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AfterAccess — LIRNEasia

Since 2005, LIRNEasia has been conducting large-scale nationally representative demand-side research on ICT access and use in the Asia region. Starting 2017, we have started conducting nationally representative surveys of access to and use of ICTs in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Cambodia, as a start, with Sri Lanka and more countries to be added as funds become available. The work is part of a larger comparative project being conducted in partnership with RIA (Research ICT Africa) in Africa and DIRSI(Dialogo Regional sobre Sociedad de la Informacion) in Latin America.  The research is funded by the International Development Research Centre (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Cambodia) as well as the Ford Foundation (Indonesia and Nepal).


This global effort is meant to collect a range of household, individual and small and micro-enterprise ICT data. The data will be able to offer us deeper insight into the demand-side barriers to digital equality. Our ability to inform policies and regulation will thereby have a more comprehensive base of evidence. The compiled indicators will meet threshold compliance of the WSIS-initiated Partnership for Measuring ICT for Development. The research will provide a detailed understanding of:

  • Demand, or the absence of it
  • Users, citizens and consumers in all their diversity
  • What and what not people are using their mobile devices for
  • Use of social networking and other services
  • Awareness and use of platforms
  • Whether these services stimulate take up and are a gateway to open Internet use or whether they are Internet ghettos for the poor
  • What privacy and security concerns users have, and what coping mechanisms they use to overcome these, if at all
  • The extent to which people use mobile wallet/financial services
  • The reasons for people being offline
  • What they are using the Internet for when they are.

The data collected will help us understand:

  • The evolution of mobile use, internet use and the use of other ICTs
  • Usage patterns and the associated demographics and to model these
  • Consumer welfare, including affordability in the context of real users and real income – not national averages that mask inequality
  • Constraints and drivers of usage ‘After Access’, particularly in relation to human development
  • Use and constraints around mobile financial services
  • Quality of service delivery of ICTs, both public and private
  • How we can inform policy in ways that policy could not be informed other wise



Survey data is being collected from households and individuals, using comparable methodology and a common questionnaire with RIA and DIRSI (with some local customization). Field teams are conducting face-to-face interviews with the respondents and use electronic data entry (CAPI methods). The survey includes two components: (1) an interview with the household head of selected houses, on household characteristics; and (2) an interview with a randomly selected household member (aged 15-65) on individual characteristics and ICT usage.


The sampling of households, individuals and enterprises has been done using probability-based sampling, enabling a representative sample to be selected. The desired level of accuracy for the survey is set to a confidence level of 95% and an absolute precision (relative margin of error) of approximately 3.5%.  Sample sizes ranged from 1,200 up to 5,000 per country. LIRNEasia’s sister network RIA developed the sampling method used for this study. RIA applied their method over the past decade in numerous countries in Africa to achieve nationally representative results for households, individuals and other target groups simultaneously in a cost-effective way. We may make country-wise adaptations to this method, however, based on the availability of national sampling frameworks.

Detailed methodology notes:

  • Click here for detailed notes on methodology used in individual countries.


The Asia component of the AfterAccess survey was conducted in six South and South Asian countries. The survey comprised three main components:

  1. Six nationally representative surveys on ICT access and use in Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal.
  2. Two nationally representative surveys on ICT access and use by persons with disabilities in Sri Lanka and Nepal.
  3. A nationally representative survey on ICT access and use by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Sri Lanka.

All survey datasets are provided below.

Please refer to this note for instructions on how to use LIRNEasia’s AfterAccess datasets.

The AfterAccess datasets are available for download via the links below. The datasets are provided in three formats: SPSS (.sav), Stata (.dta), and .CSV format. 

Survey title  Country  Year  Link to download 


ICT access and use by households and individuals  Sri Lanka  2018  click here  “LIRNEasia. 2018. AfterAccess Asia: Sri Lanka (dataset). Colombo: LIRNEasia.” 
India  2017  click here  “LIRNEasia. 2017. AfterAccess Asia: India (dataset). Colombo: LIRNEasia.” 
Pakistan   2017  click here  “LIRNEasia. 2017. AfterAccess Asia: Pakistan (dataset). Colombo: LIRNEasia.” 
Bangladesh  2017  click here  “LIRNEasia. 2017. AfterAccess Asia: Bangladesh (dataset). Colombo: LIRNEasia.” 
Cambodia  2017  click here  “LIRNEasia. 2017. AfterAccess Asia: Cambodia (dataset). Colombo: LIRNEasia.” 
Nepal  2018  click here  “LIRNEasia. 2017. AfterAccess Asia: Nepal (dataset). Colombo: LIRNEasia.” 
ICT access and use by persons with disabilities  Sri Lanka  2018  click here  “LIRNEasia. 2018. AfterAccess Asia: Sri Lanka (dataset). Colombo: LIRNEasia.” 
Nepal  2018  click here  “LIRNEasia. 2018. AfterAccess Asia: Nepal (dataset). Colombo: LIRNEasia.” 
ICT access and use by small & medium – sized enterprises (SMEs)  Sri Lanka  2018  click here  “LIRNEasia. 2018. AfterAccess Asia: Sri Lanka (dataset). Colombo: LIRNEasia.” 


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