The green supplier selection (GSS) problem is a well-known strategy to outsource with respect to environmental protection. Although different applications of GSS have been proposed in the literature, the fuzzy five-objective GSS model has not been studied yet. This paper develops a multi-objective fuzzy linear programming model for a GSS problem, including 17 criteria, formed into 5 clusters while a hybrid fuzzy multi objective decision making (MODM) is employed to solve it. The aim of this paper is to select the best set of suppliers regarding optimal allocation of order quantities while demand and supplier’s capacity are restricted. In the proposed hybrid solution algorithm, fuzzy decision making trial and evaluation laboratory approach is used to understand the interrelation among criteria, and fuzzy analytical network process (ANP) provides the criteria weights with respect to their dependencies. Then, a hybrid of fuzzy ANP and fuzzy multi-objective linear programming presents optimal order allocation among the selected suppliers, verified and compared with two other methods. Finally, the conclusion and future research are presented.
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Bakeshlou, E.A., Khamseh, A.A., Asl, M.A.G. et al. Evaluating a green supplier selection problem using a hybrid MODM algorithm. J Intell Manuf 28, 913–927 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-014-1028-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-014-1028-y