1 Introduction

Evaluation of Recommender Systems (RS) is an active and open research topic. A significant share of Recommender Systems research is based on comparisons of recommendation algorithms’ predictive accuracy: the better the evaluation scores (higher accuracy or lower predictive errors), the better the recommendation. However, given the lack of agreement on evaluation procedures, this poses a hurdle for reproducible environments. Considering this scenario, it is difficult to put in context and gauge the results from a given evaluation of a recommender system. One key reason for this is the existence of countless design alternatives when implementing an evaluation strategy. Additionally, the actual implementation of a recommendation algorithm can considerably diverge from the well-known, or ideal, formulation due to manual tuning and alignments to specific situations. This has recently been coined as data processing or data collection biases (Olteanu et al. 2018).

The most well-known recommender system-related event to date, the Netflix Prize, created an environment where all competing algorithms were evaluated in the same controlled setting. The research advances accomplished during the Prize’s three-year run would not have been possible without a controlled evaluation and benchmarking environment. Having said this, we should also stress the importance of research conducted outside the scope of such actions. However, when it comes to recommendation, given that progress is traditionally measured in terms of higher precision, lower RMSE, higher NDCG, etc., it seems intuitive that some form of controlled evaluation could lead to a broader understanding of recommender system algorithms’ qualities in general and lessen the focus on in situ optimizations of deployment-dependent aspects.

In this context, reproducibility and replicability of experiments have been gaining the community’s attention. Reproducibility is a cornerstone of scientific process and is one of two critical issues to achieve progress, as identified by Konstan and Adomavicius (2013), and one of the priorities that should be reflected in experimental methodologies according to Ferro et al. (2018). However, as pointed out by Collberg and Proebsting (2016), there are serious concerns in many research areas about this aspect. Collberg and Proebsting examined 601 conference and journal papers published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Among the papers, 402 had results backed by code, but the authors were able to obtain and compile the code within 30 minutes only for 32.3% papers. This opaqueness in research has led to directed efforts such as conference tracks aimed specifically for work covering these issues. Beyond those attempts at raising awareness on this issue, suggested solutions have been made in the community, e.g., Brinckman et al. (2019) propose a general approach where research is presented as a living publication or tale. In doing so, improving and facilitating the knowledge discovery and dissemination of results, while supporting the entire life cycle of data used throughout research.

Synchronously, accountability and transparency of algorithms—understood as the capability of accepting the responsibility for actions and the ability to provide openness, respectively—or from a more general perspective, of any computational model, are gaining more attention. It should be emphasized, though, that these definitions are far from being universal, as we shall discuss later. For instance, Diakopoulos (2016) and Lepri et al. (2018) analyze accountability and transparency from the general viewpoint of algorithmic decision-making. Both works state that these aspects can be considered at different levels: the entire model, individual components (e.g., parameters), and a particular training algorithm. On a similar vein as publications can be seen as living tales, Dragicevic et al. (2019) suggest the use of explorable multiverses to increase the transparency of research papers, giving the reader the possibility to interactively explore alternative analysis options. From a more general perspective, in Raji et al. (2020) the authors aim to close the accountability gap in Artificial Intelligence by defining an end-to-end framework for internal algorithmic auditing. Such a framework would be applied throughout the internal organization development lifecycle.

Going back to the Recommender Systems community, there exist few works addressing these aspects explicitly in the field, although related areas, e.g., Human–computer Interaction or Information Retrieval, have pursued this line of work more actively. However, the notation and terminology are not consistent across research works, even within the same field. As an example, the work presented by Abdul et al. (2018), which focuses on Human–computer Interaction, equates accountability to explaining the decisions made by the algorithm, which is more related to the concept of explainability; this definition differs from the one used in our work. One example where accountability is discussed in the context of recommender systems is the work by Ekstrand et al. (2015). The work argues that providing users with control over the generated recommendations would help establish trust to the system and lead to better retention and engagement. In this light, trust can be another dimension related, but not necessarily inherent, to accountability. Similarly, in the context of news Recommender Systems, some works have proposed implementations of transparent and “accountable” technologies to foster trust and use since there is an urgent need to explore how these technologies should be designed to effectively implement and promote data protection rights and obligations (Krebs et al. 2019). Therefore, an important gap that remains is how to develop accountable and transparent Recommender Systems research in a general way. First of all, the overall notation and terminology about accountability, transparency, and even reproducibility are not uniform or globally used in the same way. Partially because of that, but mostly because of the incoherent and inconsistent results reported by several authors (Konstan and Adomavicius 2013; Ferro et al. 2018; Collberg and Proebsting 2016; Ferrari Dacrema et al. 2019), accountability of recommendation research is difficult to achieve. Thus, a concrete roadmap toward achieving (or at least, increasing) this goal would be welcome. Potential solutions for this are expected to arrive from adding constraints on the experimental frameworks used in Recommender Systems research. Hence, we aim to analyze the required components that an ideal framework should satisfy to ensure some levels of accountability. Nonetheless, full accountability is likely to be impossible to obtain; as a result, a collection of challenges or limitations should also be included and discussed.

With these goals in mind, in this work we analyze these problems and address them in the following way. First, we revise the previously mentioned concepts (i.e., reproducibility, accountability, transparency) and their definitions for Recommender Systems research. Specifically, we present a brief review of different uses of these aspects in the general field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and later focus on Recommender Systems. We then propose to address the issue of accountability in Recommender Systems research by focusing on the reproducibility of different stages that are typically defined within the workflow of any recommender system. Our driving hypothesis is that advances on reproducible environments for recommendation could provide better accountability of Recommender Systems research, understood as appropriate mechanisms for reporting evaluation results. For that, we propose reproducibility guidelines, inspired by how recommendation systems are implemented and evaluated, and argue that these should improve accountability of the entire research field. By doing so, researchers and practitioners would benefit from being able to reproduce and compare against other works, while the community would, in turn, gain as a whole. We should be able to increase our understanding of the recommendation components in use, explain why certain stages are more important in some domains than in others, and advance on the directions with more potential, thanks to well-grounded knowledge based on such accountable and transparent recommender systems. Finally, we include a discussion regarding some limitations of the proposed reproducible framework; we also show experiments where different recommendation libraries are compared to each other.

In the remainder of this section, we present the research questions addressed in this work, as well as the main contributions achieved.

1.1 Research questions

In this work, we address the following research questions:

  1. RQ1

    Which are the main aspects that obstruct accountability in Recommender Systems research?

    As discussed before, accountability is related to reproducibility, which is an increasingly popular topic in this area (Ekstrand et al. 2011; Kosir et al. 2013; Said and Bellogín 2014). In our work, we focus on how to ensure some levels of reproducibility, so that transparency in reporting of experimental settings is increased and, as a consequence, the transparency of the corresponding results of recommender systems evaluation, which is a well-known catalyst for accountability.

  2. RQ2

    How can we formalize the required components for an accountable framework? Understanding that it is possible to strive for accountable recommendation research, we wonder what the requirements to build frameworks that allow this are. Hence, we propose a formal framework that embraces different aspects related to accountability of recommender systems. For this, we start the analysis from issues collected both from practical and theoretical perspectives in works addressing reproducibility in the area; we then analyze how different software libraries for the development of recommendation systems fit under the proposed framework.

  3. RQ3

    What are the main challenges and limitations to improve accountability in Recommender Systems research? Assuming that accountability can be improved by focusing on the reproducibility aspects of recommender systems, a discussion of the main challenges and limitations that remain open in this scenario should be included to have a full picture of the problem. We perform such an analysis, including experimental results and relying on recent research from adjacent fields to predict the potential challenges our field may witness in the near future.

1.2 Contributions

We review concepts related to accountability and reproducibility, in particular in the context of Recommender Systems research, but also in adjacent contexts. Based on the definitions of those concepts, we propose to improve accountability of Recommender Systems research through reproducibility. This is achieved by analyzing technical constraints and typical problems or uncertainties that appear when implementing these systems. In particular, we have collected a wide range of issues from practical, theoretical, and technical aspects about the implementation and evaluation of recommender systems. We have also considered recent works and trends on reproducibility in neighboring fields to extract more concrete issues and guidelines for recommender systems. Upon this, we propose a set of requirements that lead to more reproducible experimental workflows, improving the mechanisms necessary for attaining accountable Recommender Systems: dataset collection, data splitting, recommendation, candidate item filtering, evaluation computation, and statistical testing. We analyze to what extent current Recommender Systems libraries fit such framework.

Finally, we also include a thoughtful discussion on the limitations of this proposal, complemented with the foreseen challenges that need to be addressed in the near future. This discussion is complemented with experiments where we compare results from the internal evaluation mechanisms of two popular open-source recommendation frameworks. By doing so, we show that a lack of control on the recommendation process leads to inconsistent results and, hence, to non-comparable and reproducible experimental outcomes.

In conclusion, a framework for the evaluation of recommender systems should clearly identify and satisfy the proposed stages to ensure accountability in its entire process; otherwise, reproducibility and/or transparency will be compromised and accountability of published research work will not be possible. We believe this general framework and the presented analyses and discussions will be valuable for practitioners, designers, or engineers who aim to assess the capabilities of published research on Recommender Systems.

1.3 Structure of paper

The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents in detail the concepts that will be considered in this work (accountability, transparency, reproducibility) and provides an overview of recommender systems, how they are evaluated and implemented. Section 3 discusses our approach of facilitating accountability through reproducibility; for this, prior works related to reproducibility in evaluation are discussed together with several technical aspects that should be considered when implementing and evaluating a recommender system. Then, in Sect. 4, we introduce the requirements for a reproducible and accountable recommendation environment, followed by an analysis of how the most common software libraries satisfy these requirements. Finally, Sect. 5 analyzes the main limitations and challenges of the presented work, and Sect. 6 concludes the paper and presents future work directions.

2 Background and concepts

In this section, we provide an overview of the two foci of this work: accountability and recommender systems. The latter is presented and contextualized in Sect. 2.1, whereas the former, together with other related concepts used throughout this work, is introduced in Sect. 2.2.

2.1 Recommender systems

With the growing popularity of Recommender Systems in recent years (Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, etc.), the recommender system-related research field has grown dramatically. Today, paper tracks on recommendation are common in many research outlets which traditionally have had different foci, e.g., SIGIR, The Web Conference, IJCAI, etc. Related industry has experienced a similar development. As a sign of this, many open positions in machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence list experience of recommendation techniques and frameworks as requirements.

This gain in popularity has led to an overwhelming amount of research being conducted over the last years. With this in mind, it becomes increasingly important to be able to reproduce new approaches and gauge their performance in various settings. In today’s recommender systems-related literature, papers often state what datasets, algorithms, baselines, and other potential parameter values are used in order to (theoretically) ensure reproducibility. Many research manuscripts additionally provide access to source code, present execution times, necessary hardware and software infrastructure, etc. Nonetheless, the works often use proprietary data and software, making it difficult, or impossible, to accurately reproduce the findings. In light of the vast variety of methods available for implementing and evaluating a recommender system, details which aid in reproducibility and transparency should be seen as a very positive aspect. A critical analysis is necessary in order to ensure an advance in the field, not just marginal effects based on strategic design choices (Ferrari Dacrema et al. 2019).

In fact, there have, over time, emerged several popular recommendation frameworks used throughout academia and industry, e.g., Apache MahoutFootnote 1 (henceforth referred to as Mahout) (Owen et al. 2011), LensKitFootnote 2 (Ekstrand et al. 2011), MyMediaLiteFootnote 3 (Gantner et al. 2011), LibRecFootnote 4 (Guo et al. 2015), and RankSysFootnote 5 (Vargas 2015), among others. As common with open-source frameworks, popularity and development efforts fluctuate over time. This can be seen in, for instance, MyMediaLite which was very popular a number of years ago, although its popularity dwindled as development came to a standstill. Mahout was once very popular in the Recommender Systems community, but as the project changed direction and focused development on other tasks, the library has become seldom seen in research works in this space today. Nonetheless, we chose to include these two frameworks in the analysis presented in this paper due to their historical popularity and extensive usage in research publications and industry applications. Moreover, even though all five frameworks listed above provide basically the same set of recommendation algorithms, they have various differences in implementations, data management, and evaluation methods and approaches. Moreover, each of these frameworks provides basic evaluation packages able to calculate some of the most common metrics (e.g., precision, recall, root mean square error, mean average error, etc.); however, it is not clear how they compare against each other. Later, in Sect. 4.2 we will analyze the most representative ones and compare their differences.

In any case, there is no doubt that these, and other, open-source recommendation frameworks, have been and are used consistently in research. However, the lack of a standard framework or implementation of algorithms and evaluation methodologies impedes the progress in the field, as evidenced in other areas. In this context, there are examples showing that, in, e.g., the Information Retrieval area, even when standard datasets are used and a well-established set of baselines is known, no overall improvement over the years is guaranteed (Armstrong et al. 2009). A similar example exists in Ferrari Dacrema et al.’s (2019) analysis of deep learning approaches for Recommender Systems and in Sun et al.’s recent horizontal study of Recommender Systems papers (Sun et al. 2020). Analogously, in a series of prior works focusing on the evaluation, replication, and reproducibility of Recommender Systems algorithms and evaluation results, we have identified a set of aspects that need to be taken into consideration when comparing the results of recommender systems from different research papers, software frameworks, or evaluation contexts (Said and Bellogín 2014; Said et al. 2014; Said and Bellogín 2015). Specifically, a previously performed study (Said and Bellogín 2014) pointed out that comparisons of the same algorithms and datasets across different implementations (i.e., recommendation frameworks) showed large variations in results, both in accuracy-based metrics (like precision) and in holistic metrics (such as catalog coverage).

2.2 Accountability, reproducibility, and related concepts

Researchers from different areas dealing with algorithms—from Social Sciences to Data Mining and Machine Learning, including the Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems communities—have been raising awareness about accountability, reproducibility, transparency, fairness, explanation, and similar concepts in recent years. However, these terms may have different nuances depending on the context, or might even appear as synonyms according to some authors. To establish a common terminology for this work, this section presents a review of such definitions and states how they will be used in the rest of the manuscript.

Starting with reproducibility and replicability, we want to bring attention to the fact that these terms are often confused. In Plesser’s work on confused terminology (Plesser 2017), the author presents a historical review of the terms, discussing differences and similarities to previous works. In this paper, we follow the definitions provided by the ACMFootnote 6:repeatability applies when the same team operates under the same experimental setup, replicability is achieved when a different team obtains the same results using the same experimental setting, and reproducibility is obtained when a different group using their own experimental setup produces the same results. In fact, Plesser points out that the definitions of replicability and reproducibility used by the ACM, while conforming to their definitions in computing, are at odds with the terminology long used in the experimental sciences (we refer the reader to Plesser (2017) for more details about these works). Ivie and Thain (2018) discuss to what extent scientific computing is accurately reproducible. They extend the terminology around these concepts with terms such as verification, validation, and provenance, to account for variations in the data or tasks that could apply to computational experiments. The work presents several technical challenges that may appear when replicating different artifacts (commands or workflows). It does also show general techniques that could help in achieving reproducibility, mostly related to tracking all operations and actions related to an experiment and giving more importance to validation.

Continuing, accountability is defined by Lepri et al. (2018) as the assumption of accepting the responsibility for actions and decisions. Moreover, an ACM statement on Algorithmic Transparency and AccountabilityFootnote 7 calls for better algorithms in a number of dimensions since the ubiquity of algorithms in our everyday lives is an important reason to focus on addressing challenges associated with the design and technical aspects of algorithms and preventing bias from the onset. The statement lists the following 7 principles: awareness, access and redress, accountability, explanation, data provenance, auditability, validation, and testing. In particular, accountability is described as “Institutions should be held responsible for decisions made by the algorithms that they use, even if it is not feasible to explain in detail how the algorithms produce their results.” According to Jobin et al. (2019), very different actors are pointed out as being responsible (and accountable for) the actions and decisions of an Artificial Intelligence agent: developers, designers, institutions, or industry at large. In particular, Shin and Park (2019) specify that accountability in algorithms and their application begins with the designers and developers of the system that relies on them. Eventually, designers and managers are responsible for the consequences or impacts an algorithmic system has on stakeholders and society. However, there is no consensus on whether these agents should be held accountable in a human-like manner or whether humans should always be the only actors who are ultimately responsible for technological artifacts (Jobin et al. 2019; Raji et al. 2020).

A related concept is that of transparency, which Lepri et al. (2018) understand as the ability to provide openness and communication of both the data being analyzed and the mechanisms underlying the models. Going beyond this definition, certain works discuss the implications of the concept. For instance, Shin and Park (2019) observe that perceptions of transparency and accuracy are not purely objective responses to media content. In this sense, transparency and accuracy cannot be measured as features of algorithms or in the context of legal terminology because they involve subjective dimensions that can be experienced and perceived by users. Diakopoulos (2016) takes a more general perspective and argues that transparency can be a mechanism that facilitates accountability. Hereto we should demand it from government and exhort from industry; however, requiring complete source-code transparency of algorithms may be counterproductive. Instead, Diakopoulos advocates for the disclosure of only necessary pieces of information, including aggregated results and benchmarks, since these elements would be more effective in communicating algorithmic performance to the public.

Moreover, transparency around human involvement might involve explaining the goal, purpose, and intent of the algorithm, including editorial goals and the human editorial process. More specifically, in research the control is on the researchers, or the authors of an investigation, hence, according to this definition, they have to disclose as much information as possible to provide transparency and improve its accountability. The same author adds that inferences made by an algorithm, such as classifications or predictions, often leave questions about the accuracy or potential for error. Because of that, algorithm creators might consider benchmarking against standard datasets and with standard measures of accuracy to disclose some key statistics. This is directly connected to the concepts of reproducibility and replicability mentioned earlier.

3 Accountability of recommender systems research through reproducibility

In this section, we motivate how accountability (as defined in the previous section) could be achieved in Recommender Systems research by means of reproducibility. First, in Sect. 3.1 we introduce some issues collected from practical aspects found when implementing these systems; later, in Sect. 3.2 we provide a more general overview of trends and research works that have explicitly addressed reproducibility in the area. Finally, Sect. 3.3 summarizes and connects these issues and trends while presenting how they must be exploited to improve accountability.

3.1 Reproducibility issues from practical and technical aspects in recommender systems

There are several aspects when designing and implementing a recommender system that may affect its final results and hinder its transparency, making it virtually impossible to replicate the reported settings and insights. From using different model parameters to how specific parts of the system are implemented. In this section, we review some examples we have encountered while implementing recommendation algorithms and frameworks ourselves, checking public implementations, and trying to replicate other researchers’ experiments and results (Said and Bellogín 2014, 2015). In the next section, we propose the requirements that any evaluation framework should satisfy to facilitate reproducibility of the research works, based on these examples.

One of the first steps taken when running a recommender system consists of dividing a dataset into training and test splits, in some circumstances a validation split is also created (Shani and Gunawardana 2011). It is understood that the data splitting strategy may have a deep impact on the final results, making this an important aspect to take into account when reporting details about an experiment. For instance, by using a per-user data splitting technique, we ensure that all the users are considered in the evaluation. This may not be realistic in all cases, since all users are not active simultaneously. On the other hand, by performing a temporal split—which likely is the closest data splitting strategy to a real-world scenario (Campos et al. 2014)—the models are more sensitive to temporal dependencies on the training and test splits. For instance, temporal spikes on particular items that might skew popularity patterns and not represent the historical behavior in that system. In both cases, the data splitting strategy dramatically changes the inherent conditions of the experiment, whereas in the first case, every user is active at evaluation time. In the second case, the set of active users will depend on the level of interaction at, and after, the temporal point where the split is performed, which, additionally, ensures no future information is used to train the models.

Nonetheless, most of the practical issues related to reproducibility concern either technical implementations of the actual algorithm, or how the evaluation of the system was performed. We now review several examples regarding these two angles.

Regarding the recommendation algorithms, there are several aspects that are not standardized which, eventually, turn out to be implementation-dependent. For example, the term kNN (to specify: collaborative filtering algorithms based on k-nearest neighbors) is usually linked to the user-based (UB) variation in these methods. However, item based (IB) also fall into the kNN category and often outperform the user-based counterparts (Sarwar et al. 2001). Furthermore, there exist several different formulations of the user-based kNN algorithm, neither of which is regarded as the “standard” one. It could be argued that Goldberg et al.’s (1992) initial formulation can be seen as the classical standard formulation, and that other formulations are simply variations that aim at achieving better performance. In this context, each of the formulations in Equations 1, 2, or 3 could be referred to as UB kNN, and unless further details are provided, knowing which of the three is used by the authors of a paper is virtually impossible:

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{r}}_{ui}&= \frac{\sum _{v \in {\mathcal {N}}_{i}(u)}^{}r_{vi}w_{uv}}{\sum _{v \in {\mathcal {N}}_{i}(u)}^{}|w_{uv}|} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{r}}_{ui}&= {\bar{r}}_u + \frac{\sum _{v \in {\mathcal {N}}_{i}(u)}^{}(r_{vi} - {\bar{r}}_v)w_{uv}}{\sum _{v \in {\mathcal {N}}_{i}(u)}^{}|w_{uv}|} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{r}}_{ui}&= \sum _{v \in {\mathcal {N}}_{i}(u)}^{}r_{vi}w_{uv} \end{aligned}$$

Note that in one of these formulations (Eq. 2) the user’s average rating \({\bar{r}}_u\) is considered, whereas in the last case the summation is not normalized, with the effect that the generated score is not in the range of ratings anymore. This variation has proved to obtain much better results than the others in tasks that return a ranking instead of predicting the rating (Cremonesi et al. 2010). In fact, some libraries implement two versions of these methods (such as MyMediaLite or LibRec), highlighting the importance of providing these details.

Analogous to algorithmic variation, the similarity weight between two users (denoted \(w_{uv}\) above) is a critical aspect for kNN recommenders, and decisions made about them can profoundly affect how the algorithm behaves. The decision on which similarity metric to use should be clearly specified and reported. Then, any filtering or transformation applied to the similarity values must be clearly specified. For example, some libraries like MahoutFootnote 8 move the similarity domain from \([-1,1]\) to [0, 2] to avoid negative weights in the summation. Other implementations simply discard those negative similarities or allow to discard anything below a specific threshold (see LibRecFootnote 9 or MyMediaLiteFootnote 10). In other cases, two similarity metrics are used: one to find the neighbors (i.e., to define \({\mathcal {N}}_{i}(u)\)) and a different one to weight the ratings in whatever variation in the UB kNN algorithm we are using—although it is more common to use the same metric for both steps; the same comments about similarity transformation and filtering apply if it is used for finding neighbors.

There also exist different alternatives in the literature regarding the task of finding neighbors. Although this typically means taking the top-k closest users to the target user, there are other techniques based on thresholds that should be properly reported and specified when used in experiments because of their unpopularity (Desrosiers and Karypis 2011). There are also ad hoc implementations in some librariesFootnote 11. Besides that, a very important detail that is often overlooked is the exact moment at which neighbors are found: at training or test (i.e., evaluation) time. In both cases, similarities between users are needed; however, in the latter approach the computation of the list of potential neighbors is delayed until a prediction is needed. This means that the neighborhood can be tailored to those neighbors that have actually rated the target item (as evidenced in the notation used before as \({\mathcal {N}}_{i}(u)\) instead of simply \({\mathcal {N}}(u)\)), achieving higher values of coverage and impacting on the optimal number of neighbors required (lower for the delayed computation)—this can be found in SurpriseFootnote 12, for instance. Nonetheless, this approach would not be practical in a real-world system, as it would require having instantaneous access to either the full similarity matrix, or the full list of users sorted by similarity for every user. Both issues are avoided by computing the full similarity matrix offline and only storing the top-k closest neighbors to be used at test time.

Another paradigmatic example, besides different formulations for kNN and their related issues presented above, is how a user’s average rating is computed (a parameter needed by some similarity metrics, such as Pearson’s correlation, and in Equation 2). In theory, the user’s average rating should be computed taking into account all her ratings; however, this implies a first pass on the whole dataset is needed and a value for every user is stored in memory. For computational reasons, it is reasonable to delay this process until a prediction involving the user is needed. The issue becomes evident when, in some implementations, this computation is only performed for the items that a user pair have in common (for example, in MahoutFootnote 13). This would generate noticeably divergent results for different implementations, even though the reported algorithm is the same; see Table 1 for an actual comparison. In this toy example, we observe how the similarity score between users changes depending on how the users’ average ratings are computed. Even though the actual difference is small (from 0.96 to 1.0), it illustrates the potential divergences that could accumulate with more data.

Table 1 Toy example showing the value of a user’s average rating considering all items (\({\bar{r}}_u\)) or only those in common with the other user

The last aspect about recommendation algorithms we focus on is related to the final predicted score. Until relatively recently, much of the recommendation literature focused on the rating prediction task, overlooking other tasks, and, particularly the most prominent one nowadays: item ranking. As a result, it is easy to find implementations where a capping is applied after the score is predicted, binding the score by the rating range. However, this may be problematic when producing a ranking instead of a rating. Since ties are more likely to occur, leading to the necessity of tie-breaking strategies. These may, however, have strong effects on the results, especially when short rankings are considered (Bellogín et al. 2013). This is something seldom found explicitly in the analyzed frameworks and public implementationsFootnote 14.

Furthermore, what is even more important is what happens when a recommender cannot predict a score. This decision has an impact on the system’s coverage. If a baseline (also called backup or fallback) recommender is used, all algorithms will have full coverage. This will, in turn, also have an effect on how performance metrics are evaluated. For instance, when producing a ranking, one may decide that those items without a score will always appear at the bottom of the ranking. This could produce very different results compared to skipping those items altogether, especially in cases with extreme coverage problems or when using highly configurable evaluation strategies (such as the One-Plus-Random methodology from (Bellogín et al. 2011)). Additionally, when computing error-based metrics such as Mean Absolute Error, which measures the difference between the predicted and the actual rating, handling of missing values is not evident: they could be ignored (hence measuring the error only on available predictions) or a default value could be used instead (as if a baseline recommender would be used). See Table 2 for a toy example on these different alternatives. In the analyzed frameworks, various solutions have been detected: using a recommender that can always return a score whenever the main one is not capable of thatFootnote 15, using default values when some operations (such as similarities) do not have enough data or cannot be computed\(^9\), or leaving the original recommender untouched, hence producing missing values and exposing its lack of coverage.

Table 2 Toy example showing different values of mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) values depending on how missing predicted values (denoted as NaN) are considered by the metric

Now let us move to the issues related to how the system is evaluated. As presented before, technical decisions about the algorithm implementation could affect the results of evaluation metrics. Moreover, as mentioned earlier regarding the algorithms, in the Recommender Systems community there are no well-established definitions for all the evaluation metrics (yet), as is common in other areas like Machine Learning or Information Retrieval. Thus, it is possible to find papers presenting different variations in the Mean Absolute Error metric: either the classical one, or normalized by the range of ratings, or even computed on a user-basis and then averaged. Some works do not report the cutoffs for ranking metrics or it is not clear which discounting function is being used for the Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) metric (Järvelin and Kekäläinen 2002). In some cases, it was also impossible to determine how the relevance score was obtained from the rating withheld in testFootnote 16.

Another important aspect is that of the candidate item selection. As studied by Bellogín et al. (2011), the strategy used to select which items are to be ranked by the recommender plays a significant role in both the range of the performance values and the relative order of the recommendation algorithms. While this fact is being increasingly recognized by the community (Krichene and Rendle 2020), there are still several gaps regarding this critical part of the recommendation pipeline; the most obvious one consists of acknowledging which strategy is being used and report it accordingly, along with any parameter required to accurately reproduce such experimental setting.

3.2 Reproducibility Issues from other research works and recent trends

As mentioned before, reproducibility in Recommender Systems research focuses on how reproducible the evaluation of such systems really is. This is evidenced in, e.g., the call for papers of the reproducibility trackFootnote 17 of the 2020 ACM Recommender Systems conference (RecSys), where papers should repeat prior experiments with original source code using original datasets or new contexts. However, in, e.g., Information Retrieval, there is a growing concern that reproducibility is a process which in particular calls for the long-term sustainability of reproducibility efforts, as supported by Lin and Zhang’s work (Lin and Zhang 2020). In that work, the authors were not able to replicate a number of reproducible experiments four years after they had been published. Also coming from the Information Retrieval community, we find recent works dealing with the problem of generality of results, as well as negative results and design choices when implementing tools and evaluation campaigns with this goal in mind (Arguello et al. 2015; Ferro et al. 2018, 2019; Breuer et al. 2020). Specific issues extracted from these works include, e.g., sometimes it is not obvious how a (theoretical) method really is implemented in a framework, in particular due to potentially hidden and undocumented parameters, or that the implementation might change between versions of the same software (Arguello et al. 2015). Breuer et al. (2020) analyze the important question of when reproduced is reproduced, that is, how to objectively quantify that an experiment has been replicated or reproduced. In this context, the work proposes several measures at different granularities and introduced a reproducibility-oriented dataset for Information Retrieval tasks.

Even though reproducibility tracks have become a common component in academic conferences in recent years, many of the topically relevant conferences still lack one. One of the first tracks of this type was at a workshop at ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) in 2017 [1]. Also in 2017 a series of workshops on this topic started in the Machine Learning community, followed by the 2017 and 2018 editions of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) and the 2019 International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). ACM RecSys had its first installment of the reproducibility track in 2020. Additionally, at the time of writing, we found the 2019 and 2020 editions of the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), ACM MultiMedia (MM) in 2020, and the 2020 edition of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). In ACM MM, this track was the first time it happened in this conference; the organizers only accepted authors with an accepted paper in the previous edition of the conference, since the goal is to document and record the artifacts needed to carry out the experiments of the previously published research work. In ISWC, similarly, the track was restricted for accepted authors but, in this case, of the same edition. A similar idea is behind the recent Reproducibility Challenge at ICLR. While these tracks are relatively new, similar initiatives have been surfacing during the last decade, e.g., as a workshop at ACM RecSys in 2013 (Bellogín et al. 2013). These venues allow researchers to analyze the effect of different implementations of an approach, or explore the extent to which the results may change when a different dataset than the one reported in a paper is used (Kowald et al. 2020; Kamphuis et al. 2020). Often, the works published in these tracks contain publicly available code and/or datasets. However, a common complaint on these papers is the difficulty of perfectly reproducing the experiments from the papers, even when the code is available (which is not very common Collberg and Proebsting 2016; Ferrari Dacrema et al. 2019), and in some cases the attempts have to be discarded because inquiries sent to the original authors related to code or data remain unanswered (Ferrari Dacrema et al. 2019; Lin and Zhang 2020; Kamphuis et al. 2020).

A number of conferences have adopted ACM badges\(^{6}\) and award these according to different criteria: functional, reusable, available, validated, reproduced, replicated. However, at the time of writing, all application procedures for these badges are not established yet. In general, badges are awarded to works that already meet some established standards (i.e., the paper is already accepted to a conference or journal). An instantiation of this process can be found for the MM conferenceFootnote 18, where, as a significant difference in the standard review process, reviewers of the reproducible papers become co-authors of the final reproducibility paper due to the expected heavy burden necessary to review such submission. This can be seen as hard evidence of the work load required to make sure that a research work is reproducible.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the report from a recent Dagshtul seminar dedicated to the reproducibility of data-oriented experiments in e-science (Freire et al. 2016), even though the Recommender Systems community is omitted in the report. The report mentions that reproducible experiments are not only beneficial for others, but also for the researcher or practitioner executing them. The reasoning is that they require the researcher to document the entire experimental settings, which makes post hoc analysis possible. As a result, the report states that the experiment can be easily audited, making accountability quite straightforward. The report presents tools that may improve the reproducibility of the experiments and additionally, the output of several working groups which addressed different aspects of the reproducibility problem: who are the main actors, defining guidelines for authors, editors, and others, and a list of the incentives and barriers to reproducibility.

3.3 Summary and discussion

Based on the previous definition of accountability, we propose to use the label accountable Recommender Systems research for works that: a) deal with recommender systems while the executing parties (the researchers) are held accountable for the presented results and b) when these experiments are to (some extentFootnote 19) explainable by the researcher. In combination, these requirements mean that the results can be generated in a deterministic and guided way, making them possible to be audited.

Moreover, in this section, we have collected a series of reproducibility issues collected either from practical and direct connection with the implementation of recommender systems, or from published papers and other venues where reproducibility has been studied by itself. We argue that, by increasing the reproducibility of research works, accountability will improve, since reproducible environments guarantee that the results can be audited and, under some constraints, repeated, facilitating that the same conclusions will be found. Moreover, in recent years, the opposite seems, unfortunately, to be true. Recent studies indicate that the results of papers which are difficult to reproduce generate doubts about their conclusions and, in turn, the responsibility of the authors for the actions or decisions drawn in the paper will not hold (Collberg and Proebsting 2016; Ferrari Dacrema et al. 2019).

Therefore, we advocate for a reproducible environment in Recommender Systems research and, in particular, for evaluation of these types of systems, so as to enforce certain levels of accountability in this ever-growing research field. In the next section, based on the collected issues and conclusions drawn in previous sections, we propose a set of requirements as potential guidelines to achieve reproducible and accountable recommender system evaluation.

4 A reproducible (and accountable) recommender systems framework for evaluation

Building on experiences described in the previous section, a study on recommender system evaluation across software frameworks (Said and Bellogín 2014), works on benchmarking and evaluation (Said et al. 2014; Bellogín et al. 2011), as well as on reproducibility of evaluation results (Said and Bellogín 2015), a set of requirements for ensuring the accountability and reproducibility of Recommender Systems have been identified as necessary tasks in the recommendation process. This section gives, first, an overview and motivation of these tasks, and later a possible instantiation of such a framework, linking it to the available libraries in the Recommender System area.

4.1 Required Stages for an accountable recommender system evaluation

Fig. 1
figure 1

Recommendation process distilled into several subtasks or stages

Figure 1 presents a step-by-step overview of the research process in Recommender Systems. Various stages in the figure, i.e., Dataset collection, Data splitting, Recommendation, Candidate Item Filtering, Evaluation, and Statistical Testing, correspond to separate stages which form the complete pipeline of a typical research recommender system. The goal of this section is to report which stages in Recommender System evaluation should be documented and to what extent, showing an array of different possibilities so researchers are aware there are some alternatives that need to be explicitly specified. Next, we describe each of these stages.

4.1.1 Dataset collection

The collection step represents the initial stage where data are collected and then documenting the process of how the data were collected, and whether, e.g., certain prefiltering or other modifications were performed on the data. This is often overlooked in papers, especially so in cases where public datasets are used. Nevertheless, it is important to consider how the dataset has been altered prior to having been released to the public. Examples of this include Movielens20MFootnote 20 where “All selected users had rated at least 20 movies,” the 2017 RecSys Challenge (Abel et al. 2017) where the dataset preprocessing details are withheld, and MovieTweetings (Dooms et al. 2013) which states that the data are collected via a third party which in turn does not guarantee completeness. A possible solution for this would come in the form of datasheets, as proposed in Gebru et al. (2018). In that work, the authors recommend to include, with every dataset, documentation regarding its creation, composition, intended uses, maintenance, and other useful properties. In the RS domain, this may be used by users of the datasets, to show the type of filters or processes made to the original data.

4.1.2 Data splitting

The data splitting procedure, taking place before recommendation, is an important step in the experimental configuration of a recommender system. How datasets are partitioned into training and test sets may have considerable impact on the final performance. It may be favorable to certain recommenders, and hurtful to others, consequently resulting in better or worse performance depending on how the partitioning is configured. A few common approaches for data splitting follow below.

First, we can choose whether or not splitting will be temporal (Gunawardana and Shani 2009). Temporal approaches require the availability of user interaction data timestamps. A simple approach is to select a point in time in the available data timeline, and separate training data (all interaction records prior to that point) and test data (dated after the split time point). The split point can be set so as to, for instance, have a desired training/test ratio in the experiment. The ratio can be global, with a single common split point for all users, or user-specific, to ensure the same ratio per user. Temporal approaches have the advantage of more realistically mimicking working application scenarios, where “future” user positive interactions (which would translate to positive response to recommendations by the system) are to be predicted based on past evidence. As an example, the well-known Netflix prize provided a dataset where the test set for each user consisted on her most recent ratings (Bennett et al. 2007).

There are a number of common strategies ignoring time. We outline the following three strategies that select the items to appear in the test set: a) sample a fixed number (potentially different) for each user—this is a common approach to test cold-start scenarios, as done by, e.g., Kluver and Konstan (2014); b) sample a fixed number for each user (equivalent for all users), also known as given n or all but n protocols; c) sample a percentage of all the interactions using cross validation, where non-overlapping subsets are generated, that is, every (user, item, rating) tuple is evaluated once. The last protocol, c, appears to be the most popular (Goldberg et al. 2001; Sarwar et al. 2001), although all but n protocol is not uncommon (Breese et al. 1998; Wang et al. 2008).

Independently from the dataset partitioning, the goals set for an evaluation may be different depending on situation, requiring the development of different settings (and, in turn, partitioning protocols) (Herlocker et al. 2004; Gunawardana and Shani 2009). If this is ignored, the results obtained in a particular setting can become biased and thus not suitable to use in further experiments. In light of this, specifying which partitioning protocol is used in the experiments is a crucial parameter to ensure reproducibility and objective results.

4.1.3 Recommendation

Once the training and test data partitions are available, recommendations are produced according to different algorithms. In an evaluation, the recommendation component is the only one that should differ when comparing two recommendation algorithms. In particular, one and the same algorithm implemented in two different recommendation frameworks should produce equivalent recommendations when fed with the same input. However, after performing a side-by-side comparison of the same algorithms in different frameworks, we see that the recommendations can differ widely, as reported in previous work (Said and Bellogín 2014). There are multiple reasons for this; some of them are listed in the previous section, such as design choices related to the implementations and different algorithm parameter settings.

4.1.4 Candidate item filtering

Candidate item filtering, or candidate item generation as it sometimes is referred to, specifies which of the recommended items will be used to measure the performance of the recommendation, in particular, the items that actually generate a ranking. It may be reasonable to perform this step prior to recommendation; however, the recommendation process described in Fig. 1 assumes that the previous stage predicts all the available recommendations for a user, and hence, in this step a filtering is performed. In the event of application of multiple strategies, this ordering of the steps is more efficient, since it allows to compute the recommendations only once.

Moreover, we may want to measure recommendation performance based on predictive accuracy (the error with respect to the predicted rating) or ranking-based precision. Both gauges have their limitations: whereas the former needs the recommender to be able to output a score meaningful as a rating, the latter is sensitive to the number of unknown items included in the generated ranking, and how they are selected (Bellogín et al. 2011). We shortly describe two strategies below (we refer to prior works on this topic, e.g.,  (Said and Bellogín 2014; Bellogín et al. 2011) for more).

  • UserTest This strategy takes the same target item sets as error-based evaluation. That is, for each user u, the list \(L_u\) of candidate items to be ranked consists of items rated by u in the test set. This strategy selects the smallest set of target items for each user, including no unrated items at all. It needs a relevance threshold to indicate which of the items in the user’s test are considered relevant. This strategy is used by, e.g., Jambor and Wang (2010a, 2010b) with the relevance threshold set to 4 in a 1–5 rating scale, and by Basu et al. (1998) with an individual, per-user, threshold.

  • TrainItems Every item rated by some user in the system is selected—except items rated by the target user. This strategy is useful when simulating a real system where no test is available (at prediction time) because it does not need to look into it to generate the rankings.

4.1.5 Evaluation

This stage is devoted to the task of measuring the performance of the produced scores, i.e., to evaluate them. Depending on the type of evaluation metric, the previous step described (candidate item filtering) may or may not be required. Specifically, for error-based metrics like mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE), predicting only for the items in the test set is adequate, even though in the recommendation step (Sect. 4.1.3) predictions for all the items in the dataset might be produced. Nevertheless, reporting coverage of the methods is essential—both in terms of user coverage (number of users that receive at least one recommendation) and catalog coverage (percentage of all the items that can be recommended) (Shani and Gunawardana 2011). Considering that if we do not use a baseline or backup recommender, the recommender might not return all requested suggestions. If we expect to receive 10 recommendations for a user but only get 8 from a specific recommender, we would measure the performance based on those 8 items instead of the requested recommendation length. As stated by Herlocker et al. (2004), this is a well-known problem, the only solution to date is to report both accuracy and coverage metrics at the same time, although some approaches have been proposed recently to address this issue (Mesas and Bellogín 2017).

Ranking-based metrics like precision, recall, normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG), and mean reciprocal rank (MRR) aim to capture the quality of a particular ranking, taking into account that the user has expressed a preference toward some of those items, typically those in the test split rated above a certain threshold (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 2011). The candidate item filtering stage will change the value computed with these metrics. This is due to a different ranking being evaluated, although the order of the recommenders does not necessarily have to change. An observation made previously (Bellogín et al. 2011) highlights that one of the main differences in the results is the range of the evaluation metrics.

4.1.6 Statistical testing

Finally, the last stage in the proposed protocol concerns the outcome of the evaluation step: any statistical testing procedure performed over such data should be accurately reported and, if possible, a motivation of its usage should be included. Check for significance in the results or in the difference between a method and a baseline is possible via various means, e.g., paired/unpaired tests, effect size, confidence intervals, etc. Sakai (2014). This cements the importance of clarity and granularity of details while, additionally, to facilitate the interpretation of the results, related statistics such as the mean, variance, and population size of the samples should be reported.

More importantly, when performing any type of statistical testing, the data on which statistical method was computed must be specified. As with many aspects in recommendation, there is no standard procedure for this. This is especially problematic in cases when using cross-validated partitions, in turn using more than one test partition and, as an effect obtaining more than one performance measurement. A possibility due to this is drawing inconsistent conclusions about the significance of the results if performed on a split basis, e.g., a significant difference is found in some folds but not in others. On the other hand, concatenating the results from each split (on a user basis, as done in Information Retrieval for queries) may distort the test, due the data points not being independent (one user appears more than once), and the number of points increases substantially (Bouckaert 2003; Kosir et al. 2013).

4.2 Instantiations of accountable experimental frameworks

In the previous section, we defined a set of requirements for reproducible Recommender Systems evaluation. Now, we analyze the extent to which the required stages proposed before are implemented in a series of recommendation libraries and frameworks. We want to emphasize that simply using a library—as long as this information is reported—increases the transparency of the research work, but it may not provide full accountability, since there might be reproducibility issues in how the library was used or in any of the stages not supported by such library.

For this, we need to be aware that most recommendation frameworks already define some evaluation functionality. Commonly, a number of evaluation metrics are available, together with some utility class allowing to execute recommendation and get the performance values corresponding to those metrics. More specifically, these are the capabilities—at the moment of writing—of a selectionFootnote 21 of libraries in Recommender Systems research in terms of the stages previously introduced:

  • Apache Mahout (version 14.1Footnote 22): data splitting (on-the-fly), recommendation, evaluation (error and ranking metrics).

  • CaseRec (version 1.1.0Footnote 23): data splitting, recommendation, evaluation (error and ranking metrics), statistical testing.

  • LensKit (version 3.0 in JavaFootnote 24 and 0.10.1 in PythonFootnote 25): data splitting, recommendation, candidate item filtering (not in Python), evaluation (error and ranking metrics).

  • LibRec (version 3.0.0Footnote 26): data splitting, recommendation, evaluation (error and ranking metrics).

  • MyMediaLite (version 3.12Footnote 27): data splitting (on-the-fly), recommendation, evaluation (error and ranking metrics).

  • RankSys (version 0.4.3Footnote 28): recommendation, candidate item filtering, evaluation (ranking metrics).

  • Surprise (version 1.1.1Footnote 29): data splitting (on-the-fly), recommendation, evaluation (error metrics).

Since they are mostly focused on providing a (sometimes exhaustive) set of recommendation algorithms, none of these frameworks satisfies at the same time all the requirements presented before. Even when some requirements are fulfilled, they are not designed to support a reproducible and transparent environment. The most clear example can be found with the second stage—data splitting—which in most situations is the first stage in the experiment (since the dataset is often created by an external party). For instance, RankSys does not perform any data splitting, while some frameworks (such as Mahout and MyMediaLite) create the splits in memory, generating different splits each time the experiment is run—unless some seed parameter is set. Nonetheless, there are other open-source recommendation frameworks that support, to some extent, reproducible experimental settings:

  • DaisyRec (unversionedFootnote 30) is a recent framework developed in pyTorch focused on benchmarking previous research works, as described by Sun et al. (2020). It does not support statistical testing, error metrics, or the candidate item filtering component presented before, but it implements different strategies for negative sampling.

  • Idomaar (version 4.0.0Footnote 31) was developed in the context of the EU FP7 project CrowdRec. It includes a suite of recommendation algorithms and supports both batch training and online streaming data based on Apache Kafka modules. It is focused on ranking metrics and allows to specify the entire computing environment as a virtual machine, providing an easy solution to repeat and reproduce a set of experiments. However, it does not support statistical testing.

  • LibRec-auto (version 0.1.52Footnote 32) is an extension of LibRec that allows to automate experiments by adding a layer on top of that library, although it may also work with custom recommenders. Because of this, it does not support the candidate item filtering component and is limited by the data splitting capabilities provided by LibRec; besides, it does not provide statistical testing. It handles the concept of study, which is a series of experiments executed with the same algorithm, dataset, and metrics. Being able to report these studies in configuration files should increase the reproducibility of the experiments performed with this framework. It has proved its flexibility in several works by e.g., Mansoury and Burke (2019) and Sonboli et al. (2020).

  • RiVal (version 0.2Footnote 33), presented in a previous work (Said and Bellogín 2014) as a framework oriented to the evaluation of external recommender systems. Its focus is on all the stages needed to evaluate an algorithm, not providing recommendations, instead it provides wrappers to recommendation libraries. This framework supports all the previously presented components. However, RiVal has not been in active development since 2015; thus, the wrappers to external libraries are outdated. Apart from that, it sets a good example of how a reproducible framework might be defined. For instance, the experiments are defined through configuration files which can be shared easily, and each of the modules (split, recommend, evaluate) are independent, as a result, it can be used to run all the stages or a selection of them. For instance, someone may use this framework with a given data split or a recommendation file generated in a different library.

Based on this, we observe that those frameworks which naturally fit in the recommendation pipeline depicted in Fig. 1 make reproducibility easier and, as a consequence, the accountability of the generated experiments and of those research results obtained from them. In particular, we note that, to make those steps easier to integrate, each of the associated components should be able to communicate with the adjacent one. Many of the analyzed frameworks do this using plain text files, this allows making intermediate files publicly available. At the same time, this facilitates integrating algorithms implemented in virtually any programming language, as long as the language supports file-based input and output.

In conclusion, we consider these toolkits very good approximations of a fair and transparent instantiation of the framework presented before. When used as a whole, they could improve the accountability of Recommender Systems research through the reproducibility of recommendation systems evaluation and their corresponding experimental settings.

5 Discussion, challenges, and limitations

The previous section presented a series of reproducible frameworks that could fit under the proposed architecture for accountable experimentation in Recommender Systems. However, it is not clear how comparable these libraries are with each other. This particular aspect was analyzed in our previous work (Said and Bellogín 2014) using the RiVal toolkit. That work, denoted the set of internal, available evaluation strategies accessible within a recommendation framework (such as Mahout) as a framework-dependent evaluation protocol, based on the default, internal protocols implemented in each framework. In general, these strategies are not prone to provide accountable experimental environments, even though some sort of parameterization might be allowed. In contrast, the set of evaluation strategies that fulfill the requirements presented in this work were called controlled evaluation protocol, where one has full control of every step of the protocol; i.e., a reproducible/accountable experimental framework is used—in that case, RiVal. To have a fresh answer on how comparable two libraries may behave to each other, we now repeat those experiments with a different set of datasets and libraries (more information about them is presented in Appendix); the results are presented in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3 Performance results in terms of NDCG using the framework-dependent evaluation
Table 4 Performance results in Yelp2013 using the controlled evaluation protocol

Based on the results shown in Table 3, a sharp difference between the two frameworks is noticeable in every dataset and with both recommendation algorithms. According to this, the most accurate framework of the two would be LensKit. One observation to note is that RankSys cannot produce a score for the Lastfm dataset. After investigating this, we identified this being due to how NDCG is computed in RankSys, in particular, how the gains are generated. The library takes the rating that appears in the test set for a user-item pair (if it does not appear, then that item is not relevant), subtracts the threshold, and uses the result of this operation incremented in one as the power of 2 that will be considered for the gain of a particular item in a specific ranking position. However, this dataset does not contain ratings but user listenings, hence, in some cases these gains were \(2^{99865}- 1 \approx 10^{33000}\), which is the reason for the undefined value returned by the RankSys evaluation protocol.

On the other hand, Table 4 shows the results for the controlled evaluation protocol, where the algorithms from RankSys (either mf or ub) always outperform other when using the TrainItems candidate item strategy; however, when using the UserTest strategy, LensKit obtains better results (we refer to Appendix for the results using other datasets). These tables also show that, systematically, the performance values obtained with UserTest are higher than using TrainItems. This indicates that the UserTest candidate item strategy is modeling an easier (not realistic) task, where we know the user will rate something, and we want to optimize the ranking of those soon-to-be-rated items. Additionally, RankSys outperforms LensKit when using TrainItems. This result is only obvious in controlled evaluation, due to the framework-dependent evaluation protocol disguising the comparison by comparing incompatible evaluation protocols. Given these widely differing results, it seems pertinent that in order to realistically perform an inter-framework benchmarking, the evaluation process needs to be defined and both the recommendation and evaluation steps must be performed in a more controlled and transparent environment.

In the light of these results—which are in agreement with (Said and Bellogín 2014)—it stands clear that even though different frameworks implement the recommendation algorithms in a similar fashion, the results are not comparable, i.e., the performance of an algorithm implemented in one framework cannot be compared to the performance of the same algorithm in another. Not only do there seem to exist differences in how the recommendation algorithms are implemented, but also how the evaluation methods themselves are brought to life. There is no de facto understanding on how (and on what) to evaluate a recommender algorithm. Coincidentally this also applies to how recommendation algorithms of a certain type should be realized (e.g., default parameter values and ad hoc implementations). This is not necessarily something negative. Yet, when it comes to performance comparison of recommender algorithms, a transparent and standardized (or controlled) evaluation is crucial. Without such, the relative performance of two or more algorithms evaluated under different conditions becomes largely meaningless. Hence, there is a clear limitation even when accountable frameworks are used: researchers are restricted to use the same framework for the entire set of experiments, or they risk themselves on putting together results that are not comparable. In other words, in order to objectively and definitively characterize the performance of an algorithm, a controlled evaluation, with a defined evaluation protocol is a prerequisite.

Additionally, given the large amount of recommender systems-related research being conducted, and the wide variety of established open-source frameworks, as well as individually implemented code, it is necessary to not only describe in detail the algorithms used, but also the complete evaluation process, including strategies for data splitting, specifics on the evaluation metrics and methods, etc. This is consistent with other works in the area that also advocate for the use of guidelines to assist researchers (Polatidis et al. 2019). Not only is this necessary in order to definitively show that one algorithm outperforms another—within the same framework—but also to increase understanding of the algorithms (and their implementations), and allow for objective progress. It is important to note that inter-framework comparisons of recommendation quality can potentially point to incorrect results and conclusions, unless performed with great caution and in a controlled, framework independent, environment.

Simultaneously, there exist multiple other factors that make the evaluation of recommender systems very difficult, and at some points even flawed. Most recommender systems are used for the purpose of alleviating users in finding interesting information, this usually creates a bias in terms of popularity, i.e., the fact that some items are more popular than others creates synthetic similarities between users based solely on their interaction with popular items. If not taken into consideration, the evaluation of a recommender system can point to an algorithm performing significantly better than it would in a real-world situation simply due to the fact that it will recommend mostly popular items (Zhao et al. 2013), i.e., items that the user does not need to get recommended as there is a high probability that she already knows them. These biases that appear naturally create another challenge toward accountability and transparency, if, e.g., changes made to the dataset affecting these biases are not reported, or because a dataset might be more biased than another one (Dooms et al. 2016), make it impossible to obtain the same results. The important issue here would be that such biases (or other properties of the evaluation for that matter) are not well understood at the moment, and because of that, they are not properly acknowledged when designing the experiments nor when the settings are reported. In those cases, explanation-based approaches, such as Polatidis et al.’s (2020), could alleviate some of these issues, if the researcher needs to be assisted about the experimental settings, and if we restrict ourselves to use one library.

It is also worth considering that, among different requirements proposed in Sect. 4, dataset collection and statistical testing are heavily understated in present frameworks, and little research has been devoted to these aspects. More specifically, reproducibility on how the datasets are created is more difficult if not enough data are presented, such as the cleaning process, whether anonymization is applied, etc. (see Dooms et al. 2016). On the other hand, reproducibility in statistical testing is necessary if we expect the reported results to be statistically significant, while ensuring some level of accountability and transparency in the process. For instance, there exist different ways to take samples for a test when doing cross-validation, in some cases, violating independence assumptions or evidencing flaws in the design (Bouckaert 2003). As an example, in the Information Retrieval community there are studies about the extent of reporting statistical significance tests (Carterette 2017); however, in Recommender Systems no such analyses have been made.

In summary, the issues of replication—obtaining the exact same results in the same setting—and reproducibility—obtaining comparable results using a different setting—are very difficult challenges at the moment, related to the issue of producing accountable Recommender Systems. They force researchers to reimplement the baseline algorithms to compare their approach against, or to pay extra attention to every algorithmic and evaluation detail, ignoring if the observed discrepancies with respect to what was already published come from omitted details from the original papers (parameters, methodologies, protocols, etc.) or a wrong interpretation of any of these intermediate steps. However, as already mentioned, this is an evolving scenario and has become a very active topic in Recommender Systems and related communities. In particular, there have been recent advances on how to improve reproducibility, by, e.g., Carterette and Sabhnani (2015) and Di Buccio et al. (2015). In these works, different aspects are considered for this goal; for instance, Di Buccio et al. (2015) propose to build a taxonomy of components of a (Information Retrieval) system in such a way that each component can be implemented as part of a pipeline. Then, the performance of various pipelines can be measured and the effect of any of these components unequivocally gauged. Carterette and Sabhnani’s work (Carterette and Sabhnani 2015) provides a more theoretical solution by considering the raw outcomes of the experiments, observing that a low variance on the statistical analyses between systems is an indication of high reproducibility.

There are, nonetheless, other challenges raised by researchers from other communities. Bajpai et al. (2017) shift the attention to the reviewing stage, where double-blind review hinders reproducibility. The work suggests, as a possible solution or potential motivation, to highlight reproducible papers, for instance, by spreading the use of badges such as the ones from ACM mentioned in Sect. 3.2. From a more practical perspective, Ferro (2017) focuses on three aspects: the system runs (i.e., the execution of the algorithms), experimental collections (the actual dataset used, together with the ground truth data, and any other external information that may be needed), and meta-evaluation studies. The work considers these dimensions key to ensure reproducibility, but no perfect solution exists for any of them, because of that, it calls for an orchestrated effort and a cultural change. Under a more global, general viewpoint, Freire et al. (2016) provide a list of open research challenges, including the fact that making a paper reproducible requires to change the behavior of scientists when doing research and communicating with others. Can this be done in an efficient way? Is there a long term impact for the researcher? If that was the case, the work argues that more researchers would be convinced on spending time making their work reproducible. Another challenge mentioned in this list is the need to create research environments to enable reproducibility. Related to the reproducibility as a process mentioned before, Lin and Zhang (2020) argue that the resources used in a paper should be available (archived) for a long time, so we should provide infrastructures for this. Last, but not least, it is important to consider the cost of making something reproducible/replicable and of the associated documentation; in particular, the difficulties for newcomers should be taken into account if a community wants to lower the barrier and adopt general reproducibility guidelines.

To finish this section we want to highlight one important limitation of this work. In the context of Recommender Systems research—as in general AI—, different stakeholders exist. For example, the authors from (Charisi et al. 2017) identify four groups of stakeholders for an ethical AI system: users, regulators, ethicists/lawyers, and society at large. In this work we only explore accountability for one of them: the consumer of the published research work. We have analyzed and instantiated several challenges, suggestions, and guidelines in the Recommender Systems research field, while focusing on the reader of such research. We consider the cases where the final user (i.e., the person using the recommender system) or the designer/developer are the ones requesting accountability outside of the context of this work. Those situations pose other problems that are different (although there might be some overlap) from those presented here. As discussed by Diakopoulos (2016), when dealing with algorithmic decision-making, every algorithm is different and must be understood in its context to determine what can be disclosed; this may be a technical process as well as a human-centered one. In our scenario, because of the very nature of the Recommender Systems field, such process will probably need both. Hence, as a community, we must develop a methodology of information-disclosure modeling that includes thinking about how the public would use any particular bit of information disclosed, combined with explicit strategies oriented to each of the stakeholders present in typical Recommender Systems.

6 Conclusions and future directions

Reproducibility in the Recommender Systems area is a topic that has gained traction in recent years. It has, de facto, been equated to the reproducibility of the algorithms involved in the experiments of the published papers; however, as we have presented, this is far from the truth. In this paper, we address exactly this problem by providing a concrete definition of the problem and a proposal for a reproducible framework oriented to Recommender Systems research; as a consequence, we understand it would help to solve the issue for much of research published nowadays. For this, we have presented several issues collected while developing recommendation algorithms and, specifically, when evaluating recommender systems. Based on these issues, we have proposed a reproducible framework based on several stages that seeks, from the viewpoint of the recommender system practitioner or researcher, to rethink the whole recommendation pipeline in order to facilitate that works following this framework gain reproducibility and be easier to replicate. In particular, we have specified the following tasks in this pipeline: dataset collection, data splitting, recommendation, candidate item filtering, evaluation computation, and statistical testing. We also present and discuss a list of experimental libraries that, to some degree, fit such a framework.

We argue that, as a consequence, once we are capable of making reproducible research, we get accountable recommender systems. We do this by presenting an extensive survey of the concepts, not only limited to the Recommender Systems community, but related to the broader field of algorithmic accountability. As a positive aspect, we believe this equivalence should attract even more efforts from the community into improving reproducibility of the recommendation algorithms, as they will have a direct effect in producing more transparent and accountable Recommender Systems research. For instance, many of the current proposals contributed in the broader areas of computational research could (and should) be adapted and translated for recommendation (Stodden et al. 2016).

However, the presented research has some limitations that should be addressed in the near future. We would like to understand the source of the discrepancies observed between internal and external evaluation results once a reproducible framework is used. On top of that, there is another problem that has not been addressed: how comparable are different reproducible frameworks? While most of the works have focused on comparing published papers under a common framework, the use of more than one framework has not been considered, probably because the number of such frameworks is still very low.

Ideally, these frameworks should formalize a set of standardized evaluation methodologies, independent of specific recommendation algorithms or evaluation strategies. These methodologies shall remain transparent to the practitioners to help them address current policies on algorithmic accountability and transparency (Koene et al. 2019). At the moment, theoretical works on specific components of the presented pipeline (i.e., the candidate item filtering one) have demonstrated that many works of research are not comparable, because the evaluation metrics computed on the strategies reported are not stable (Krichene and Rendle 2020; Li et al. 2020). This is a critical point deserving further attention, since it limits the validity of the results being published: even if we are able to perfectly reproduce the research work (because the author shared all the information, code, etc.), the results will be flawed.

Additionally, all the reproducible frameworks analyzed are completely focused on accuracy metrics. This is derived by the common scenario in the area where only those types of metrics are reported and optimized for. However, in the last years, beyond-accuracy metrics such as diversity, novelty, or serendipity are considered more, or at least as, important than accuracy. Because of that, in the future we aim to extend this proposal to other evaluation dimensions along with considering other contextual dimensions—like time and social networks—in the evaluation protocols, and also consider approaches to deal with statistical biases in the evaluation (Bellogín et al. 2017).