusetts. Find out about all of our programs.
Our new report summarizes the participation, demographics, challenges, and successes of 85 Creative Youth Development organizations last year
394 unrestricted grants have been awarded through our Cultural Investment Portfolio and Operating Grants for Organizations programs
Mass Cultural Council has a suite of resources to help with the acquisition, design, and build-out of creative spaces