Holybro 11051 FETtec FC G4 v1.7
FETtec FC G4 Product Information
The FETtec FC G4 is a flight controller designed for use in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) such as quadcopters and drones. It comes with a range of features including a graphic OSD, full KISS tuning, filter for PIDs, rates, and settings, LED control for RGB LED and Racewire, VTX, live data graphs for voltage, motor RPM, current, motor temperature, gyro values, and link quality, KISS GPS support with live map, custom graphic pilot logo, stick overlay, and custom layout that can be deactivated for usage of digital systems. It also has a real Pit-Mode with a power supply pin that is remotely switchable.
The FETtec FC G4 can be installed easily using the recommended steps provided in the user manual. It can be connected to analog or digital VTX and camera via an 8-pin connector that combines all necessary connections. It also provides 4 ESC signal pads for solder connection of single ESCs. Receivers can be connected via receiver connector or receiver solder pads. The FC also supports both analog and digital FPV systems.
To configure the FETtec FC G4, users need to download the KISS GUI and connect the FC via USB. The FC can then be activated in the KISS GUI and set up according to the user’s preferences. Users can also use the backup function to save their configuration settings as a text file. Firmware updates can be done using the FETtec Configurator available for download on GitHub.
FETtec FC G4 Product Usage Instructions
- Install the FETtec FC G4 using the recommended steps provided in the user manual.
- Connect analog or digital VTX and camera via the 8-pin connector that combines all necessary connections.
- Connect ESCs via the 8-pin cable that comes with FETtec 4in1 ESC 45A or 35A. For other ESCs, make sure the signal pinout is correct, otherwise change accordingly.
- Connect receivers via receiver connector or receiver solder pads.
- Connect analog or digital FPV systems via FPV connector or FPV solder pads. Note that RX and TX connection is only used for cameras that support serial connection.
- Download the KISS GUI and connect the FETtec FC G4 via USB. Open the KISS GUI and select the serial port on which the FC shows up and press connect. Activate the FC by pressing activate on the following prompt. Set up the FC according to your preferences and use the backup function to save your configuration settings as a text file.
- For firmware updates, download the FETtec Configurator and select the serial port the FC shows up on. Choose USB and select the correct COM Port, then press connect. Select the latest available firmware and press flash selected. The FC will be flashed and settings can be made in the KISS GUI.
- To update the FETtec OSD board, connect to FETtec Configurator and flash via FC passthrough latest firmware before your first flight.
- Ihe nhazi STM32G4 kacha ọhụrụ
- 170Mhz + Ihe osooso mgbakọ na mwepụ
- MPU 6000
- Tụkwasịnụ voltage 6-27V (2S-6S Lipo)
- 2x raara onwe ya nye na BEC (max. 600mA nke ọ bụla)
- 5V BEC maka RX
- 5V/16V BEC maka VTX (mgbanwe na ezigbo olulu *)
- Njikọ pin 2x8 maka njikọ ESC na-akwụghị ụgwọ
- Njikọ 1: ESC signal 1-4, telemetry, VCC, GND
- Njikọ 2: ESC signal 5-8 (depending on UAV type 1-4), telemetry, VCC, GND
- Njikọ pin 1 x 8 maka VTX na-akwụghị ụgwọ, njikọ cam na OSD ma ọ bụ sistemụ dijitalụ
- ezigbo olulu * VCC, GND, Video in, Video out, BEC 5V/16V, VCS/TX3, RX3
- 2x 6 njikọ njikọ maka usoro
- RX1, TX1, 3.3V, VCC, 5V, GND
- 1 x 4 njikọ njikọ maka nnata
- Akara ngosi, TLM, 5V, GND
- 5 UART usoro
- UART 1 n'efu
- UART 2 ejiri maka nnata
- UART 3 n'efu
- UART 4 eji maka onboard OSD, enwere ike ịtọhapụ ya n'efu
- UART 5 ejiri maka ESC / TLM / Onewire
- 4 ESC solder pad (Signal/GND) n'akụkụ ọ bụla
- Mpempe mpe mpe akwa
- 4 obere RGB LEDs (agba a na-ahọrọ)
- Protocol ESC akwadoro
- PWM, Oneshot125, Oneshot42, Dshot150/300/600/1200/2400, FETtec Onewire
- FETtec KISS ngwa ngwa
- N'elu OSD
- OSD eserese (STM32)
- Ntugharị KISS zuru ezu
- Nzacha (PIDs, Ọnụego, Ntọala)
- Njikwa LED (RGB LED, Racewire)
- Eserese data dị ndụ (Voltage, moto rpm, ugbu a, moto temp, gyro ụkpụrụ, njikọ mma)
- Nkwado KISS GPS + maapụ dị ndụ
- Omenala graphic pilot logo
- Mkpuchi machie
- Nhazi omenala
- enwere ike gbanyụọ maka ojiji nke sistemụ dijitalụ
- Maximum outside dimensions: 37,2 x 37,2mm, without outside tips 30 x 30mm
- Nhazi oghere oghere:
- 20 x 20mm nwere oghere M2 (nwere ike ịgbasa na M3)
- 30 x 30mm nwere oghere ntinye M3
- 30 x 30mm ndụmọdụ mgbago oghere bụ mbughari iji belata nha FC n'ozuzu ya
- Nhazi oghere oghere:
- Ogologo mkpokọta: 7,9mm
- Arọ: 5,37g
- Ụdị njikọ: JST-SH-1mm
Ịdọ aka ná ntị nchekwa
- Wepu propeller tupu ọkụ na nhazi
- na-agbanye ngwa ngwa ọhụrụ mgbe niile tupu arụ ọrụ
Usoro akwadoro maka ntinye nke FETtec FC G4
- Jikọọ na FETtec Configurator wee kwalite na firmware kachasị ọhụrụ (lee mmelite firmware FC)
- Wụnye FC na copter gị (lee eserese njikọ maka wiwi ziri ezi na nwụnye)
- Jide n'aka na ejikọrọ ihe niile nke ọma wee lelee na-enweghị propellers
- Jikọọ na KISS GUI ka ịga n'ihu na nhazi ikpeazụ nke FETtec FC G4 (nhazi FC)
Eserese njikọ
Nhazi njikọ n'elu
Njikọ pin 8 na-ejikọta njikọ niile dị mkpa maka analog ma ọ bụ dijitalụ VTX na igwefoto. Ọ gụnyere:
- Real Pit VCC (Lipo+)
- GND maka cam na VTX
- Vidiyo dị na: Analog video signal from cam
- Video si: Analog video to VTX
- BEC 5V/16V: power supply for cam and/or VTX, switchable voltage, ezigbo olulu nwere ike
- VCS/TX3: maka smart audio/tramp nhazi ma ọ bụ TX maka sistemụ FPV dijitalụ
- RX3: for digital FPV systems
Njikọ 6 pin (SER3):
- RX3: for digital FPV systems or other functions configurable in GUI (same for VCS/TX3)
- VCS/TX3: for smart audio / tramp nhazi ma ọ bụ TX maka sistemụ FPV dijitalụ
- RGB LED: PWM signal pin to control WS2812 LEDs or similar (configurable in GUI)
- VCC: Batrị voltage
- 5V
Nhazi njikọ ala
8 pin ESC njikọ 1:
- VCC: Batrị voltage pụta inye FC ike
- TLM/Onewire: ESC Telemetry signal to FC or Onewire signal pin (depending on configuration)
- ESC signal 1-4: ESC signal output for each ESC
8 pin ESC njikọ 2:
- VCC: Batrị voltage pụta inye FC ike
- TLM/Onewire: ESC Telemetry signal to FC or Onewire signal pin (depending on configuration)
- ESC signal 5-8: ESC signal output for each ESC (outputs ESC signal 1-4 if UAV type is configured as BI, TRI, QUAD)
Njikọ nnata:
- 5V
- TLM: Mgbama telemetry nye onye nnata (lee eserese njikọ nnabata ibe 10 maka ozi ndị ọzọ)
- Akara: Mgbama nnata na FC (lee eserese njikọ nnabata ibe 10 maka ozi ndị ọzọ)
Njikọ 6 pin (SER1):
- RX1: function configurable in GUI
- TX1: function configurable in GUI
- 3,3V
- VCC: Batrị voltage
- 5V
Nkọwa okwu mkpebiri:
- BEC 5V/16V: switchable voltage (na GUI) na ezigbo olulu nwere ike
- GND: Reference Signal Ground
- Onboard OSD Jumper: bridge to deactivate onboard OSD and to activate RX4 and TX4
- Real Pit VCC: real Pit capable VCC pin
- Tọgharia: Reset button to force the FC in bootloader mode, not needed for normal operation
- SIG.: receiver signal (serial)
- TLM: Telemetry signal output for receiver (Serial)
- TLM / Onewire: ESC telemetry input or Onewire signal depending on configuration
- VCC: Ntinye batrị voltage (6V-27V)
- VCS: Video control signal (smart audio/tramp)
- VID. in: Analog video signal to OSD
- VID. out: Analog video signal from OSD
Eserese njikọ ESC
Njikọ ESC site na njikọ 8 pin
For easy ESC connection via 8 pin cable FETtec FC G4 to FETtec 4in1 ESC 45A (same for FETtec 4in1 ESC 35A), cable included with FETtec ESCs. Any other ESC is usable (please make sure the signal pinout is correct, otherwise change accordingly).
Otu eserese njikọ ESC
The FETtec FC G4 provides 4 ESC signal pads for solder connection of single ESCs.
Erite njikọ eserese
Enwere ike ijikọ ndị nnata site na njikọ nnata (n'akụkụ ala nke FC) ma ọ bụ paịlị ndị nnata (n'akụkụ elu nke FC)
- TBS Crossfire
- SBUS nnata / FrSky R-XSR
Ihe eserese njikọ FPV analog
VTX and cam can be connected via FPV connector (on top side of FC) or FPV solder pads (on top side of FC).
Mara: A na-eji njikọ RX na TX naanị maka igwefoto na-akwado njikọ serial
Eserese njikọ FPV dijitalụ
Sistemụ Caddx Vista FPV
Sistemụ Fatshark Shark Byte
Nhazi FC
Budata KISS GUI: https://github.com/flyduino/kissfc-chrome-gui/releases.
Mgbe ị wụnye KISS GUI jikọọ FETtec FC G4 site na USB. Mepee KISS GUI wee họrọ ọdụ ụgbọ mmiri nke FC na-egosi wee pịa jikọọ.
Activate the FETtec FC G4 in the KISS GUI by pressing activate on the following prompt.
Ugbu a ị nwere ike ịtọ FC dị ka ọchịchọ gị si dị. Iji hụ na ntọala gị adịghị efu, jiri ọrụ ndabere site na ịpị bọtịnụ "ndabere" na ịchekwa nhazi ahụ dị ka ederede. file.
Mmelite firmware FC
Maka mmelite firmware budata FETtec Configurator dị ebe a: https://github.com/FETtec/Firmware/releases.
Mgbe ị wụnye FETtec Configurator, mepee ya wee họrọ ọdụ ụgbọ mmiri nke FC na-egosi wee pịa jikọọ.
Anyị na-akwado ka ị na-eji firmware kachasị ọhụrụ dị mgbe niile iji nweta ahụmịhe onye ọrụ kacha mma. Ọ bụrụ na-amasị gị ịnwale atụmatụ ọhụrụ na mmepe ngwa ngwa ị nwere ike sonye na ọwa Discord anyị wee budata firmware beta kachasị ọhụrụ iji nwalee n'ihe egwu nke gị.https://discord.gg/pfHAbahzRp)
OSD Firmware
Biko melite FETtec OSD Board tupu ụgbọ elu mbụ gị!
Ka imelite FETtec OSD jikọọ na FETtec Configurator na flash site FC passthrough ọhụrụ firmware.
All settings can be set up directly in the OSD To get in the menu move the sticks in the shown direction at the start: Throttle 50%, then move Yaw left, Pitch up
Okwu dị na foto a
- Mmekọrịta OSD → AUTO SYNC
- Ọ bụrụ na ahịrị na-adịghị nkọ na-eji ụkpụrụ LEFT/WITH gwuo, gbalịa zere iji ụkpụrụ karịrị 400.
- mee nrụpụta nhazi PAL/NTSC
Bugharịa ihe na menu OSD
- Họrọ LAYOUT → Tọọ POSITIONS na ntọala.
- Ugbu a ihe ndị ahụ na-ebugharị n'akụkụ okporo.
- Mafee n'etiti ihe ndị ahụ wee họrọ ha ka ịtọọ ọnọdụ ọhụrụ.
- Ka ịpụ na 'bugharịa menu' jide osisi Yaw aka ekpe maka sekọnd ole na ole
- Maximum outside dimensions: 37,2 x 37,2mm, without outside tips 30 x 30mm
- Nhazi oghere oghere:
- 20 x 20mm nwere oghere M2 (nwere ike ịgbasa na M3)
- 30 x 30mm nwere oghere ntinye M3
- 30 x 30mm ndụmọdụ mgbago oghere bụ mbughari iji belata nha FC n'ozuzu ya
- Ogologo mkpokọta: 7,9mm
- Akụkụ kachasị elu n'akụkụ PCB ọ bụla: 3,2mm
- Arọ: 5,37g
Akwụkwọ / akụrụngwa
Holybro 11051 FETtec FC G4 v1.7 [pdf] Akwụkwọ ntuziaka 11051 FETtec FC G4 v1.7, 11051, FETtec FC G4 v1.7, FC G4 v1.7, v1.7 |