We discuss N=1 supergravity inflationary models based on two chiral multi-plets, the inflaton and the goldstino superfield. Using superconformal methods for these models, we propose to replace the unconstrained chiral goldstino multiplet by the nilpotent one associated with non-linearly realized supersymmetry of the Volkov-Akulov type. In the new cosmological models, the sgoldstino is proportional to a bilinear combination of fermionic goldstinos. It does not acquire any vev, does nor require stabilization, and does not affect the cosmological evolution. We explain a universal relation of these new models to κ-symmetric super-Dp-brane actions. This modification significantly simplifies a broad class of the presently existing inflationary models based on supergravity and string theory, including the simplest versions of chaotic inflation, the Starobinsky model, a broad class of cosmological attractors, the Higgs inflation, and much more. In particular, this is a step towards a fully supersymmetric version of the string theory axion monodromy inflation. The new construction serves as a simple and manifestly supersymmetric uplifting tool in the KKLT-type string theory landscape.
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Ferrara, S., Kallosh, R. & Linde, A. Cosmology with nilpotent superfields. J. High Energ. Phys. 2014, 143 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP10(2014)143
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP10(2014)143