
Search Results

Showing 1-18 of 18 results
  1. Article

    Less is more: digital and physical sustainability shortage impact on entrepreneurial intention

    This study explores the complex relationship between entrepreneurial sustainability awareness, the diffusion of digital technologies, and their...

    Ludovico Bullini Orlandi, Marco Bottura, ... Alessandro Zardini in International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
    13 December 2024
  2. Article
    Full access

    Transformative social innovation in developing and emerging ecosystems: a configurational examination

    Despite the literature on social innovation (SI) in ecosystems growing considerably in recent years, what makes an ecosystem a facilitator for...

    Damiano Cortese, Chiara Civera, ... Alessandro Zardini in Review of Managerial Science
    17 February 2023 Open access
  3. Article
    Full access

    Grand challenges and entrepreneurship: Emerging issues, research streams, and theoretical landscape

    This study discusses how the role of entrepreneurship in addressing the so-called “grand challenges” (e.g., poverty, inequality, pollution, climate...

    Francesca Ricciardi, Cecilia Rossignoli, Alessandro Zardini in International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
    07 October 2021 Open access
  4. Article
    Full access

    Exhaust emission factors of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from European road vehicles


    Road transport is an important contributor to the European Union’s total greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims at summarizing methane...

    Michaël Clairotte, Ricardo Suarez-Bertoa, ... Covadonga Astorga in Environmental Sciences Europe
    01 October 2020 Open access
  5. Article

    Business networks as breeding grounds for entrepreneurial options: organizational implications

    This study proposes an original configurational view of the organizational logics of business networks. It develops a set of 18 operationalizable...

    Alessandro Zardini, Francesca Ricciardi, ... Cecilia Rossignoli in Review of Managerial Science
    04 December 2018
  6. Article

    A Methodological Framework for the Integrated Design of Decision-Intensive Care Pathways—an Application to the Management of COPD Patients

    Healthcare processes are by nature complex, mostly due to their multidisciplinary character that requires continuous coordination between care...

    Carlo Combi, Barbara Oliboni, ... Francesca Zerbato in Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research
    17 October 2017
  7. Conference paper

    IT Managers’ Relations and Value Creation: Complementary Insights from Four Theoretical Standpoints

    Scholars investigating the importance of effective IT managers’ relations tend to rely on two mainstream theoretical approaches: the resource-based...
    Francesca Ricciardi, Alessandro Zardini, Sabrina Bonomi in Digital Technology and Organizational Change
  8. Conference paper

    The Impact of the Implementation of the Electronic Medical Record in an Italian University Hospital

    In the last years the use of the information communication technology (ICT) has become a leading driver of managerial reform in the public sector [1]...
    Alessandro Zardini, Cecilia Rossignoli, Bettina Campedelli in Organizational Innovation and Change
  9. Conference paper

    Improving the Introduction of Electronic Health Record: Lessons from European and North American Countries

    The Electronic Health Record (EHR) has many advantages and its introduction is, at the moment, in different stages of progress in various European...
    Sabrina Bonomi, Nabil Georges Badr, ... Cecilia Rossignoli in Exploring Services Science
  10. Conference paper

    Communication Web 2.0: An Attempt to Understand the Gap Between Italian Law and Accounting Firms and the International Environment

    The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and recent communication regulatory framework innovations for law and accounting...
    Lapo Mola, Alessandro Zardini, Ilenia Confente in From Information to Smart Society
  11. Conference paper

    E-Health and Value Co-creation: The Case of Electronic Medical Record in an Italian Academic Integrated Hospital

    The objective of the paper is to study the use of service science to create a systematic service innovation in the health environment. Starting from...
    Sabrina Bonomi, Alessandro Zardini, ... Paola Renata Dameri in Exploring Services Science
  12. Article
    Full access

    Intercomparison of real-time tailpipe ammonia measurements from vehicles tested over the new world-harmonized light-duty vehicle test cycle (WLTC)

    Four light-duty vehicles (two diesel, one flex-fuel, and one gasoline vehicle) were tested as part of an intercomparison exercise of the...

    Ricardo Suarez-Bertoa, Alessandro A. Zardini, ... Covadonga Astorga in Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    18 March 2015 Open access
  13. Conference paper

    The Psychological Contract as an Integrative Governance Instrument of the Legal Outsourcing Contract

    Outsourcing is a managerial procedure whose success needs clarification regarding the long-term relationship between customer and supplier. The...
    Franca Cantoni, Alessandro Zardini, Cecilia Rossignoli in Information Systems, Management, Organization and Control
  14. Conference paper

    Key Capabilities of CIOs and IT Managers for Strategic Competitive Advantage: A Qualitative Field Research

    A growing stream of studies is concentrating on IT management value, i.e. on how value is created not (only) through IT investment and deployment,...
    Cecilia Rossignoli, Alessandro Zardini, Francesca Ricciardi in Smart Organizations and Smart Artifacts
  15. Conference paper

    Developing Municipal e-Government in Italy: The City of Alfa Case

    The paper aims to analyze the new trends in the public administration’s way of doing government business. Specifically, it takes stock of the various...
    Alessandro Zardini, Cecilia Rossignoli, ... Marco De Marco in Exploring Services Science
  16. Conference paper

    IT Helps the Italian Army to Implement a Performance Management System

    Over the last years, Italian public administrations have been involved in a long-term reform process with the aim of “reinventing” the public sector...
    Armando Suppa, Alessandro Zardini, Salvatore Alessandro Sarcià in Information Systems: Crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering
  17. Conference paper

    The Implementation of a Performance Management System in the Italian Army

    The last reform program in the Italian public sector was realized by legislative decree 150/2009 that introduced the performance cycle, to improve...
    Armando Suppa, Alessandro Zardini in Education and Management
  18. Chapter

    Enabling Factors for SaaS Business Intelligence Adoption: A Theoretical Framework Proposal

    The research question of this study attempts to identify which are the enabling factors for the adoption of a sourcing SaaS (Software as a Service)...
    Antonella Ferrari, Cecilia Rossignoli, Alessandro Zardini in Information Technology and Innovation Trends in Organizations
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