1. |
Maudit paradis
2. |
L'amour vide
3. |
Chacun pour soi
4. |
Commencez sans moi
5. |
Parle moi du monde
6. |
Motus et bouche cousue
7. |
8. |
My chanson
To gotemoovelok on the beuz A don a coverlack
you wini overlode
donevow to vee you go to beuz B
mini lyne to no you crac a normalone.
you gottewinks to doo minks the well you lou your on the crode
gottefill hits wole lok an effec winn
in premex bee wite lyne the woof nyce to bee bi
gottelov you was e vee on toon
mapemistertrac you gotte overflode
you gottefaice to clou gotit lou and louse
wattmill too zole gotte fill hits wole
you gottetruss too bee gottitform too mi you gotte -
on its troo gottefills you doo you gotta faice to be
gotte horm to see you have the fills to you gotte
on the well its troo to gotemoovelok on the beuz A don a coverlack
you wini overlode donevow to vee you go to beuz B mini lyne to no
you crac a normalone.lok an effec winn
in premex bee wite lyne the woof nyce to bee bi gotte
lov you was e vee on toon mapemistertrac
you gotte equolyte gotte equolyte gotte equolyte......
9. |
Love me
LOU Paris, France
"Écoutez cette griotte nordique, cette spartiate des mots.."
"Lou est une artiste rare, dont les
albums sont d'inaltérables trésors, qui transcendent tous les courants et tous les repères connus, pénétrant l'esprit au point de ne plus en sortir."
... more
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