Our world is a pretty messed-up place. I choose to combat the darkness by doing what good I can, and one way to make a positive difference is to be generous. Not only is generosity good or others, it’s good for us too.
5 reasons an attitude of generosity is good for you.
Acting with generosity…
- Makes us healthier, by reducing stress and increasing mental well-being
- Enhances our sense of purpose
- Fosters healthy relationships
- Improves self esteem and satisfaction with life
- Benefits everyone by encouraging cooperation
Be generous with your resources
- Donate money to worthy causes
- Occasionally choose to spend generously. Give a loved one a lavish present, leave an extra tip, give someone a gift just to brighten their day.
- Give stuff away. If you know someone will love a book you’ve read, why not give it to them rather than just letting them borrow it? Ditto with DVDs and other small items.
- Share you perennials and garden excess (both flowers and edibles)
Be generous with your time
- Look for ways to lend a hand without being asked. Surprise your spouse by unloading the dishwasher or sweeping the sidewalk.
- Volunteer with an organization that matters to you. A church, service club, animal shelter, etc.
- Give someone your undivided attention and just listen (with no agenda about where the conversation leads)
Be generous with your talents
- Cheerfully give advice when someone asks for your expertise or informed opinion
- Offer to share what you know about an area of interest
- Offer your area of expertise to a worthwhile non-profit.
- Share your creative efforts. Even your amateur efforts will be a blessing to someone. Don’t keep them hidden under a bushel.
Be generous with your praise
- Make the effort to give compliments whenever you can do so sincerely
- Leave positive reviews, or let the manager know when an employee served you well
- Let employees know when they have served you well.
Be generous with your kindness
- Choose to post encouraging words on social media
- Say thank you for simple acts
- Smile at people
- Say hello to people.
- Be nice even when others are rude (and don’t deserve your niceness).
One last thought
Honor both sides of the generosity equation. Be a gracious giver and receiver. Don’t dismiss your generous acts through false modesty, but instead accept the appreciation of others with grace.
And welcome the generosity of others with humility and sincerity. Acknowledge it and show appropriate gratitude.
How can you brighten someone’s day with an act of generosity?