kanban — kan‧ban [ˈkænbæn] adjective [only before a noun] COMMERCE involving the system used in just in time production, where parts are ordered just before they are needed: • Digital kanban solutions continue to spread throughout the manufacturing… … Financial and business terms
Kanban — (in kanji 看板 also in katakana カンバン, where kan, 看 / カン, means visual, and ban, 板 / バン, means card or board ) is a concept related to lean and just in time (JIT) production. The Japanese word kanban ( … Wikipedia
kanban — ● kanban nom masculin (japonais carte, étiquette) Méthode de production en flux tendus. (→ juste à temps.) [Plus strictement, étiquette qui suit le produit au fur et à mesure de son élaboration dans les différents postes de travail. Ce système de … Encyclopédie Universelle
kanban — [ kanban] noun a Japanese manufacturing system in which the supply of components is regulated by way of an instruction card sent along the production line. Origin 1970s: Japanese, lit. billboard, sign … English new terms dictionary
kanban — [kän′bän΄] n. [Jpn, sign, card < Chin: with reference to the sign a worker displays at a workstation when a supply of parts is about to run out] a method or system of arranging to have parts, raw materials, etc. delivered just as they are… … English World dictionary
Kanban — Materialbegleitkarte im Bergbau Kanban (jap. 看板, dt. „Karte“, „Tafel“, „Beleg“) ist eine Methode der Produktionsablaufsteuerung. Das auch Hol oder Zurufprinzip genannte Pull Prinzip orientiert sich ausschließlich am tatsächlichen Verbrauch von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kanban — El Kanban (del japonés: kanban, usualmente escrito en kanji 看板 y también en katakana カンバン, donde kan, 看 カン, significa visual, y ban, 板 バン, significa tarjeta o tablero ) es un sistema de información que controla de modo armónico la fabricación de… … Wikipedia Español
Kanban — Le KANBAN est un mécanisme permettant d asservir la production ou l approvisionnement d un composant à la consommation qui en est faite. Le support de l ordre de reconstitution est une étiquette accrochée à chaque lot qui est produit ou… … Wikipédia en Français
Kanban — A specific type of inventory control system. The kanban system is based upon a series of colored cards. These cards denote such factors as quantity, the type of part and the manufacturer. A card is placed in the bin or other container with each… … Investment dictionary
kanban — The Japanese term for ticket or card. Kanban denotes an operating methodology used to coordinate activity and inventory movements in the context of *just in time production processes … Auditor's dictionary