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News Archive

November 16, 2015 – A paper titled Rényi Divergence Minimization based Co-regularized Multiview Clustering that I worked on with Shalmali Joshi, Joydeep Ghosh, and Samni Koyejo has been accepted to the Machine Learning Journal ECML/PKDD 2015 Special Issue.

November 13, 2015 – I gave a high-level overview of machine learning problems and techniques at an Introduction to Machine Learning for Biology workshop at the ANU Research School of Biology.

November 4, 2015 – My student Avraham Ruderman has submitted his PhD dissertation for examination!

October 5, 2015 – Tim van Erven, Nishant Mehta, Peter Grünwald, Bob Williamson and I have a paper on Fast Rates in Statistical and Online Learning in the JMLR special issue dedicated to the memory of Alexey Chervonenkis.

September 5, 2015 – My paper, Convergence Analysis of Prediction Markets via Randomized Subspace Descent, with Rafael Frongillo was accepted to NIPS!

August 6, 2015 – I am chairing the research track of the 2nd International Conference on Predictive APIs and Applications which is being held in Sydney, Australia this year.

July 21, 2015Stephen Gould and I gave the first lecture for our new course, The Craft of Computing. Despite a couple of technical glitches I think it went pretty well and it looks like we have a keen cohort of students too.

July 16, 2015 – I gave a seminar to NICTA’s Machine Learning Group. I presented summaries of the work I presented at COLT (with Rafael Frongillo, Bob Willimson, and Nishant Mehta) on generalized mixability and some more recent work with Raf on risk networks.

July 9, 2015 – Tim van Erven, Peter Grünwald, Nishant Mehta, Bob Willimson, and I have just finished a long paper that relates various conditions for fast rates in online and statstical learning. The pre-print is available on arXiv.

July 3, 2015 – I am (in absentia) part of a panel on Remapping cultural history? Digital Humanities, Historical Bibliometrics, and the Reception of Print Culture with several other panelists, including my co-author Julieanne Lamond.

July 2, 2015 – I will be in Paris and Lille in France for COLT and ICML, respectively, over the next two weeks.

May 4, 2015 – My paper on Generalized Mixability via Entropic Duality with Rafael Frongillo, Nishant Mehta, and Bob Williamson has been accepted to COLT 2015. See you in Paris!

March 26, 2015 – I am please to be part of the Program Committee for the ICML MLOSS Workshop, to be held in Lille, France on July 10th, 2015.

March 10, 2015 – The international conference on Predcitive APIS and Apps will be held in Sydney on August 6–7th this year, right after KDD. I will be involved as the Research Chair. Please consider attending or, better yet, submitting a proposal. Hope to see you there!

February 25, 2015 – I am presenting a tutorial on prediction markets and their connections to machine learning at the Machine Learning Summer School in Sydney.

January 23, 2015 – I will be serving on the Program Committee for the UAI conference to be held in Amsterdam in July, 2015.

December 12, 2014Rafael Frongillo will present our paper on Randomized Subspace Descent at the NIPS 2014 Optimization Workshop.

December 12, 2014Amos Storkey and Jake Abernethy are graciously running our Workshop on Transactional Machine Learning and E-Commerce at NIPS this year. I’m really disappointed I will be missing the fantastic line-up of speakers. Rafael will be presenting some of our joint work on risk networks there.

December 11, 2014Stephen Gould and I have been awarded a Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Enhancement Grant to help develop CodeBench, an online, interactive environment for our Craft of Computing course.

November 19, 2014 – I am visiting Jun Zhu and Jie Zhou at Tsinghua University until the 3rd of December as part of the Australia-China Young Scientist Exchange Program. I was one of 15 academics selected from Australian universities to be part of the exchange.

September 19, 2014 – I am very pleased to announce that Mindika Premachandra has submitted her PhD thesis for review. My first PhD student to do so. Congratulations Mindika!

September 13, 2014 – I helped judge the fantasic array of school students’ technology projects as part of the ACT Young ICT Explorers competition.

August 28, 2014 – I participated as a judge in the ANU College of Engineering 3 Minute Thesis competition and saw a great range of very high-quality PhD talks.

August 19, 2014Amos Storkey, Jake Abernethy and I have had our proposal for a NIPS Workshop on Transactional Machine Learning and E-Commerce accepted. Please check the website for details of speakers and submissions.

June 22, 2014 – I will be attending ICML in Beijing from June 22–26 where I am helping run the Workshop on Divergence Methods for Probabilistic Inference.

June 10, 2014 – I will be attending COLT in Barcelona from June 13–15th.

May 3, 2014Microsoft Research, New York is kindly hosting me as a visitor from May 5–30th while I work on projects related to DECRA.

February 14, 2014 – My paper on a hybrid loss for multiclass prediction with Qinfeng Shi, Tiberio Caetano, Anton van den Hengel, and Zhenhau Wang has published in PAMI (arXiv preprint).

February 6, 2014 – I will be co-organising an Workshop on Divergence Methods and Probabilistic Inference with Sanmi Koyejo, Jun Zhu, and Eric Xing at ICML 2014.

January 20, 2014 – I will be serving as a Program Chair for 2014 Uncertainty in AI Conference, to be held in Quebec in July, 2014.

January 15, 2014 – My paper on multiclass logitboost variant with Peng Sun (孙鹏) and Jie Zhou has been accepted to the Machine Learning Journal.

December 16, 2013 – I have had two papers accepted for oral presentation at MaxEnt 2013: one on Convex Foundations of Generalized MaxEnt Models with Rafael Frongillo, and the other on Conjugate Priors for Generalized MaxEnt Families with Brendan van Rooyen.

November 14, 2013James Montgomery and I have put code for a prototype PSI client and server on GitHub

October 7, 2013 – The PSI project was awarded an Amazon AWS in Education grant to help us set up PSI services on AWS.

October 3, 2013 – I presented a talk titled “A Convex Look at Exponential Families and Inference” to Peter Bartlett’s group at QUT.

October 3, 2013 – Two of my submissions to MaxEnt 2013 – one with Rafael Frongillo, the other with Brendan van Rooyen – have been accepted as oral presentations.

September 26, 2013 – Mindika Premachandra and I had our paper “Aggregating Predictions via Sequential Mini-Trading” accepted to ACML 2013.

May 2, 2013 – I presented a short talk on Prediction Markets, Aggregation, and Optimisation at the NICTA Machine Learning and Optimisation Workshop in Sydney.

April 22, 2013 – I will be visiting Tsinghua University, Beijing from the 7–10th of May as part of a Australia-China Science and Research Fund group mission.

April 2, 2013 – I have officially started work on my DECRA-funded project: Composing Machine Learning via Market Mechanisms.

March 27, 2013 – I am now an Action Editor for the Journal of Machine Learning Research’s Machine Learning Open Source Software (MLOSS) track.

November 5, 2012 – My grant proposal titled Composing Machine Learning via Market Mechanisms was successful! I will be receiving funding under the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) scheme for three years, starting in 2013.

October 11, 2012 – A proposal to demonstrate an implementaiton of the Protocols and Structures for Inference specification at NIPS 2012 was accepted (joint work with James Montgomery and CISRA)

September 4, 2012 – I have two papers accepted at NIPS: Mixability in Statistical Learning (with Tim van Erven, Peter Grünwald, and Bob Williamson) and Interpreting Prediction Markets: A Stochastic Approach (with Rafael Frongillo and Nicolás Della Penna).

June 8, 2012 – My JMLR paper — Mixability is Bayes Risk Curavture Relative to Log Loss — with Tim van Erven and Bob Williamson has been published.

May 1, 2012 – My three ICML 2012 submissions (with various co-authors) were accepted. See my publications page for more details. See you in Edinburgh!

March 8, 2012 – The video of my talk, Anatomy of a Learning Problem at the Relations Between Machine Learning Problems NIPS Workshop is up at videolectures.

January 31, 2012 – My paper with Nicolás Della Penna, Crowds & Prejudice: An Impossibility Theorem for Crowd Labelling with a Gold Standard was accepted to Collective Intelligence 2012.

December 10, 2011 – Travelling to NIPS. See you in Granada!

October 31, 2011 – Peng Sun, a PhD student at Tsinghua University, is visiting the machine learning group here for the next six months. We will be working on multiclass boosting.

August 29, 2011 – The Relations Between Machine Learning Problems workshop I am co-organising at NIPS is seeking submissions (due 30 Sept. 2011).

June 8, 2011 – The ML Discuss site is up for ICML 2011.

May 25, 2011 – I was interviewed for the Scientist in Schools newsletter about my involvement in the Mathematicians in Schools program.

May 10, 2011 – I have set up a page for the Reading Group I started in April. We are currently reading The Minimum Description Length Principle.

May 3, 2011 – My COLT 2011 submission with Tim and Bob was accepted! Mixability is Bayes Risk Curvature Relative to Log Loss.

April 6, 2011Bob and my paper, Information, Divergence and Risk for Binary Experiments has (finally!) been published in JMLR.

February 12, 2011Tim, Bob and I submitted a paper entitled Mixability is Bayes Risk Curvature Relative to Log Loss to COLT 2011.

September 20, 2010Javen, Tiberio, and I have put our paper on hybrid losses on the arXiv.

June 14, 2010 – Launched a new discussion site for ICML 2010.

June 9, 2010 – Gave two more talks at Yass High School as part of the Mathematicians in Schools project.

May 31, 2010 – I have made available a pre-print of my article on Generalization Bounds from the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Machine Learning.

February 16, 2010 – My paper with Bob Williamson on Convexity of Proper Composite Binary Losses was accepted to AISTATS 2010.

November 18, 2009 – Spoke about Spam filtering to Year 10 students at Yass High School as part of the Mathematicians in Schools project.

September 5, 2009Kernel Conditional Quantile Estimation via Reduction Revisited was accepted as a short paper to ICDM 2009.