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An Introduction from our CEO Zoë Osmond

My first couple of months as CEO of GambleAware have been particularly busy. We published our new 5-year strategy at the end of April which sets out our commissioning strategy focussed on meeting 4 key objectives with 44 high level actions to help prevent gambling harms. We have also released several key reports detailed below - including a prevalence methodology review and an update to our interactive maps - both of which were discussed at our recent webinar moderated by Liz Barclay.

Guided by a clear vision of a society where everyone is safe from gambling harms, the team at GambleAware are focussed on developing a comprehensive programme of work to meet the 4 core commissioning objectives. To achieve this, the team are working with many other organisations including the NHS, public health agencies, local authorities and voluntary sector to implement a co-ordinated and sustainable system.  

With over 40 programmes of work in place, or in the pipeline, we are increasing our capacity and capabilities. We are introducing a new structure with a Chief Commissioning Officer, accountable for end-to-end delivery of the portfolio of work and a Chief Operations officer, to implement a programmatic way of working. So, it is very much a period of transformation for us, but one that builds on the strengths of the charity as a lead commissioner guided by a Board of expert and independent trustees. 

I very much look forward to working with you all going forward, recognising that change requires collaboration and engagement to deliver better outcomes in this ever-changing landscape. The long-term impact of the pandemic will be felt for many years and as such, there has never been a more important time to work collectively to prevent gambling harm.
GambleAware’s new 5-year Organisational Strategy incorporates specific plans for commissioning, research, communications, and the wider business. It is guided by the long-term vision of a society safe from gambling harms.

The financial commitment from the industry enables GambleAware to invest in preventing gambling harms for the long term. The charity has already started this process, with over 40 programmes, across research, evaluation, education and treatment outlined in the new strategy.

All funding activities will become aligned to GambleAware’s new 4 commissioning objectives:
  • Developing awareness and understanding of gambling harms.
  • Increasing access to services and reduce gambling harm inequalities.
  • Building capacity among health and community services to respond better to gambling harms.
  • Improving the coherence, accessibility, diversity, and effectiveness of the National Gambling Treatment Service.
GambleAware will also continue to invest in the development of our existing lived experience networks, improve capacity within the National Gambling Treatment Service, including structured aftercare and long-term follow-up. Targeted campaigns such as the National Gambling Treatment service women’s campaign and Bet Regret will also continue and there will be further investment of, to maintain a single point of reference for all stakeholders about keeping people safe from gambling harms.

In keeping with a “whole systems approach” to prevention, GambleAware will continue to collaborate with the government, NHS, public health agencies, local authorities, and voluntary sector organisations to help achieve a society safe from gambling harms. 

A webinar on the strategy was held on 28 April and is available to watch below:
Webinar - GambleAware's new five-year Organisational Strategy

On 27 May GambleAware hosted a webinar on gambling prevalence, during which highlights were shared from the recently published methodology review which was commissioned to determine best practices for estimating the level of gambling participation and prevalence of gambling harms. GambleAware also shared its new interactive maps designed to help identify usage of, and reported demand for, treatment of support for gambling harms across Great Britain. Jo Evans from Greater Manchester Combined Authority detailed how local authorities can use these maps to respond to treatment and support demand in their area. 

You can watch the webinar below:
Webinar - Estimating gambling prevalence & identifying treatment needs across Great Britain.

A reminder to operators that we are now receiving donations for the 2021-22 financial year until 31 March 2022.  We have published all the donations received in the 2020-21 year on our website.

All donations received will go towards achieving our 4 commissioning objectives and help us in our long-term vision of a society safe from gambling harms.

A donation to GambleAware relieves you of your obligation under Gambling Commission’s Social Responsibility Code Provision 3.1.1.(2) to make an annual donation to support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling.

You can donate online, or if you are donating over £1,000 you can donate via bank transfer. To do this, please download a 2021-22 donation form. More information on donating can be found on the fundraising section of our website.

If you have any queries, please contact
  • GambleAware has released ‘calls for proposals’ for two research programmes, each with an investment of £250,000. The new research will build evidence of the lived experience of gambling harms amongst diverse and marginalised communities, with a specific focus on women and minority communities. Read the press release here
  • GambleAware published its response to the Review of the Gambling Act 2005 at the end of March. The call for evidence submission can be read in full here.
  • GambleAware has published its annual GB Treatment and Support survey for 2020, with findings indicating a year-on-year increase in 'problem gamblers' seeking treatment, advice or support. Read the press release here and the report here.
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Charity No England & Wales 1093910, Scotland SC049433