
Search Results

Showing 1-20 of 80 results
  1. Article

    Feature data-driven-reinforced fuzzy radial basis function neural network classifier with the aid of preprocessing techniques and particle swarm optimization

    In this study, reinforced fuzzy radial basis function neural networks (FRBFNN) classifier driven by feature extracted data completed with the aid of...

    Sang-Beom Park, Sung-Kwun Oh, Witold Pedrycz in Soft Computing
    24 August 2023
  2. Article

    Design of Ensemble Fuzzy-RBF Neural Networks Based on Feature Extraction and Multi-feature Fusion for GIS Partial Discharge Recognition and Classification

    A new topology of ensemble fuzzy-radial basis function neural networks (EFRBFNN) based on a multi-feature fusion strategy is proposed to recognize...

    Kun Zhou, Sung-Kwun Oh, Jianlong Qiu in Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
    12 November 2021
  3. Article

    A study on hand gesture recognition algorithm realized with the aid of efficient feature extraction method and convolution neural networks: design and its application to VR environment

    Humans maintain and develop interrelationships through various forms of communication, including verbal and nonverbal communications. Gestures, which...

    Zhen Wang, Sung-Hoon Yoo, ... Witold Pedrycz in Soft Computing
    20 August 2023
  4. Article

    A polynomial kernel neural network classifier based on random sampling and information gain

    In this paper, we propose a polynomial kernel neural network classifier (PKNNC) based on the random sampling and information gain. Random sampling is...

    Yueyue Xiao, Wei Huang, ... Liehuang Zhu in Applied Intelligence
    09 September 2021
  5. Article

    Design of fuzzy radial basis function neural network classifier based on information data preprocessing for recycling black plastic wastes: comparative studies of ATR FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy

    As large amounts of plastics are widely used in diverse areas of industry, the amount of plastic waste, including black plastics, continues to...

    Jong-Soo Bae, Sung-Kwun Oh, ... Zunwei Fu in Applied Intelligence
    11 October 2018
  6. Article

    Design of meteorological pattern classification system based on FCM-based radial basis function neural networks using meteorological radar data

    In this study, precipitation and non-precipitation pattern classification of meteorological radar data is realized with the use of a neuro-fuzzy...

    Eun-Hu Kim, Jun-Hyun Ko, ... Kisung Seo in Soft Computing
    04 October 2018
  7. Article

    Design of face recognition system based on fuzzy transform and radial basis function neural networks

    In this study, a face recognition method based on fuzzy transform and radial basis function neural networks is proposed. In order to reduce the...

    Seok-Beom Roh, Sung-Kwun Oh, ... Kisung Seo in Soft Computing
    09 April 2018
  8. Article

    Development of intelligent sorting system realized with the aid of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and hybrid preprocessing algorithm-based radial basis function neural networks for recycling black plastic wastes

    Plastic recycling has been the key issue for reducing environmental problems and resolving resource depletion. To improve the recovery rate of...

    Seok-Beom Roh, Sang-Beom Park, ... Woo Zin Choi in Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
    19 January 2018
  9. Article

    Identification of black plastics realized with the aid of Raman spectroscopy and fuzzy radial basis function neural networks classifier

    To accomplish the effective classifier and secure the accurate classification capabilities of black plastics, a comprehensive design methodology of...

    Seok-Beom Roh, Sung-Kwun Oh, ... Woo Zin Choi in Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
    02 May 2017
  10. Article

    Hybrid fuzzy polynomial neural networks with the aid of weighted fuzzy clustering method and fuzzy polynomial neurons

    It is well-known that any nonlinear complex system can be modeled by using a collection of “if …then” fuzzy rules. In spite of a number of successful...

    Wei Huang, Sung-Kwun Oh, Witold Pedrycz in Applied Intelligence
    15 September 2016
  11. Article

    Fuzzy set-oriented neural networks based on fuzzy polynomial inference and dynamic genetic optimization

    In this paper, we introduce a new topology and offer a comprehensive design methodology of fuzzy set-based neural networks (FsNNs). The proposed...

    Byoung-Jun Park, Wook-Dong Kim, ... Witold Pedrycz in Knowledge and Information Systems
    12 January 2013
  12. Article

    A new approach to radial basis function-based polynomial neural networks: analysis and design

    In this study, we introduce a new topology of radial basis function-based polynomial neural networks (RPNNs) that is based on a genetically optimized...

    Sung-Kwun Oh, Ho-Sung Park, ... Witold Pedrycz in Knowledge and Information Systems
    09 September 2012
  13. Conference paper

    Fuzzy Relation-Based Polynomial Neural Networks Based on Hybrid Optimization

    This paper introduces hybrid optimized fuzzy relation-based polynomial neural network (HOFRPNN), a novel architecture that is constructed by using a...
    Wei Huang, Sung-Kwun Oh in Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2012
  14. Conference paper

    Design of Face Recognition Algorithm Using Hybrid Data Preprocessing and Polynomial-Based RBF Neural Networks

    This study introduces a design of face recognition algorithm based on hybrid data preprocessing and polynomial-based RBF neural network. The overall...
    Sung-Hoon Yoo, Sung-Kwun Oh, Kisung Seo in Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2012
  15. Conference paper

    A Study on Optimized Face Recognition Algorithm Realized with the Aid of Multi-dimensional Data Preprocessing Technologies and RBFNNs

    In this study, we propose the hybrid method of face recognition by using face region information extracted from the detected face region. In the...
    Chang-Min Ma, Sung-Hoon Yoo, Sung-Kwun Oh in Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2012
  16. Conference paper

    Design of Optimized Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Classifier with the Aid of Fuzzy Clustering and Data Preprocessing Method

    In this paper, we introduce a new architecture of optimized RBF neural network classifier with the aid of fuzzy clustering and data preprocessing...
    Wook-Dong Kim, Sung-Kwun Oh, Jeong-Tae Kim in Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2012
  17. Conference paper

    Context FCM-Based Radial Basis Function Neural Networks with the Aid of Fuzzy Clustering

    In this paper, we introduce architecture of context FCM-based Radial Basis Function Neural Networks realized with the aid of information granulation...
    Wook-Dong Kim, Sung-Kwun Oh, Hyun-Ki Kim in Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2012
  18. Conference paper

    Design of Fuzzy Radial Basis Function Neural Networks with the Aid of Multi-objective Optimization Based on Simultaneous Tuning

    In this paper, we concerns a design of fuzzy radial basis function neural network (FRBFNN) by means of multi-objective optimization. A...
    Wei Huang, Lixin Ding, Sung-Kwun Oh in Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2011
  19. Conference paper

    Design of Information Granulation-Based Fuzzy Models with the Aid of Multi-objective Optimization and Successive Tuning Method

    In this paper, we propose a hybrid identification of information granulation-based fuzzy models by means of multi-objective optimization and...
    Wei Huang, Sung-Kwun Oh, Jeong-Tae Kim in Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2011
  20. Conference paper

    Fuzzy Clustering-Based Polynomial Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (p-RBF NNs) Classifier Designed with Particle Swarm Optimization

    In this paper, we introduce polynomial-based Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (p-RBF NNs) classifier based on Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering...
    Wook-Dong Kim, Sung-Kwun Oh, Hyun-Ki Kim in Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2011
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