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Compositional construction of most general controllers

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Given a system \({\fancyscript{A}}\) and an objective \(\varPhi \), the task of controller synthesis is to design a decision making policy that ensures \(\varPhi \) to be satisfied. This article deals with transition system-like system models and controllers that base their decisions on the observables of the actions performed so far. We present a framework for the compositional construction of controllers for conjunctive sequences of linear-time objectives in an online manner. For this approach, it is crucial that the controllers enforce the objectives in a most general manner, being as permissive as possible. We then present game-based algorithms for the construction of such most general controllers for invariance, reachability and \(\omega \)-regular objectives.

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The authors are supported by the DFG through the collaborative research centre HAEC (SFB 912), the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal and State Governments (cluster of excellence cfAED and Institutional Strategy), the Graduiertenkolleg QuantLA (1763), and the DFG/NWO-project ROCKS, and the EU-FP-7 grant MEALS (295261).

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Klein, J., Baier, C. & Klüppelholz, S. Compositional construction of most general controllers. Acta Informatica 52, 443–482 (2015).

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