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[css3-ui] box-sizing will be in CR draft

On 11/18/03 10:06 AM, "Dave Shea" <> wrote:

>> Those on this mailing list have generally agreed the property is
>> inappropriate. Further, the CSS3 Box module is the proper place for
>> any such property, and that module already mentions and dismisses
>> box-sizing:
> Whoa! Not so fast. This is the first time I've heard anyone was planning
> on dropping this. Why?

There is no plan to drop this.  In fact, there have been multiple
implementations for quite some time.  IE5/Mac implements it.  I *think*
Opera7 also does, and Moz has the "-moz-box-sizing" variant.

Ian Hickson addressed the issue of why it is in CSS3-UI and not CSS-Box [1].

> This new box-sizing property was something I and a lot of other
> developers were looking forward to. The original box-sizing model simply
> does not work in a lot of instances.


> If I set an element to fill the viewport - ie. width: 100%; - then I
> cannot, with the CSS2 model, add padding to it. I either have to pad
> child elements, or more likely in real-world scenarios, insert an extra
> empty container and give it the padding instead.
> What prevalent wisdom has decided we don't need this?


> (note - specific implementation is not my concern, I don't care where
> it's applied; I just want the ability to choose my box-sizing model)

Don't worry, 'box-sizing' will be in the CSS3-UI CR, which I am still
writing up (actually, I'm working on CSS2.1 issues first, but CSS3-UI CR is
next after that.)

Tantek Çelik
CSS3-UI editor


On 7/4/03 4:42 AM, "Ian Hickson" <> wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, fantasai wrote:
>> Wouldn't this fit better in the Box Model module?
> Yes, but the box model module is not near publication, whereas the
> box-sizing property is stable and needed for some vendors in conjunction
> with the other UI properties.

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2003 13:55:19 UTC